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适用于阀板和阀座密封面的研磨 |
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适用于阀板和阀座密封面的研磨。阀板和阀座密封面研磨运动轨迹,既有公转又有自转,密封面研磨表面粗糙度可达Ra0.8μm,吻合度大于80%。操作灵活轻便,劳动强度低,一人可值守多台设备,生产效率高。 Zhejiang YOUJI Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd. valve test bench valve testing For the valve plate and valve seat sealing surface grinding. The valve plate and valve seat sealing surface grinding trajectory, both the revolution and rotation and sealing surface grinding surface roughness can reach Ra0.8 m, consistent with the above 80%. Flexible and portable operation, low labor intensity, one person can be on duty more than one equipment, production efficiency is high. ; |
1、为什么双座阀小开度工作时容易振荡? 对单芯而言,当介质是流开型时,阀稳定性好;当介质是流