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1 轻质的聚甲醛树脂耳棒,前端逐渐变细;
2 特殊设计的下颌夹持器;
3 非植入性橡胶头。
1. 可以同时定位新生鼠和小型啮齿类动物
2. 底座尺寸25 cm X 25 cm
3. 兼容气体麻醉机
4. 耳棒和牙棒的高度调整适合10-75g小鼠
5. Delrin®材料的耳棒,更适合于小鼠实验操作
6. 三维操作臂可以精确定位
7. 支持双操作臂工作模式
8. 可选数显模式
9. 可选全自动模式
10. 精确度标准型100um,数显型10um,全自动型1um
Mouse Stereotaxic Instrument
The Just for Mouse Stereotaxic Instrument was specifically designed for use with knock-out and transgenic mice. It is our smallest and most economic steretaxic instrument. Available as Dual, Ultra-Precise, Digital or Motorized
1.Our smallest and lowest priced Stereotaxic Instrument!:25cm X 25cm Footprint
2.Gas Anesthesia compatible
3.Ear and tooth bar post height adjustment to accommodate animals between 10-75g
4.Delrin® ear bars, with 3 types of head holders
5.Triple lead screw in manipulator arm for fast positioning
6.Dual arm capable (2nd Arm is optional)
7.Digital LED display (Digital Only)
8.Software and motor controlled (Motorized Only)
9.Integrated Stereotaxic Atlas (Motorized Only)
10.Accurate to 100 microns (Non-Digital), 10 microns (Digital Only) or 1 micron (Motorized Only)
The Stoelting Just For Mouse™ Stereotaxic Instrument was specifically developed for the expanding growth of research being conducted in laboratories using knock-out and transgenic mice. The Stoelting Just For Mouse™ is ideal for researchers in need of a versatile, reliable instrument for stereotaxic procedures with mice and other small rodents. Precision alignment when using the Just For Mouse ensures accurate placement of electrodes, micropipettes, cannula, and other devices. Stoelting’s Just For Mouse is the only instrument built especially for mice, and offers several advantages over competing "made for rat" instruments.
Small FootprintThe small size, one of the smallest on the market, is ideal for laboratories with small spaces or for use in surgical suites that require transportation of equipment to and from surgical facilities. A zeroing function allows the user to target specific coordinates in the brain for injection, implantation, etc. Calculation of distance measurements is thus no longer necessary...saving valuable time and improving accuracy.
Dual Manipulator ArmsAdd another manipulator arm for increased versatility. Often used for electrophysiology studies that requires both recording and stimulation.
Unique, light ear barsEar bar posts may be independently adjusted in height—a unique feature of this stereotaxic instrument—to level the skull. Ear bars are composed of light Delrin material with tapered points or non-invasive rubber pads or jaw holder cuffs. Laser engraved scales show the vertical positions of the ear bars. Model organisms with soft skulls, such as the mouse and the neonatal rat, are difficult to secure firmly in a traditional stereotaxic instrument. The stainless steel ear bars used for adult rats are too heavy to provide a secure hold without compressing the sides of the skull inward (which closes the airways and impedes blood flow).
51730 | 小鼠脑立体定位仪 |
51730D | 数显型小鼠脑立体定位仪 |
51733 | 双臂小鼠脑立体定位仪 |
51733D | 数显双臂小鼠脑立体定位仪 |
51730M | 电动小鼠脑立体定位仪 |
51731 | 小鼠脑立体定位仪,基座 |
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