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概述 Descriptions
★该机型由容器 螺旋搅拌叶片和传动部件组成,螺旋叶片一般做成双层或三层,外层螺旋将物料从两侧向中央汇集,内层螺旋将物料从中央向两侧输送,形成对流混合。容积可做成圆形,以便夹套及于反应 干燥。
★This machine is composed of container, screw sturring paddles and transitional parts, the screw paddle are generally made into1 layer or 3 layers, the outer screw converge is the material to the centre front two sides , and the inner layer of screw conveys the material to the two sides from the centre ,so as to form convection mixing the cubage can be made rotundity, so the jacket can be played in reaction and drying.
特点 Features
★Big coefficient of loading , small occupied area.
应用 Applications
★螺带混合机一般膛于粘性或有凝聚性的粉粒体的混合以及粉粒体中添加液体及糊状物料的混合,同时由于粘性物料清洗困难的特点,适用于产量大 不经常更换品种的场合混合。
★The ribbon mixer is generally used in the mixing of viscous or adhesive powder material, or the mixing of powder which needs to add liquid, and paste material , meanwhile, because it is difficult to clean viscous material, the machine is suitable for the mixing case , where the output is large and there is no need of displacingf material variety frequently.
型号 Model | WLDH-0.1 | WLDH-0.3 | WLDH-0.5 | WLDH-1 | WLDH-1.5 | WLDH-2 | WLDH-3 | WLDH-4 | WLDH-6 | WLDH-8 | WLDH-10 |
一次混合(Kg) Mixed amount/batch | 30-50 | 100-150 | 200-300 | 400-600 | 600-900 | 800-1200 | 1200-1800 | 1600-2400 | 2400-3600 | 3200-4800 | 4000-6000 |
装机功率(Kw) Equipped power | 1.5-4 | 3-5.5 | 4-11 | 7.5-15 | 11-18.5 | 15-22 | 18.5-30 | 22-37 | 37-55 | 37-55 | 45-75 |
设备重量(Kg) Dead Weight | 420 | 850 | 1060 | 1790 | 1900 | 2750 | 3500 | 4280 | 5300 | 6800 | 7800 |
All datas are used for reference only. According to the condition of material, our factory has the right to change but not notice, pardon!
应 用 概 述 General of applications FLP 多功能流化造粒包衣机是集喷雾干燥-制粒-离心制丸-流化包衣干燥于一体的多功能 设备。该机兼容多种工艺操作。特别适用于