其他看了SYH 系列三维运动混合机的用户又看了
虚拟号将在 180 秒后失效
The barrel for charging the materials is driven by the driving shaft. The barrel body carries on the repeated level
movement, rotation, turning and other complex movements so that the materials will carry out the three dimensions and
complex movements along the barrel body so as to realize the various movements of the materials. Through disseminating,
gathering, agglomerating and mixing to realize uniform mixing.
The mixing barrel of the machine moves in multi-direction.For the materials, there is no centrifugal function, without the
specific gravity segregation and the layer division. For each of build-up phenomenon, there is the remarkable weight rate.
The mixing rate is high. The machine is the desired one of various mixers at present.
The material charge rate of barrel is big. Maximum rate can be up to 90%.(while normal mixer has only 40-50% of charge
rate.).It is high in efficiency and short in mixing time.
The barrel adopts arc shape connections and its well pol-ished.
The machine is used for mixing the powder state and grain state materials to achieve high uniformity in the pharmaceu-
tical, chemical, food, light-industry, electronic, mechanical, metallurgical, nation defense industries and other science and
technology institutes.
常州市森茂机械设备有限公司在刚刚结束的VIV QINGDAO 2021亚洲国际集约化畜牧展览会(青岛)现场进行的产品展示。 展会期间,企