看了ChemTron DB-1500标准型高压反应釜套装的用户又看了
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ChemTron DB-1500 标准型高压反应釜套装特点
Chemtron 高压反应系统—跨时代设计, 德国品质, 不断创新防腐蚀性
* 反应釜均为高品质的不锈钢,哈氏合金或PTFE材质制成
* 不锈钢材质选择316SS Ti
* 哈氏合金选择, 其他金属材质可选
* 如客户要求**的防腐蚀性,我们可以提供釜体PTFE 衬套及釜盖PTFE 衬套,从而在行业内**个做到了反应釜整体PTFE内衬防腐设计
* 密封圈上我们也使用PTFE,VITON或KALREZ材质的O型圈,以达到**的密封性和防腐蚀性能
* 釜体釜盖的安装和紧固采用快开式紧固圈设计,操作者无需工具,仅需双手即可快速方便的闭合或打开反应釜
* 反应釜体及釜盖PTFE 衬套的安装和拆卸也极为便利,使用者仅需双手即可完成
* 所有和外部关联接口均采用快开口设计,安装和拆卸非常快速便捷
* 所有阀门的调节均设计有圆盘形转动手柄,操作手感舒适,控制精度高
* 可提供全自动控制软件,让整个反应过程控制自动完成,提高精确度,提高实验者工作效率
* 我们提供进气阀,进液阀,恒压漏斗,回流冷凝,分水,高压采样,高压进料,压力显示控制等多种相关附件,可快速连接到釜盖
* 可以选配相关的管路,转接适配器,弯头等附件扩展反应釜应用
* 客户可以快速选择反应釜相关的配套产品,如磁力搅拌,机械搅拌,加热套,加热制冷循环器,真空泵,pH计,进料泵等相关设备,并快速连接到系统内
* 可以提供个性化的软件支持,提高反应釜自动化程度
ChemTron DB-1500 标准型高压反应釜套装技术参数
订货号 | 名称 | 描述 | |
反应釜主体单元 | 5781050 | DB-1500 反应釜套装 | DB-1500 set of basic reactor made of SS 316TI. All parts in contact with liquid and gas phase are completely lined with PTFE, volume 1500ml. Set includes reactor vessel and lid with PTFE-lining, rupture disc and vent valve. |
温度测量 | 5781240 | DB-500~DB-2000 T-Sensor NiCrNi PTFE | Standard T-Sensor Type k, NiCrNi Thermocouple within PTFE encased dip tube made of SS316TI for DB-500 | DB-700 | DB-1000 | DB-1500 | DB-2000 |
压力测量 | 5725660 | Pressure sensor 200bar | Pressure sensor 0 -200 bar, Accuracy 1%, all parts in contact with liquid & gas phase are made of PTFE, Kalrez or Ceramic (Al2O3) |
DB1500配套附件 | 5701017 | PTFE High pressure tubing | PTFE High pressure tubing (2.5m; ID 9mm; 550bar) Exhaust tubing for rupture discs, G3/8" female (inlet) -G 3/8" male (outlet) |
PTFE-Inserts and O-seal rings | 5757926 | O-Ring 85x5,0mm PTFE | DB-1000 | 1500 | 2000 O-Seal ring made of PTFE |
5757924 | O-Ring 85x5,0mm FPM | DB-1000 | 1500 | 2000 O-Seal ring made of Viton | |
5757922 | O-Ring 85x5,0mm FPM/FEP | DB-1000 | 1500 | 2000 O-Seal ring made of FPM/FEP | |
5054130 | O-Ring 85x5,0mm FFKM | DB-1000 | 1500 | 2000 O-Seal ring made of Perlast | |
5054131 | O-Ring 85x5,0mm Viton 890 | DB-1000 | 1500 | 2000 O-Seal ring made of Viton 890, compatible with supercritical CO2 | |
5715053 | DB-1500 Insert PTFE | DB-1500 Insert made of PTFE, 1500ml | |
加热套 | CR5708810 | CHM-1500 | Electrical heating jacket for DB-1500, 220V/50Hz, 2000W Working temperature 50 – 300 ℃ , with over-heating protection Julabo LC6 is required for temperature control |
备件及耗材 | 5759480 | Rupture disc 200bar | Rupture disc made of Monel, D 24mm, 200bar with PFA protection foil and certificate |