虚拟号将在 180 秒后失效
1. 适用于10-11个FIDs
2. 一机两气--由压缩空气产生<0.1 ppm THC的零级空气和99.9995%超纯氢气
3. 从实验室中消除了昂贵的、危险的、不方便的零空气和氢气钢瓶
4. 提高了分析的准确性,降低了检测器的清洗要求
5. 许多GC生产厂家推荐使用
6. 投资回收期一般少于一年
7. 自动补水功能
8. 静音操作,有助使用人员静心工作。
Features and Benefits
1.Ideal for up to 10-11 FIDs
2.Produces UHP zero air from house compressed air (<0.1 ppm THC) and 99.9995% pure hydrogen in one enclosure
3.Eliminates inconvenient and dangerous zero air and hydrogen cylinders from the laboratory
4.Increases the accuracy of analysis and reduces the cleaning requirement of the detector
5.Recommended and used by many GC and column manufactures
6.Payback period of typically less than one year
7.Automatic water fill
8.Silent operation and minimal operator attention required