虚拟号将在 180 秒后失效
Conditions for safe storage
Keep the products in a dry and low oxygen (or oxygen-free) container at moderate temperature (<30oc).< p="">
The products and services ACS Material is supplying include:
1) Super large size graphene on copper foil up to 15cm*30cm;
2) Double or multi-layer graphene;
3) Graphene transferred onto silicon dioxide substrate;
4) Pretreated graphene: Graphene has been coated PMMA, just after some simple steps, you can transfer it to other different substrates;
5) N-type nitrogen-doped graphene: different doping concentrations of N-type graphene;
6) Graphical graphene: According to graphics mask supplied by customers;
7) Customized service: different floors, different sizes of graphene; graphene transfer services; nitrogen-doped graphene; graphical graphene etc.
Graphene Transfer Process
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单壁碳纳米角(carbon nanohorns)是一种类似于单壁碳纳米管的新型纳米材料,由一个五边形环限定圆锥顶点,六边形石墨结构扩展成大的圆锥结构,形状呈"牛角状”。由于其独特的结构,碳纳