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Agilent 6890N network GC system with FID detector and aglent G1888 headspace sampler
The Agilent 6890N is a state-of-the-art gas chromatograph that provides superior performance for all applications. Key to its performance is the use of advancedelectronic pneumatic control (EPC) modules andhigh performance temperature control. FID -Minimum detectable level (for tridecane):<1.8 pg C/s -Linear dynamic range: >107 (+10%). Digital data makesentire range available without range changes -Data rates up to 200 Hz accommodate peaks as narrow as 25 ms at half height -standard EPC for three gases: -Air: 0 to 800 mL/min -H2: 0 to 100mL/min -Make up gas (N2or He): ) to 100 mL/min -Available in two versions: capillary column optimized or adaptable for eitherpacked or capillary columns. -Flame out detection and automatic reigniting -Grounded jet 450°C maximum operating temperature G1888 The Agilent G1888 network headspace sampler features an inert sample pathway for superior chemical performance without analyte degradation or loss. Its high sample capacity and increased sensitivity are designed to provide excellent performance for a wide range of analyses. The total solution--from sampling to data analysis to reporting--gives you the highest confidence in your results. And this fully integrated system is from Agilent, a recognized industry leader for more than three decades.
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