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AutoWafer Pro™: Ultrasonic Equipment for NDT of Bonded Wafers
SONIX AutoWafer Pro™ 是专为全自动晶圆检测设计的机型,主要应用在Bond wafer,MEMS 内部空洞、离层检测,TSV量测方面。
● 使用于200和300mm晶圆
● 符合一级净化间标准● Cassette装载,全自动检测,支持FOUP或FOSB机械臂
● 支持200mm & 300mm SECS/GEM协议
● KLARF输出文件
AutoWafer pro is our most advanced ultrasonic equipment for detecting defects in bonded wafers in a production environment, providing fast, high-resolution scanning of 200mm and 300mm bonded wafers.
A flexible, automated wafer inspection system designed for production, AutoWafer Pro provides fast, high-resolution scanning of 200mm and 300mm bonded wafers. It’s the ideal ultrasonic equipment for identifying bond defects in wafer applications such as MEMS, BSI Sensors, CMOS, memory, TSV and LED.
With extensive analysis capabilities at both the wafer and device level, there’s no need to reload and rescan wafers to get all the diagnostic images you need. And with high-speed scanning managed by fully automated wafer handling, AutoWafer Pro supports 100% nondestructive testing (NDT) for improved yields and a faster time to market.
The ideal ultrasonic equipment for detecting wafer-to-wafer bonding defects
A fully automated, production-ready wafer inspection system for MEMS, CMOS, BSI sensors, memory, TSV, LED and other applications employing wafers 200mm and smaller
Provides wafer map with die-level pass/fail indicators (optional)
Provides analysis (optional)
200mm SECS/GEM
TSV entrenched metrology
Fast, high-resolution scanning of 200mm and 300mm wafers for production environments
Fully automated robotics using open cassettes, SMIF Pod, FOUPs or FOSB handling
Class 1 clean room compliant, with integrated HEPA filter
300mm SECS/GEM (optional)
KLARF compatible (optional)
- 推荐产品
- 供应产品
- 产品分类
- 扫描电子显微镜SH-4000M
- 分析扫描电子显微镜SU-70
- 透射电子显微镜H-9500
- 原子力显微镜环境型AFM5300E
- 扫描电子显微镜SH-5000MB
- 尼康激光扫描测头MMDx/MMC
- 场发射扫描电子显微镜SU9000
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- 尼康CMM数字激光扫描头—LC60Dx / LC50Cx
- 扫描电子显微镜S-3700N
- Werth二维手动光学ScopeCheck 50 2D Man
- 原子力显微镜通用型AFM5100N
- 原子力显微镜工作站AFM5000II
- 透射电子显微镜HT7700
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- Werth VideoCheck® IP 2800