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美国维赛YSI Level Scout水位计
YSI Level Scout 水位跟踪者 特别设计用于精确测量水位和温度,并按照用户选择的模式记录数据。仪器由内置电池供电,可持续记录多年的数据。数据记录模式包括线性、线性平均、事件触发和对数式采样
YSI Level Scout 水位跟踪者 拥有高精度的水位传感器技术,并融合了高精度的压力传感器技术与电源稳定微机电路系统,透气或非透气式,不锈钢或钛合金材料,2MB或4MB内存
精确的测量结果、坚固的外壳和接口设计、测量数据便于管理等特点,使YSI水位跟踪者 成为水位监测领域的理想选择。
YSI Level Scout 水位跟踪者 采用NEMA 6P等级外壳,符合IP68防水等级,可野外更换电池,快速装卸电缆。
YSI Data Scout 数据监控软件 用于设置记录频率、显示表格或图形数据、**压力数据的大气压相关性修正、下载数据、获取实时数据样本以及设置报警提示
l 应用:地下水监测-长期研究、资源管理,测井监测、含水层测试-泵测、冲击试验、阶跃测试、回收试验,土壤蒸气提取测试(SVE),明渠监测,水位站-河溪与湖泊,槽位测量,流域管理
水深范围 | Vented压力 | 3、15、23、76、211米 |
**压力 | 3、15、21、70、211米 | |
大气压范围 | 55——110kPa | |
耐压 | 2.0×FS | |
爆破压力 | 3.0×FS | |
响应时间 | <1毫秒 | |
时间分辨率 | 1秒 | |
测量分辨率 | 24位AD转换器 | |
水位精度 | >3米水位 | ±0.05 %FS TEB |
<3米水位 | ±0.10 %FS TEB | |
温度精度 | VS2、VT2 AS2、AT2 | ±1.0度 |
VS4、VT4 AS4、AT4 | ±0.2度 | |
数据上传时间 | 100次/秒 | |
**压力扫描 | 393,120 with time stamp | |
**压力和温度扫描 | 288,288 with time stamp | |
采样模式 | Linear, Linear Avg, Event, Logarithmic | |
压力单位 | psi,ft.H2O, mm H2O, cm H2O, m H2O, kPa | |
采样数率 | 程控,**8个读数/秒 | |
时间精度 | ±2分钟/年 |
货号 | 产品描述 |
VT2-004335 | Level Scout,Vented,钛合金,3米范围 |
VT2-021676 | Level Scout,Vented,钛合金,15米范围 |
VT2-032514 | Level Scout,Vented,钛合金,22.5米范围 |
VT2-108380 | Level Scout,Vented,钛合金,76米范围 |
VT2-299996 | Level Scout,Vented,钛合金,210米范围 |
AT2-019035 | Level Scout,**压力,钛合金,3米范围 |
AT2-036376 | Level Scout,**压力,钛合金,15米范围 |
AT2-045046 | Level Scout,**压力,钛合金,22.5米范围 |
AT2-114410 | Level Scout,**压力,钛合金,76米范围 |
AT2-314696 | Level Scout,**压力,钛合金,210米范围 |
711-S-25 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,7.6米长 |
711-S-50 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,15米长 |
711-S-75 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,22.5米长 |
711-S-100 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,30米长 |
711-S-125 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,37.5米长 |
711-S-150 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,45米长 |
711-S-175 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,52.5米长 |
711-S-200 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,60米长 |
711-S-225 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,67.5米长 |
711-S-250 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,75米长 |
711-S-300 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,90米长 |
711-S-350 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,105米长 |
711-S-400 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,120米长 |
711-S-450 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,135米长 |
711-S-500 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,150米长 |
711-S-550 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,165米长 |
711-S-600 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,180米长 |
711-S-650 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,195米长 |
711-S-700 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,210米长 |
711-S-750 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,225米长 |
711-S-800 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,240米长 |
711-S-850 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,255米长 |
711-S-900 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,270米长 |
711-S-950 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,285米长 |
711-S-1000 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,不锈钢,300米长 |
741-T-25 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,7.6米长 |
741-T-50 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,15米长 |
741-T-75 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,22.5米长 |
741-T-100 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,30米长 |
741-T-125 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,37.5米长 |
741-T-150 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,45米长 |
741-T-175 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,52.5米长 |
741-T-200 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,60米长 |
741-T-225 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,67.5米长 |
741-T-250 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,75米长 |
741-T-300 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,90米长 |
741-T-350 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,105米长 |
741-T-400 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,120米长 |
741-T-450 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,135米长 |
741-T-500 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,150米长 |
741-T-550 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,165米长 |
741-T-600 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,180米长 |
741-T-650 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,195米长 |
741-T-700 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,210米长 |
741-T-750 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,225米长 |
741-T-800 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,240米长 |
741-T-850 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,255米长 |
741-T-900 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,270米长 |
741-T-950 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,285米长 |
741-T-1000 | Field cable with in-line vent filter, PE jacketed,钛合金,300米长 |
750-S-25 | Suspension wire,不锈钢,7.6米 |
750-S-50 | Suspension wire,不锈钢,15米 |
750-S-75 | Suspension wire,不锈钢,22.5米 |
750-S-100 | Suspension wire,不锈钢,30米 |
750-S-150 | Suspension wire,不锈钢,45米 |
750-S-200 | Suspension wire,不锈钢,60米 |
750-S-300 | Suspension wire,不锈钢,90米 |
750-S-400 | Suspension wire,不锈钢,120米 |
750-T-25 | Suspension wire,钛合金,7.6米 |
750-T-50 | Suspension wire,钛合金,15米 |
750-T-75 | Suspension wire,钛合金,22.5米 |
750-T-100 | Suspension wire,钛合金,30米 |
750-T-150 | Suspension wire,钛合金,45米 |
750-T-200 | Suspension wire,钛合金,60米 |
750-T-300 | Suspension wire,钛合金,90米 |
750-T-400 | Suspension wire,钛合金,120米 |
770-0-0 | 通信线缆,RS485连接 |
771-0-0 | RS485到RS232转换器,连接到779、710、720、730、740 |
772-0-0 | RS485到SDI-12转换器,连接到779、710、720、730、740 |
773-0-0 | RS232到USB转换器,连接到771 |
774-0-0 | CD, includes software and electronic manual |
775-0-0 | Hard copy of Level Scout manual |
776-0-0 | Quick Start Guide |
778-0-0 | All-in-one通信接头,连接到711、721、731、741,提供RS232、RS485、USB输出口 |
779-0-0 | 通信接头,连接到711、721、731、741,RS485输出口 |
780-0-0 | 备用干燥剂(Universal线) |
781 | Hanger线 |
782 | 2” vented locking well cap with dock |
783 | 2” vented locking well cap |
784 | 2” dock ONLY |
785 | 4” vented locking well cap with dock |
786 | 4” vented locking well cap |
787 | 4” dock ONLY |
BS2 | YSI BaroScout barometric pressure logger,不锈钢, 2MB内存 |
BS4 | BaroScout, stainless steel, 4 MB memory |
750-0-0 | Stainless Steel Backshell deployment cap |
760-0-0 | Titanium Backshell, deployment cap |
美国维赛YSI Level Scout水位计
美国维赛YSI Level Scout水位计
美国维赛YSI Level Scout水位计
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