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YL-1103 卧式拉力试验机
YL-1103 Horizontal Tensile Tester
一、简 介 Brief Introduction
本机针对180°剥离试验而开发设计,采用微电脑芯片控制与荷重元读取数据,与电脑连接做双向传输,搭配功能强大的电脑软件,可将试验结果以曲线与表格显示、可进行比较、打印输出。This Tester is designed for 180° peel force testing, controlled by microcomputer chip and adopts force sensor to read data, connected computer for two-way transmission, allocated with powerful function computer software, shown testing result by curve chart and form. Testing result can compare and print out.
规 格 Specification
容量选择 Optional Capacity 10、20、50、100、200N
力量解析Force Resolution 1/250,000
可测行程 Test Stroke 400mm
行程解析 Stroke Resolution 0.005mm
速度范围 Speed range 5~500mm/min,可电脑设定 available set by computer
可测宽距 Test Width 110mm
机台尺寸 Machine Dimension 110x30x26(W×D×H)cm
机台重量 Machine Weight 36kg
机台电源 Power 单相,100~240VAC,3A。 Single phase 100~240VAC,3A
YL-1103 卧式拉力试验机 Horizontal Tensile Tester
一、简 介 Brief Introduction
本机针对180°剥离试验而开发设计,采用微电脑芯片控制与荷重元读取数据,与电脑连接做双向传输,搭配功能强大的电脑软件,可将试验结果以曲线与表格显示、可进行比较、打印输出。This Tester is designed for 180° peel force testing, controlled by microcomputer chip and adopts force sensor to read data, connected computer for two-way transmission, allocated with powerful function computer software, shown testing result by curve chart and form. Testing result can compare and print out.
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