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青蓝色光学玻璃 QB9 QB10 QB13 QB11 QB12
Blue-blue optical glass QB9 QB10 QB13 QB11
光学玻璃是一种具有高透明度、均匀性和特定光学性质(如折射率和色散)的特殊类型玻璃,广泛应用于制造透镜、棱镜及其他光学组件。其生产过程复杂,包括原料选择、熔炼、成型和退火等步骤,并能通过添加金属氧化物调整成分以达到所需的光学特性和机械强度。青蓝色玻璃属于有色玻璃当中的选择吸收型玻璃,它在摄影和电影中用作滤镜以调整颜色平衡或创造特殊效果;在天文观测中减少光污染,提高天体细节可见度;在医疗设备中,例如眼科手术照明系统中,帮助医生更清晰地区分组织类型;同时,也因其美观的颜色被用于装饰艺术品或高端产品。获取更多参数 请联系 南通振华光电有限公司 小蔡 提供。
Optical glass is a special type of glass with high transparency, uniformity and specific optical properties (such as refractive index and dispersion), which is widely used in the manufacture of lenses, prisms and other optical components. The production process is complex, including raw material selection, melting, molding and annealing steps, and the composition can be adjusted by adding metal oxides to achieve the desired optical properties and mechanical strength. Blue-blue glass is a selective absorption glass among colored glass, which is used as a filter in photography and film to adjust the color balance or create special effects; Reduce light pollution in astronomical observations and improve the visibility of celestial details; In medical devices, such as lighting systems for eye surgery, to help doctors distinguish tissue types more clearly; At the same time, it is also used for decorative art or high-end products because of its beautiful color. For more parameters, please contact Xiao CAI of Nantong Zhenhua Optoelectronics Co., LTD.
青蓝色光学玻璃 QB9 QB10 QB13 QB11 QB12
Blue-blue optical glass QB9 QB10 QB13 QB11
青蓝色光学玻璃 QB9 QB10 QB13 QB11 QB12
Blue-blue optical glass QB9 QB10 QB13 QB11
青蓝色光学玻璃 QB9 QB10 QB13 QB11 QB12
Blue-blue optical glass QB9 QB10 QB13 QB11