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The pulsejet control device is the main control device of the pulse bag type dust collector. Its output electromagnetic drive pulse valve, so as to control the compressed air to bag sequential injection blowing, the running resistance of the dust remover to remain within the limits set, to ensure that the dust collector of the processing power and dust collection efficiency.Dust separator is divided into several storage compartments each compartment is individually clear ash, need to be clear of the warehouse to stop filtering, pulse control instrument output signal to close the chamber of the cylinder valve, the valve of the warehouse indoor electromagnetic pulse valve one by one.
Differential pressure cleaning method: the main control method in the operating section of differential pressure;
Time cleaning control method: the main control method of the time delay of the cycle;
Room interval: a unit loff valve and valve) is performed to the next unit working time interval;
Pulse waiting: offline valve to close or open the N second after the pulse valve action; (applicable to off-line gas box)
Cycle interval: the time between the two pulse cycles;
Pulse period: the time required to complete all the electromagnetic pulse valve drive output;
Pulse interval: the interval between two adjacent electromagnetic pulse valve output driving voltage;
Pulse width: the duration of a driving voltage;
注:1.订货代码:例如,ODMC-5CSB-0403;即表示除尘器有4个仓室,每个仓室内有3个脉冲阀。2.本型号控制仪可实现在线清灰、离线清灰、压差清灰。3. ODMC-5SCBE-XX为扩展单元控制仪:本主机单元采用液晶屏显示,可控制10个扩展子单元。
主机型号规格 Model and Specifications | 输出位数 Output bits | 调节范围 Range of regulation |
ODMC-5CSBE-2X | 2 | 1-2 |
ODMC-5CSBE-4X | 4 | 1-4 |
ODMC-5CSBE-6X | 6 | 1-6 |
ODMC-5CSBE-8X | 8 | 1-8 |
ODMC-5CSBE-10X | 10 | 1-10 |
扩展单元型号 Model and Specifications | 输出位数 Output bits | 调节范围 Range of regulation |
ODMC-5CSB-10X | 10 | 1-10 |
ODMC-5CSB-20X | 20 | 1-20 |
ODMC-5CSB-36X | 36 | 1-36 |
ODMC-5CSB-72X | 72 | 1-72 |
ODMC-5CSB-144X | 144 | 1-144 |
额定输入电压 Input voltage | 220VAC(1±10%)50HZ-60HZ |
额定输出电压 Output voltage | 24VDC(或其它规格)(or another specification) |
额定输出电流 Rated output current | 1.5A |
控制提升阀与脉冲阀个数 Control of lifting valve and the number of pulse valve | 360(提升阀+电磁脉冲阀) |
脉冲等待 Pulse waiting | 10秒(即提升阀关闭或开启10后脉冲阀工作) |
输出脉冲宽度调节范围 Pulse width | 0.01-0.99秒(可调) |
输出脉冲间隔调节范围 Pulse intenal | 3~999秒(可调) |
脉冲周期(循环间隔) Pulse cycle(circulation interval) | 10~9990秒(可调) |
沉降时间调节范围 Settling time regulation range | 1~99秒(可调) |
室间隔时间调节范围 Room time interval adjustment range | 1~999秒(可调) |
使用环境 Working environment | -25℃~55℃ 空气的相对湿度不超过85%;无严重的腐蚀气体和导电尘埃; 无剧烈震动或冲击 |
外形尺寸 (主控单元、扩展单元) Size | 250×190×96mm |
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