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固定(流化)床反应器 Fixed bed reactor
概述/General Introduction
The fixed bed reactor is a reactor filled with a solid catalyst or a solid reactant foe the realization heterogeneous reaction. Solid matter is usually granular granular particle size of about 2-15mm ,stacked into a certain height on the bed .the bed is stationary and the liquid reacts through the bed.
The fluidized bed reactor is a reactor in which the solid particles are in a suspended state by means of a gas or a liquid through a solid layer and subjected to a gas-solid or liquid-solid reaction .
固定床反应器的优点: The advantages of a fixed bed reactor | 返混小,流体同催化剂可进行有效接触 Small back mix, the fluid can be effectively contacted with the catalyst 催化剂机械损耗小 The catalyst has a small mechanical loss 加氢反应安全、可靠、稳定 Hydrogenation is safe, reliable and stable 采用模块化设计,通用性强,便于安装维护 Modular design, versatility easy to install | 实现温度、压力、液位、流量等自动控制 Achieve the temperature pressure, liquid level, flow and others automatic control 自动和手动双模块控制相结合;便于操作 Automatic and manual dual module control combined easy to operate 设立反应条件高低限报警 Reaction conditions high and low limit alarm can be set |
流化床反应器的优点: advantages of fluidized bed reactors | 可以实现固体物料的连续输入和输出 Continuous input and output of solid materials 便于进行催化剂的连续再生和循环操作,适于催化剂失活速率高的过程的进行 Easy to realize the continuous regeneration and circulation suitable for the high catalyst deactivation rate reaction process | 流体和颗粒的运动使床层具有良好的传热性能,床层内部温度均匀,而且易于控制,特别适用于强放热反应 The movement of the liquid and the particles makes the bed have good heat transfer performance the bed temperature is uniform and easy to control particularly suitable for strong exothermic reactions |
主要技术参数/Main Technical Parameters
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