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46含量Chromite sand 铸造面砂铬矿砂AFS 40-45
46%铬含量的铬矿砂 AFS 40-45 不同于冶金级别的铬铁矿砂,它是按照消失模铸造、熔模铸造、覆膜砂铸造、自硬砂铸造等铸造工艺的要求来确定其粒度分布和细度的。美国铸造协会AFS( American Foundry Society)和中国行业标准都对铬矿砂的细度做了规定。
The Chromite Sand AFS 40-45 with 46% chromium content is different from metallurgical grade chromium iron ore sand. It is determined based on the requirements of casting processes such as lost foam casting, investment casting, coated sand casting, and self hardening sand casting to determine its particle size distribution and fineness. The American Foundry Society (AFS) and Chinese industry standards both specify the fineness of chromite sand.
46含量Chromite sand 铸造面砂铬矿砂AFS 40-45的性能特点
1. 高熔点,烧结温度高
2. 优异的热稳定性
3. 高密度,比重大
4. 中等莫氏硬度5.5
5. 热传导能力强
6. 热膨胀系数低
1. High melting point, high sintering temperature
2. Excellent thermal stability
3. High density, high density -
4. Medium Mohs hardness 5.5
5. Strong thermal conductivity
6. Low coefficient of thermal expansion
46含量Chromite sand 铸造面砂铬矿砂AFS 40-45的技术参数:
1. 化学成分
Cr2O3 (三氧化二铬) | ≥ 46% |
SiO2(二氧化硅) | ≤ 1.0% |
FeO(氧化铁) | ≤ 26.5% |
Cr:Fe (铬铁比) | ≥1.5:1 |
MgO(氧化镁) | ≤ 10% |
CaO(氧化钙) | ≤ 0.3% |
Al2O3(三氧化二铝) | ≤ 15.5% |
P(磷) | ≤30 ppm |
S(硫) | ≤30 ppm |
Cr/Fe(铬铁比) | ≥ 1.55:1 |
莫氏硬度(Mohs Hardness) | 5.5-6 |
熔点(Melting Point) | 2180 ℃ |
烧结温度(Sintering Point) | >1800℃ |
比重(Specific Gravity) | 4.0-4.8 g/cm3 |
堆积密度 (Bulk Density LPD) | 2.5-3 g/cm3 |
颜色(Color) | 黑色(Black) |
PH值(PH Value) | 7-9 |
导热系数(Thermal conductivity) | 0.63 W/M·K |
热膨胀率(Thermal Expansion Rate)(1000℃) | 0.6% |
酸耗值(Acid Demand Value ADV) | ≤ 5ML |
浑浊度(turbidity)(JTU) | ≤ 110 |
含泥量(Soil content) | ≤ 0.1% |
含水量(Moisture) | ≤ 0.1% |
46含量Chromite sand 铸造面砂铬矿砂AFS 40-45的应用范围:
1. 铸造行业:各种铸造工艺的面砂和型砂。
2. 冶金耐火行业:铬质引流砂的原材料。
3. 着色剂行业:陶瓷和玻璃产品的绿色/棕色/茶色颜料。
4. 耐磨行业:刹车产品的耐磨填料。
46含量Chromite sand 铸造面砂铬矿砂AFS 40-45的粒度分布如下:
+30mesh(600um) | 4.8% |
+40mesh(425um) | 21.6% |
+50mesh(300um) | 45% |
+70mesh(212um) | 26.2% |
+100mesh(150um) | 2.3% |
AFS细度值 | 40.19 |
铬矿砂Chromite sand的其他型号:
AFS细度 | 目数 | 颗粒尺寸 |
AFS25-30 | 20-40# | 0.45-0.85mm |
AFS30-35 | 20-50# | 0.3-0.85mm |
AFS30-40 | 20-60# | 0.25-0.85mm |
AFS35-40 | 30-70# | 0.2-0.6mm |
AFS40-45 | 40-70# | 0.2-0.4mm |
AFS45-50/AFS45-55 | 50-100# | 0.15-0.3mm |
AFS60-65 | 70-140# | 0.1-0.2mm |
/ | 200#-0 | 0-75um |
/ | 325#-0 | 0-45um |
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