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The Ultra High Pressure Viscometer (UHPV-100) consists of a metal needle with hemispherical ends falling vertically in a fluid with its longitudinal axis along the axis of a cylindrical container. A measurement of the needle terminal velocity allows a determination of the viscous properties of the test fluid. With the UHPV-100 the needle falling time is measured automatically by means of Hall sensors and a magnet in the needle.
Adhesives, Aerosols, Automobile Fluids, Biomaterials, Coal Slurries, Coatings, Colloids, Cosmetics, Creams, Dairy Products, Detergents, Dispersions, Emulsions, Fertilizers, Foams, Fuels, Gels, Grease, Honey, Inks, Ketchup, Latex, Lubricants, Mayonnaise, Milk, Oils, Ointments, Paints, Petroleum, Polymers, Proteins, Pulp, Resins, Shampoos, Slurries, Soaps, Solutions, Surfactants, Suspensions, Varnish and many more at atmospheric pressure and high pressures.
1、Viscosity Range:0.7 to 20,000 cP (mPa s)*
2、Pressure Range:Up to 60,000 psi
3、Temperature Range:-40 to 150°C*
4、Accuracy & Repeatability:Better than 2%
5、Test Sample Volume:Approx. 10 cm3*
6、Needle Material Metal:(Al, Ti, Stainless Steel)
7、Needle Densities:7 g/cm3*
8、Total Instrument Weight:68.0 kg (150 lbs)
9、Size:O.A.H. 61cm, O.A.W. 107cm, O.A.D. 61cm
Key Features
1、Up to 60,000 psi and 150°C
2、Build in Pressure Generator
3、Large Temperature Range of Fluids
4、Measures Absolute Viscosity without Instrument Calibration
5、Better than Two Percent Accuracy and Repeatability
6、Automatic Falling Time Measurements to 0.001 s
7、Microprocessor-based Console with RS-232 Interface
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