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The DV-100 Disposable Viscometer offers an unparallel combination of performance and versatility with the advantages of temperature control and data output to both PC and printer. Not only can it measure viscosity of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, DV-100 can also measure yield stress, sedimentation rate, intrinsic and zero shear rate viscosity. The digital display ensures easy and accurate simultaneous readout of viscosity and falling time measurements. The DV-100 is simple to use and requires nearly no maintenance since the falling needle is the only moving part of the instrument. There can be nothing better than this versatile viscometer, which produces unmatched performance and accuracy. High quality of instrument guarantees reliable performance for a long life. Small sample size can be accommodated.
The DV-100 Disposable Viscometer consists of a main system and a disposable sample insert tube (or reusable) filled with the liquid of which the viscosity is to be determined. Viscosity of the sample can be determined by measuring the time of fall of a needle through a predetermined distance of the fluid held in the sample insert tube. The falling time is measured automatically by means of Hall sensors and a magnet in the needle. For Non-Newtonian fluid, a computer program is available from SBS.
1、Viscosity Range:0.7 to 106 cP (mPa s)*
2、Temperature Range:0 to 100°C*
3、Accuracy & Repeatability:Better than 1%
4、Test Sample Volume:4.5 cm3
5、Needle Material Metal:(Al, Ti, Stainless Steel)
6、Needle Densities:6 to 130 g/cm3*
7、Total Instrument Weight:7.3 kg (16 lbs)
1、Disposable Sample Tube(4.5ml)(can be reused up to 30 times)
2、Measures Absolute Viscosity without Instrument Calibration
3、Better than One Percent Accuracy and Repeatability
4、Accurate Temperature Control
5、Large Temperature Range of Fluids
6、Measures Relative Sedimentation Rates
7、Automatic Falling Time Measurements to 0.001 second
8、Microprocessor-based Console with RS-232 Interface
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