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ZnSe 在红外元器件窗片透镜以及光谱分析ATR 棱镜领域有着广泛的应用。硒化锌(Zinc Selenide)对于CO2激光器的元器件也是一种良好的选择。在二氧化碳激光器工作的波段10.6 microns附近有着良好的透射率。硒化锌材料是一种黄色透明的多晶材料, 结晶颗粒大小约为70μm, 透光范围0.5-15μm。由化学气相沉积(CVD)方法合成的基本不存在杂质吸收, 散射损失极低。由于对10.6μm波长光的吸收很小, 因此成为制作高功率CO2激光器系统中光学器件的**材料。此外在其整个透光波段内, 也是在不同光学系统中所普遍使用的材料。
硒化锌材料对热冲击具有很高的承受能力, 使它成为高功率CO2激光器系统中的**光学材料。硬度只是多光谱级ZnS的2/3, 材质较软易产生划痕, 而且材料折射率较大, 所以需要在其表面镀制高硬度减反射膜来加以保护并获得较高的透过率。在其常用光谱范围内, 散射很低。在用做高功率激光器件时, 需要严格控制材料的体吸收和内部结构缺陷, 并采用*小破坏程度的抛光技术和**光学质量的镀膜工艺。
透射波段范围 : | 0.6 to 21.0 um |
折射率: | 2.4028 at 10.6 um |
反射损耗: | 29.1% at 10.6 um (2 surfaces) |
吸收系数: | 0.0005 cm-1at 10.6 um |
吸收峰: | 45.7 um |
dn/dT : | +61 x 10-6/℃ at 10.6 um at 298K |
dn/du = 0 : | 5.5 um |
密度: | 5.27 g/cc |
熔点: | 1525℃ (see notes below) |
导热系数: | 18 W m-1K-1at 298K |
热膨胀: | 7.1 x 10-6/℃at 273K |
硬度 : | Knoop 120 with 50g indenter |
比热容量 : | 339 J Kg-1 K-1 |
Dielectric Constant : | n/a |
Youngs Modulus (E) : | 67.2 GPa |
Shear Modulus (G) : | n/a |
Bulk Modulus (K) : | 40 GPa |
弹性系数 : | Not Available |
Apparent Elastic Limit : | 55.1 MPa (8000 psi) |
泊松比 : | 0.28 |
Solubility : | 0.001g/100g water |
Molecular Weight : | 144.33 |
Class/Structure : | HIP polycrystalline cubic, ZnS, F43m |
No = Ordinary Ray
μm | No | μm | No | μm | No |
0.54 | 2.6754 | 0.58 | 2.6312 | 0.62 | 2.5994 |
0.66 | 2.5755 | 0.7 | 2.5568 | 0.74 | 2.5418 |
0.78 | 2.5295 | 0.82 | 2.5193 | 0.86 | 2.5107 |
0.90 | 2.5034 | 0.94 | 2.4971 | 0.98 | 2.4916 |
1.0 | 2.4892 | 1.4 | 2.4609 | 1.8 | 2.4496 |
2.2 | 2.4437 | 2.6 | 2.4401 | 3.0 | 2.4376 |
3.4 | 2.4356 | 3.8 | 2.4339 | 4.2 | 2.4324 |
4.6 | 2.4309 | 5.0 | 2.4295 | 5.4 | 2.4281 |
5.8 | 2.4266 | 6.2 | 2.4251 | 6.6 | 2.4235 |
7.0 | 2.4218 | 7.4 | 2.4201 | 7.8 | 2.4183 |
8.2 | 2.4163 | 8.6 | 2.4143 | 9.0 | 2.4122 |
9.4 | 2.4100 | 9.8 | 2.4077 | 10.2 | 2.4053 |
10.6 | 2.4028 | 11.0 | 2.4001 | 11.4 | 2.3974 |
11.8 | 2.3945 | 12.2 | 2.3915 | 12.6 | 2.3883 |
13.0 | 2.3850 | 13.4 | 2.3816 | 13.8 | 2.3781 |
14.2 | 2.3744 | 14.6 | 2.3705 | 15.0 | 2.3665 |
15.4 | 2.3623 | 15.8 | 2.3579 | 16.2 | 2.3534 |
16.6 | 2.3487 | 17.0 | 2.3438 | 17.4 | 2.3387 |
17.8 | 2.3333 | 18.2 | 2.3278 |
产品型号 | 规格 | 外形 | 材料等级 |
ZNSEPRISM42-14-2-45 | 42 x 14 x 2mm 45° ATR | 梯形 | IR Polished |
ZNSEPRISM50-20-2-30 | 50 x 20 x 2mm 30° ATR | 梯形 | IR Polished |
ZNSEPRISM52-20-2-45 | 52 x 20 x 2mm 45° ATR | 梯形 | IR Polished |
ZNSEPRISM52-20-2-60 | 52 x 20 x 2mm 60° ATR | 梯形 | IR Polished |
ZNSEPRISM60-12-4-45P | 60 x 12 x 4mm 45° ATR | 梯形 | IR Polished |
ZNSEPRISM60-15-3-30 | 60 x 15 x 3mm 30° ATR | 梯形 | IR Polished |
ZNSEPRISM60-15-3-45 | 60 x 15 x 3mm 45° ATR | 梯形 | IR Polished |
ZNSEPRISM60-15-3-60 | 60 x 15 x 3mm 60° ATR | 梯形 | IR Polished |
ZNSEPRISM68-10-6-45 | 68 x 10 x 6mm 45° ATR | 梯形 | IR Polished |
During Chemical Vapour Deposition the small crystallite grains align with thedirection of growth, and are
normal to the thickness of the sheet produced. For windows of normal thickness and aspect ratios the alignmentof the grain therefore is rarely a problem as they are cut from the grown sheet such that within an optical windowthe grains align perpendicular to the surfaces. This is optimum orientation for lowest internal absorption andscatter.
With prisms, the cutting direction requires more consideration. It isrecommended that the thickness of the stripmaterial corresponds to the apex height of the prism. This ensures optimum crystallite orientation for most usual
prism applications.
For typical 45° prisms the most obvious use of material is shown in (A) but it
should be noted that this is not the optimum orientation.
The best choice is (B) and it also permitsa higher limit on prism size orconverselyallows thinner stock to be used. There iswaste at the ends of the strip but this issmall and so it may not be quite aseconomic as (A).
Cutting in direction (C) where the entire light beam runs at 90° to the grain
structure should be avoided completely if at all possible.Note that maximum available thickness of ZnSe and ZnS (FLIR) is approximately 60mm. Maximum availablethickness of ZnS Cleartran is approximately 30mm
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