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一次实验完成96通道高通量全自动分析。无需跑胶,无需转膜,无需人工干预。自动加样,自动分离,自动孵育,完成全部Western blot 过程,并实现**产量和相对定量分析。是Simple Western**技术的新一代产品。
Sally Sue will run the entire Simple Western assay for you. Simply load your samples, push a button and walk away. Sally Sue
will separate proteins by size, detect your target proteins and even quantitate them using a standard curve.
Figure 1. Detection of PI3 Kinase in a serial dilution of HeLa lysate (1000 ng/μL – 37 ng/μL). All eight cycles showed similar results (CV <15%). Linearity of the dilution series (R2=0.989) is maintained even at very
low protein concentrations.
Sometimes you wish you could do more with less. Sally Sue does up to 96 samples in one experiment with as little as 0.2 μg/μL protein in the sample. She also sends a tweet when results are ready just in case you lose track of your new hands-free time.
Figure 2. Sally Sue can analyze an entire cell signaling pathway in a single run. HeLa cells were left untreated or treated with
TNFα to stimulate the NFκB signaling pathway. Using only 5 μL/well (1 μgμL) of either a whole cell lysate (WC) or nuclear
extract (NE) from those cells, Sally Sue was able to quantitate seven different proteins from the pathway plus a loading
control (αTubulin). She even threw in an extra replicate for good measure.
美国ProteinSimple公司 (简称 PS公司)是一家致力于定义未来蛋白质分析的生命科学公司,它结合了Alpha Innotech、Cell Biosciences、Protein Forest、Brightwell Technologies和Convergent Bioscience等行业**品牌,为生命科学、医学、制药和生物公司提供简单、精确和高效的技术平台。
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- DW-86L388A /388L超低温保存箱
- MLR-351/351H植物培养箱
- MBR-704GR/1405G/1405GR血液保存箱
- MDF-U500VX -86℃超低温冰箱
- Multitron-Bacteria振荡培养箱
- HR40-IIB2生物安全柜
- DW-150W200 /200L深低温保存箱
- DW-40W380 /380L低温保存箱
- SPR-510D/710D 2~8℃医用药剂保存箱
- Mastercycler nexus X1 PCR仪
- SPR-210D/310D 2~8℃医用药剂保存箱
- HYC-940 /890L医用冷藏箱
- RTCA iCELLigence实时无标记细胞功能分析仪
- Millipore Simplicity超纯水系统
- HXC-1308A /1308L血液保存箱
- MPR-162/312DCN-PC医用药品保存箱