SM 300品牌
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The new Cutting Mill SM 300 excels especially in the tough jobs where other cutting mills fail. The high torque of the new 3 kW drive with additional flywheel mass allows for an exceptionally effective preliminary size reduction of heterogeneous mixtures, such as waste or electronic components. Analytical fineness is often achieved in one working run. The cutting mill is used successfully for a great variety of materials. The sample material is only moderately warmed up during the grinding process so that the mill is also suitable for grinding temperature-sensitive materials.
Another innovation is the wide, freely selectable speed range from 700 to 3,000 min-1. In combination with the wide selection of bottom sieves, hoppers and collecting vessels, the mill can be easily adapted to application requirements.
橡胶, 植物原料, 树脂, 木头, 塑料, 动物饲料, 纸板, 纸张, 纺织品, 稻草, 电子产品废料, 皮革, 香料 , 骨头, 食物, 褐煤, 药品, ...
* powerful size reduction thanks to 3 kW drive with high torque
* perfect adaptation to application requirements by variable speed from 700 to 3,000 min-1
* optimum cutting effects thanks to double acting cutting bars
* quick and easy cleaning without toolsdue to fold-back housing with smooth surfacesand push-fit rotor
* defined final fineness due to bottom sieves with aperture sizes from 0.25 - 20 mm
* ergonomic design
* wide range of accessories
应用 切割粉碎
应用领域 geology / metallurgy, 工程/电子, 建筑原料, 医药品, 化学 / 合成材料, 环境, 玻璃/ 陶瓷, 生物, 食物
样品特征 软性的, 中硬性, 硬的, 弹性的, 含纤维的
粉碎原理: 剪切力
**进样尺寸 < 60 x 80 mm
*终出料粒度 * 0.25 - 20 mm
网频50赫兹(60赫兹)下的转速 700 - 3000 min-1
旋翼圆周线速度 4.7 - 20.3 m/s
Rotor diameter 129.5 mm
转刀类型 平行切割-旋翼 / 6叶组合式-旋翼
Types of hoppers universal, long stock
转速比设定 1:1
研磨套件材料 硬质刚, 不锈钢, 防重金属研磨钢, 碳化钨
筛网尺寸: trapezoid holes 0.25 / 0.50 / 0.75 / 1.00 / 1.50 mm
square holes 2.00 / 4.00 / 6.00 / 8.00 / 10.00 / 20.00 mm
Collector systems / capacities collecting receptacle 5 l / optional: 30 l
collecting unit 0.25 / 0.5 l
cyclone-suction combination (0.25 l - 5 l)
Cyclone suction unit xl
驱动 三相电机
驱动功率 3 kW with flywheel mass ~ 28.5 kg
Engine brake 是
防护类型 IP 20
机体尺寸(宽x高x纵深) 795 (1090 opened) x 1691 x 765 mm (with base frame and universal hopper)
净重 ~ 160 kg
Documentation Operation & Application Video
Standards CE
Measuring conditions idler neutral gear
Size reduction in the Cutting Mill SM 300 takes place by cutting and shearing forces. The sample comes into contact with the rotor, and is comminuted between the blades and the stationary double acting cutting bars inserted in the housing. In the 6-disc rotor, spirally arranged reversible hard metal plates operate by cutting in sequence. The knives of the parallel section rotor carry out comminution with a powerful cutting action. An additional flywheel mass on the drive shaft produces the exceptional performance of the SM 300. Thanks to the variable speed from 700 to 3,000 min-1, the SM 300 can be easily adapted to different application requirements.
2019年3月15日,中央广播电视总台3·15晚会曝光了危险的辣条,部分生产厂家生产条件极不卫生,无任何卫生防护措施,生产车间触目惊心。当晚11点59分, 国家市场监管总局官网发文称:
红外吸收法测量钢铁中碳硫元素含量 碳元素、硫元素是确定钢铁产品规格和质量的重要因素,钢铁中碳硫含量的检测—碳硫分析仪,是企业理化分析室中一种常用计量分析仪器,用于对金属和非金属材料中碳和硫元素含量的定