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◆Turbine rotor with pins structure,with strong shear force, power distribution, good liquidity of media and materials in grinding chamber and other characters,to achieve efficient material dispersion, grinding fineness 1μm ~ 50 nm;
◆Adopt centrifugal separator, with the advantages of large flow area, good separation and long using time etc ;
◆Use the wear and corrosion resistant cartridge double mechanical seal, and configure the mechanism of mechanical seal lubrication and cooling monitoring and pressure balance, easy assembly and disassembly, easy maintenance;
◆Frequency control, users can select the best grinding speed according to the needs of the material, to achieve the best grinding results;
◆The grinding chamber material can select tungsten carbide, polyurethane, Zirconia, silica, silicon carbide, etc., to meet the different customers’needs .
nano pigment, ceramics ink, magnetic materials, aluminum materials, electronic pulp, zirconium silicate materials,thermal transfer inkjet inks, lithium iron phosphate, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, non-metallic mineral powder and other new nano materials.
1.设备基础配置 | |
·净容量 | 1L |
·出料形式 | 静态筛网 |
·分离器间隙 | 0.2mm |
·冷却水流量 | 约80L/H |
·冷却水温度 | 5℃ |
·冷却水压力 | 0.4mpa |
·冷却水进出水口 | ½” |
·进料口压力表 | 0-0.6mpa(可调节) |
·出料口温度表 | 0-100℃(可调节) |
·研磨介大小 | 0.2-1.8mm(可选) |
·研磨介大小 | 3kg |
·重量(kg) | 100kg |
·外形尺寸 | 520×460×620旧机型 |
·颜色 | 颜色以实际生产为准 |
2.进料形式 | |
·物料泵浦型号 | 1吋英格索兰气动隔膜泵 |
3.电器驱动部分 | |
·电压 | 220V-50Hz |
·主机机 | 4KW;4极电机; |
·主轴转速、线速度 | 0-2900rpm |
·驱动 | 电动驱动,皮带轮传送 |
·轴承 | 日本进口NSK |
·防爆等级 | |
·控制系统 | 按键/PLC面板(选配) |
·保护装置 | 接点式压力感应保护装置,桶内因阻塞等异常接点式压力感应保护装置,桶内因阻塞等异常状况下发生压力过高的情时,主机停机;如机械轴封或轴封片泄露,造成却吊桶内无冷却液,主机自动关机;循环压力感应保护,如机械轴封或冷却循环管阻塞,主机自动关机;温度感应保护,桶内温度过高,主机自动关机。 |
4.机械密封部分 | |
·机械形式 | 集成式双端面机械密封 |
·机密压力 | 0.4mpa |
·机封密封圈 | 防腐蚀(杜邦)全氟密封圈 |
·密封液 | 添加与物料相溶密封冷却液 |
5.耐磨件配置 | |
·内筒体材质 | SiC(碳化硅);导热系数好 |
·研磨转子材质 | 耐磨氧化锆;特殊物料无金属污染 |
·筛网材质 | 耐磨不锈钢 |
型号 | 容积(L) | 电机功率(KW) | 磨介(mm) | 生产能力(L/h) | 外形尺寸(mm) | 重量(KG) |
LTD01N/CE | 1 | 3.7 | 0.1~0.3 | 0.5~4 | 520*460*620 | 100 |
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