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名 称:上海泽泉科技股份有限公司
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DIVING-PAM 全球**款水下调制荧光仪







 * 仪器全防水设计,耐受50 m水压

 * 可测荧光诱导曲线并进行淬灭分析

 * 可测光响应曲线和快速光曲线(RLC)

 * 51个内置模式菜单,方便参数设置和标准测量

 * 可测水温、水深和PAR

 * 光感式按键,方便水下使用




Fo, Fm, F, Fm', Fv/Fm, Y(II)=ΔF/Fm', qP, qN, NPQ, ETR, PAR, 水深和温度等。


① 微型光量子探头适配器,用于水下原位测量PAR。

⑵ 磁性样品架DIVING-MLC(可选附件),分上、下两部分,可以靠磁性夹住叶片进行暗适应。上部覆盖带弹性的橡胶皮,中间开一条缝。光纤可从缝中插入,光纤插入后缝自动闭合,不会漏进环境光。

③ 暗适应叶夹DIVING-LC(可选附件),塑料制,重量轻。也可用PAM-2100和MINI-PAM的暗适应叶夹DLC-8代替。

④ 暗适应适配器。光纤可深入暗适应适配器中固定好,测量时放到暗适应叶夹DIVING-LC的上部,打开DIVING-LC的滑片即可。

⑤ 遮光板,装在光适应样品架DIVING-USH的底部,阻挡底部反射光。

⑥ 水下样品架DIVIN-USH

⑦ 全防水设计的主机

⑧ 表面样品室DIVING-SH(可选附件),特别适合测量珊瑚时用。改样品室四周有4个带橡皮筋的挂钩,可以牢牢固定在凹凸不平的珊瑚表面。


测量光:红色发光二极管(LED),650 nm;标准光强0.15 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR;调制频率0.6或20 kHz,自动转换。

光化光:卤素灯,8V/20W,蓝色增强,λ<710 nm,**连续光强6000 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR。

饱和脉冲:卤素灯,8V/20W,蓝色增强,λ<710 nm,**饱和闪光强度18000 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR。

信号检测:PIN-光电二极管,带短波截止滤光片,λ>710 nm;选择性锁相放大器(**设计)。

数据存储:CMOS RAM 128 KB,可存储4000组数据

测量参数:Fo, Fm, Fm’, F, Fv/Fm(max. Yield), ΔF/Fm’(Yield), qP, qN, NPQ, ETR, PAR和叶温等。



1.Borell EM, Romatzki SBC, Ferse SCA: Differential physiological responses of two congeneric scleractinian corals to mineral accretion and an electric field Coral Reefs2010, 29(1):191-200.[DIVING-PAM]

2.Chevalier EM, Gévaert F, Créach A: In situ photosynthetic activity and xanthophylls cycle development of undisturbed microphytobenthos in an intertidal mudflat. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology2010, 385:44-49.[DIVING-PAM]

3.Edwards MS, Kim KY: Diurnal variation in relative photosynthetic performance in giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales) at different depths as estimated using PAM fluorometry Aquatic Botany2010, 92(2):119-128.[DIVING-PAM]

4.Green DH, Edmunds PJ, Pochon X, Gates RD: The effects of substratum type on the growth, mortality, and photophysiology of juvenile corals in St. John, US Virgin Islands Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology2010, 384(1-2):18-29.[DIVING-PAM]

5.Marquardt R, Schubert H, Varela DA, Huovinen P, Henríquez L, Buschmann AH: Light acclimation strategies of three commercially important red algal species. Aquaculture2010, 299:140-148.[DIVING-PAM]

6.Ochieng CA, Short FT, Walker DI: Photosynthetic and morphological responses of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) to a gradient of light conditions Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology2010, 382(2):117-124.[DIVING-PAM]

7.Abreu MH, Varela DA, Henríquez L, Villarroel A, Yarish C, Sousa-Pinto I, Buschmann AH: Traditional vs. Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture ofGracilaria chilensis C. J. Bird, J. McLachlan & E. C. Oliveira: Productivity and physiological performance Aquaculture2009, 293(3-4):211-220.[DIVING-PAM]

8.Almeida CMR, Dias AC, Mucha AP, Bordalo AA, Vasconcelos MTSD: Influence of surfactants on the Cu phytoremediation potential of a salt marsh plant Chemosphere2009, 75(2):135-140.[DIVING-PAM]

9.Cantin NE, van Oppen MJH, Willis BL, Mieog JC, Negri2 AP: Juvenile corals can acquire more carbon from high-performance algal symbionts Coral Reefs2009, 28(2):405-414.[DIVING-PAM]

10.Chartrand KM, Durako MJ, Blum JE: Effect of hyposalinity on the photophysiology of Siderastrea radians Marine Biology2009, 156(8):1691-1702.[DIVING-PAM]

11.Collier CJ, Lavery PS, Ralph PJ, Masini RJ: Shade-induced response and recovery of the seagrass Posidonia sinuosa Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology2009, 370(1-2):89-103.[DIVING-PAM]

12.Davoult D, Migné A, Créach A, Gévaert F, Hubas C, Spilmont N, Boucher G: Spatio-temporal variability of intertidal benthic primary production and respiration in the western part of the Mont Saint-Michel Bay (Western English Channel, France) Hydrobiologia2009, 620(1):163-172.[DIVING-PAM]

13.Downs CA, Kramarsky-Winter E, Woodley CM, Downs A, Winters G, Loya Y, Ostrander GK: Cellular pathology and histopathology of hypo-salinity exposure on the coral Stylophora pistillata Science of The Total Environment2009, 407(17):4838-4851.[DIVING-PAM]

14.Enríquez S, Ávila E, Carballo JL: Phenotypic plasticity induced in transplant experiments in a mutualistic association between the red alga Jania adhaerens (Rhodophyta, Corallinales) and the sponge Haliclona caerulea (Porifera: Haplosclerida): morphological responses of the alga. Journal of Phycology2009, 45(1):81-90.[DIVING-PAM]

15.Figueroa FL, Korbee N, Carrillo P, Medina-Sánchez JM, Mata M, Bonomi J, Sánchez-Castillo PM: The effects of UV radiation on photosynthesis estimated as chlorophyll fluorescence inZygnemopsis decussata (Chlorophyta) growing in a high mountain lake (Sierra Nevada, Southern Spain). Journal of Limnology2009, 68(2):206-216.[DIVING-PAM]

16.Halac S, García-Mendoza E, Banaszak AT: Ultraviolet Radiation Reduces the Photoprotective Capacity of the Marine Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillariophyceae, Heterokontophyta). Photochemistry and Photobiology2009, 85(3):807-815.[DIVING-PAM]

17.Horn LE, Paling EI, Keulen Mv: Photosynthetic recovery of transplantedPosidonia sinuosa, Western Australia. Aquatic Botany2009, 90(2):149-156.[DIVING-PAM]

18.Jesus B, Brotas V, Ribeiro L, Mendes CR, Cartaxana P, Paters DM: Adaptations of microphytobenthos assemblages to sediment type and tidal position Continental Shelf Research2009, 29(13):1624-1634.[DIVING-PAM]

19.Polerecky L, Al-Najjar ABM, Faerber P, Osmers H, Suci PA, Stoodley P, Beer Dd: Modular Spectral Imaging System for Discrimination of Pigments in Cells and Microbial Communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology2009, 75(3):758-771.[DIVING-PAM]

20.Spilmont N, Denis L, Artigas LF, Caloin F, Courcot L, Créach A, Desroy N, Gevaert F, Hacquebart P, Hubas Cet al: Impact of the Phaeocystis globosa spring bloom on the intertidal benthic compartment in the eastern English Channel: A synthesis Marine Pollution Bulletin2009, 58(1):55-63.[DIVING-PAM]

21.Vermeij MJA, Smith TB, Dailer ML, Smith CM: Release from native herbivores facilitates the persistence of invasive marine algae: a biogeographical comparison of the relative contribution of nutrients and herbivory to invasion success Biological Invasions2009, 11(6):1463-1474.[DIVING-PAM]

22.Williams SL, Carranza A, Kunzelman J, Datta S, Kuivila KM: Effects of the Herbicide Diuron on Cordgrass (Spartina foliosa ) Reflectance and Photosynthetic Parameters Estuaries and Coasts2009, 32(1):146-157.[DIVING-PAM]

23.Yuen YS, Yamazaki SS, Nakamura T, Tokuda G, Yamasaki H: Effects of live rock on the reef-building coral Acropora digitifera cultured with high levels of nitrogenous compounds Aquacultural Engineering2009, 41(1):35-43.[DIVING-PAM]

24.何伟, 王国祥, 杨文斌, 陈秋敏, 陆贻超: 水深梯度对菹草生长的影响. 生态学杂志2009, 28(7):1224-1228.[DIVING-PAM]

25.李强, 王国祥: 秋冬季光照、水温对菹草萌发和幼苗生长发育的影响. 重庆文理学院学报2009, 28(1):9-15.[DIVING-PAM]

26.李强, 王国祥: 水体泥沙对苦草生长发育和叶片光合生理特性的影响. 生态学报2009, 29(6):2852-2860.[DIVING-PAM]

27.刘玉, 王国祥, 潘国权: 水位埋深对菖蒲萌发和幼苗生长的影响. 湖泊科学2009, 21(4):530-537.[DIVING-PAM]

28.宋玉芝, 蔡炜, 秦伯强: 太湖常见浮叶植物和沉水植物的光合荧光特性比较. 应用生态学报2009, 20(3):569-573.[DIVING-PAM]

29.Belshe EF, Durako MJ, Blum JE: Diurnal light curves and landscape-scale variation in photosynthetic characteristics of Thalassia testudinum in Florida Bay Aquatic Botany2008, 89(1):16-22.[DIVING-PAM]

30.Burghardt I, Stemmer K, Wägele H: Symbiosis between Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae) and various taxa of Nudibranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda), with analyses of long-term retention Organisms Diversity & Evolution2008, 8(1):66-76.[DIVING-PAM]

31.Hall-Spencer JM, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Martin S, Ransome E, Fine M, Turner SM, Rowley SJ, Tedesco D, Buia M-C: Volcanic carbon dioxide vents show ecosystem effects of ocean acidification. Nature2008, 454:96-99.[IMAGING-PAM, DIVING-PAM]

32.Han T, Kang S-H, Park J-S, Lee H-K, Brown MT: Physiological responses of Ulva pertusa and U. armoricana to copper exposure Aquatic Toxicology2008, 86(2):176-184.[DIVING-PAM]

33.Hancke K, Hancke TB, Olsen LM, Johnsen G, Glud RN: Temperature effects on microalgal photosynthesis-light responses measured by O2 production, pulse-amplitude-modulated fluorescence, and 14C assimilation. Journal of Phycology2008, 44(2):501-514.[DIVING-PAM]

34.Martínez B, Rico JM: Changes in nutrient content of Palmaria palmata in response to variable light and upwelling in Northern Spain. Journal of Phycology2008, 44(1):50-59.[DIVING-PAM]

35.Piniak GA, Storlazzi CD: Diurnal variability in turbidity and coral fluorescence on a fringing reef flat: Southern Molokai, Hawaii Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science2008, 77(1):56-64.[DIVING-PAM]

36.Reynolds JM, Bruns BU, Fitt WK, Schmidt GW: Enhanced photoprotection pathways in symbiotic dinoflagellates of shallow-water corals and other cnidarians. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA2008, 105:13674-13678.[PAM-100, DIVING-PAM]

37.Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Huot Y, Ferrier-Pages C: Photosynthetic response of the Mediterranean zooxanthellate coral Cladocora caespitosa to the natural range of light and temperature. Journal of Experimental Biology2008, 211(10):1579-1586.[DIVING-PAM]

38.Sampayo EM, Ridgway T, Bongaerts P, Hoegh-Guldberg O: Bleaching susceptibility and mortality of corals are determined by fine-scale differences in symbiont type. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA2008, 105:10444-10449.[DIVING-PAM]

39.Saroussi S, Beer S: Alpha and quantum yield of aquatic plants derived from PAM fluorometry: Uses and misuses Aquatic Botany2008, 86(1):89-92.[DIVING-PAM]

40.Smith-Keune C, Dove S: Gene Expression of a Green Fluorescent Protein Homolog as a Host-Specific Biomarker of Heat Stress Within a Reef-Building Coral Marine Biotechnology2008, 10(2):166-180.[DIVING-PAM]

41.Sofonia JJ, Anthony KRN: High-sediment tolerance in the reef coral Turbinaria mesenterina from the inner Great Barrier Reef lagoon (Australia) Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science2008, 78(4):748-752.[DIVING-PAM]

42.李强, 王国祥: 冬季降温对菹草叶片光合荧光特性的影响. 生态环境2008, 17(5):1754-1758.[DIVING-PAM]

43.郑有飞, 李璐, 梁骏: 模拟酸雨条件下Pb~(2+)和Cr~(6+)对蕹菜光合作用及品质的影响. 生态学杂志2008, 27(9):1580-1586.[DIVING-PAM]

44.周晓红, 王国祥, 冯冰冰: 光照对菹草(Potamogeton cripus)幼苗生长发育和光合荧光特性的影响. 生态环境2008, 17(4):1342-1347.[DIVING-PAM]

45.Bautista AIN, Jr. ON: Photoacclimation in three species of freshwater red algae Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology2007, 19(1):23-34.[DIVING-PAM]

46.Belshe EF, Durako MJ, Blum JE: Photosynthetic rapid light curves (RLC) of Thalassia testudinum exhibit diurnal variation Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology2007, 342(2):253-268.[DIVING-PAM]

47.Cantin NE, Negri AP, Willis BL: Photoinhibition from chronic herbicide exposure reduces reproductive output of reef-building corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series2007, 344:81-93.[DIVING-PAM]

48.Carpenter LW, Patterson MR: Water flow influences the distribution of photosynthetic efficiency within colonies of the scleractinian coral Montastrea annularis (Ellis and Solander, 1786); implications for coral bleaching Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology2007, 351(1-2):10-26.[DIVING-PAM]

49.Carr H, Björk M: Parallel changes in non-photochemical quenching properties, photosynthesis and D1 levels at sudden, prolonged irradiance exposures in Ulva fasciata Delile Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology2007, 87(1):18-26.[DIVING-PAM]

50.Cayabyab NM, Enríquez S: Leaf photoacclimatory responses of the tropical seagrass Thalassia testudinum under mesocosm conditions: a mechanistic scaling-up study. New Phytologist2007, 176(1):108-123.[DIVING-PAM]

51.Davison IR, Jordan TL, Fegley JC, Grobe CW: Response ofLaminaria saccharina (Phaeophyta) growth and photosynthesis to simultaneous ultraviolet radiation and nitrogen limitation. Journal of Phycology2007, 43(4):636-646.[DIVING-PAM]

52.Durako MJ: Leaf optical properties and photosynthetic leaf absorptances in several Australian seagrasses Aquatic Botany2007, 87(1):83-89.[DIVING-PAM]

53.Ferrier-Pagès C, Richard C, Forcioli D, Allemand D, Pichon M, Shick JM: Effects of Temperature and UV Radiation Increases on the Photosynthetic Efficiency in Four Scleractinian Coral Species. Biological Bulletin2007, 213:76-87.[DIVING-PAM]

54.Fleming ED, Bebout BM, Castenholz RW: Effects of salinity and light intensity on the resumption of photosynthesis in rehydrated cyanobacterial mats from Baja California Sur, Mexico. Journal of Phycology2007, 43(1):15-24.[DIVING-PAM]

55.Francoeur SN, Johnson AC, Kuehn KA, Neely RK: Evaluation of the efficacy of the photosystem II inhibitor DCMU in periphyton and its effects on nontarget microorganisms and extracellular enzymatic reactions. Journal of the North American Benthological Society2007, 26(4):633-641.[DIVING-PAM]

56.Frisch AJ, Ulstrup KE, Hobbs J-PA: The effects of clove oil on coral: An experimental evaluation using Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus) Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology2007, 345(2):101-109.[DIVING-PAM]

57.García-Mendoza E, Colombo-Pallotta MF: The giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera presents a different nonphotochemical quenching control than higher plants. New Phytologist2007, 173(3):526-536.[DIVING-PAM]

58.Garty J, Tamira TL, Lehr H: The impact of UV-B and sulphur- or copper-containing solutions in acidic conditions on chlorophyll fluorescence in selected Ramalina species Environmental Pollution2007, 145(1):266-273.[DIVING-PAM]

59.Husband JD, Kiene RP: Occurrence of dimethylsulfoxide in leaves, stems, and roots of Spartina alterniflora. Wetlands2007, 27(2):224-229.[DIVING-PAM]

60.Koch MS, Schopmeyer S, Kyhn-Hansen C, Madden CJ: Synergistic effects of high temperature and sulfide on tropical seagrass Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology2007, 341(1):91-101.[DIVING-PAM]

61.Koch MS, Schopmeyer SA, Holmer M, Madden CJ, Kyhn-Hansen C: Thalassia testudinum response to the interactive stressors hypersalinity, sulfide and hypoxia. Aquatic Botany2007, 87(2):104-110.[DIVING-PAM]

62.Koch MS, Schopmeyer SA, Kyhn-Hansen C, Madden CJ, Peters JS: Tropical seagrass species tolerance to hypersalinity stress Aquatic Botany2007, 86(1):14-24.[DIVING-PAM]

63.Kromkamp JC, Perkins R, Dijkman N, Consalvey M, Andres M, Reid RP: Resistance to burial of cyanobacteria in stromatolites. Aquatic Microbial Ecology2007, 48(2):123-130.[WATER-PAM, DIVING-PAM]

64.Martinez MDCG, Romero PR, Banaszak AT: Photoinduced toxicity of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, fluoranthene, on the coral, Porites divaricata Journal of Environmental Science and Health2007, 42(10):1495-1502.[DIVING-PAM]

65.Matheson FE, Schwarz A-M: Growth responses of Zostera capricorni to estuarine sediment conditions Aquatic Botany2007, 87(4):299-306.[DIVING-PAM]

66.Migné A, Gévaert F, Créach A, Spilmont N, Chevalier E, Davoult D: Photosynthetic activity of intertidal microphytobenthic communities during emersion: in situ measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence (PAR) and CO2 flux (IRGA) Journal of Phycology2007, 43(5):864-873.[DIVING-PAM]

67.Padilla-Gamiño JL, Carpenter RC: Thermal ecophysiology of Laurencia pacifica and Laurencia nidifica (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) from tropical and warm-temperate regions. Journal of Phycology2007, 43(4):686-692.[DIVING-PAM]

68.Pawlik JR, Steindler L, Henkel TP, Beer S, Ilan M: Chemical warfare on coral reefs: Sponge metabolites differentially affect coral symbiosis in situ. Limnology and Oceanography2007, 52(2):907-911.[DIVING-PAM]

69.Piniak GA: Effects of two sediment types on the fluorescence yield of two Hawaiian scleractinian corals Marine Environmental Research2007, 64(4):456-468.[DIVING-PAM]

70.Raniello R, Mollo E, Lorenti M, Gavagnin M, Buia MC: Phytotoxic activity of caulerpenyne from the Mediterranean invasive variety of Caulerpa racemosa : a potential allelochemical Biological Invasions2007, 9(4):361-368.[DIVING-PAM]

71.Runcie JW, Riddle MJ: Assessing the toxic effects of dissolved copper on the Antarctic macroalga Desmarestia menziesii using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging in ecotoxicological tests Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry2007, 89(4):641-653.[DIVING-PAM, IMAGING-PAM]

72.Saroussi S, Beer S: Acclimations of macroalgae as reflected in photosynthetic parameters derived from PAM fluorometry, and possible implications for abundance patterns. Marine Ecology2007, 28(3):377-383.[DIVING-PAM]

73.Sharon Y, Beer S: Diurnal movements of chloroplasts in Halophila stipulacea and their effect on PAM fluorometric measurements of photosynthetic rates Aquatic Botany2007, 88(4):273-276.[DIVING-PAM]

74.Smith LW, Birkeland C: Effects of intermittent flow and irradiance level on back reef Porites corals at elevated seawater temperatures Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology2007, 341(2):282-294.[DIVING-PAM]

75.Sobrino C, Neale PJ: Short-term and long-term effects of temperature on photosynthesis in the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana under UVR exposures. Journal of Phycology2007, 43(3):426-436.[DIVING-PAM]

76.Theil M, Westphalen G, Collings G, Cheshire A: Caulerpa taxifolia responses to hyposalinity stress Aquatic Botany2007, 87(3):221-228.[DIVING-PAM]

77.Torregiani JH, Lesser MP: The effects of short-term exposures to ultraviolet radiation in the Hawaiian Coral Montipora verrucosa. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology2007, 340(2):194-203.[DIVING-PAM]

78.Van der Welle MEW, Niggebrugge K, Lamers LPM, Jan G.M. Roelofsa: Differential responses of the freshwater wetland species Juncus effusus L. and Caltha palustris L. to iron supply in sulfidic environments Environmental Pollution2007, 147(1):222-230.[DIVING-PAM]

79.Wulff A, Zacher K, Hanelt D, Al-Handal A, Wiencke C: UV radiation - a threat to Antarctic benthic marine diatoms? Antarctic Science2007, 20:13-20.[DIVING-PAM, WATER-PAM]

80.Yokoya NS, Jr. ON, Martins AP, Gonzalez SF, Plastino EM: Growth responses and photosynthetic characteristics of wild and phycoerythrin-deficient strains of Hypnea musciformis (Rhodophyta) Journal of Applied Phycology2007, 19(3):197-205.[DIVING-PAM]

81.曹昀, 王国祥: 土壤水分含量对菖蒲(Acorus calamus)萌发及幼苗生长发育的影响. 生态学报2007, 27(5):1748-1755.[DIVING-PAM]

82.曹昀, 王国祥, 刘玉: 淹水对菖蒲萌发及幼苗生长的影响. 湖泊科学2007, 19(5):577-584.[DIVING-PAM]

83.李强, 王国祥, 马婷, 王文林, 潘国权: 水网藻附着对亚洲苦草光合特性的影响湖泊科学2007, 19(3):315-320.[DIVING-PAM]

84.李强, 王国祥, 王文林, 马婷, 潘国权: 悬浮泥沙水体对穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum L.)光合荧光特性的影响. 湖泊科学2007, 19(2):197-203.[DIVING-PAM]

85.马婷, 王国祥, 李强, 潘国权, 王文林: 富营养化水体中菹草光合荧光特性研究. 生态环境2007, 16(3):758-761.[DIVING-PAM]

86.潘国权, 王国祥, 李强, 刘玉: 浊度对苦草(Vallisneria natans)幼苗生长的影响. 生态环境2007, 16(3):762-766.[DIVING-PAM]

87.王文林, 王国祥, 李强, 马婷, 潘国权: 悬浮泥沙对亚洲苦草幼苗生长发育的影响. 水生生物学报2007, 31(4):460-466.[DIVING-PAM]

88.徐瑶, 王国祥, 李强: 水体浊度对苦草光合荧光特性的影响. 武汉植物学研究2007, 25(1):70-74.[DIVING-PAM]

89.Andersson M, Schubert H, Pedersén M, Snoeijs P: Different patterns of carotenoid composition and photosynthesis acclimation in two tropical red algae. Marine Biology2006, 149(3):653-665.[DIVING-PAM]

90.Colombo-Pallotta MF, Garcia-Mendoza E, Ladah LB: Photosynthetic performance, light absorption, and pigment composition of Macrocystis pyrifera (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) blades from different depths. Journal of Phycology2006, 42(6):1225-1234.[DIVING-PAM]

91.Copertino MS, Cheshire A, Watling J: Photoinhibition and photoacclimation of turf algal communities on a temperate reef, after in situ transplantation experiments. Journal of Phycology2006, 42(3):580-592.[DIVING-PAM]

92.Franklin DJ, Cedrés CMM, Hoegh-Guldberg O: Increased mortality and photoinhibition in the symbiotic dinoflagellates of the Indo–Pacific coral Stylophora pistillata (Esper) after summer bleaching. Marine Biology2006, 149(3):633-642.[DIVING-PAM]

93.Jesus B, Perkins RG, Mendes CR, Brotas V, Paterson DM: Chlorophyll fluorescence as a proxy for microphytobenthic biomass: alternatives to the current methodology. Marine Biology2006, 150(1):17-28.[DIVING-PAM]

94.Lu I-F, Sung M-S, Lee T-M: Salinity stress and hydrogen peroxide regulation of antioxidant defense system in Ulva fasciata. Marine Biology2006, 150(1):1-15.[DIVING-PAM]

95.Middelboe AL, Sand-Jensen K, Binzer T: Highly predictable photosynthetic production in natural macroalgal communities from incoming and absorbed light. Oecologia2006, 150(3):464-476.[DIVING-PAM]

96.Nielsen KJ, Blanchette CA, Menge BA, Lubchenco J: Physiological snapshots reflect ecological performance of the sea palm, Postelsia palmaeformis (Phaeophycaea) across intertidal elevation and exposure gradients. Journal of Phycology2006, 42(3):548-559.[DIVING-PAM]

97.Perkins RG, Mouget J-L, Lefebvre S, Lavaud J: Light response curve methodology and possible implications in the application of chlorophyll fluorescence to benthic diatoms Marine Biology2006, 149(4):703-712.[DIVING-PAM]

98.Raniello R, Lorenti M, Brunet C, Buia MC: Photoacclimation of the invasive alga Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea to depth and daylight patterns and a putative new role for siphonaxanthin. Marine Ecology2006, 27(1):20-30.[DIVING-PAM]

99.Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Richard C, Allemand D, Bianchi CN, Morri C, Ferrier-Pagès C: Response of zooxanthellae in symbiosis with the Mediterranean corals Cladocora caespitosa and Oculina patagonica to elevated temperatures. Marine Biology2006, 150:45-55.[DIVING-PAM]

100.Schubert H, Andersson M, Snoeijs P: Relationship between photosynthesis and non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence in two red algae with different carotenoid compositions. Marine Biology2006, 149(5):1003-1013.[DIVING-PAM]

101.李强, 王国祥, 潘国权, 王文林, 马婷: 水体浊度对菹草萌发及萌发苗光合荧光特性的影响. 生态学报2006, 26(11):3594-3601.[DIVING-PAM]

102.王文林, 王国祥, 李强, 潘国权, 马婷: 水体浊度对菹草(Potamogeton cripus)幼苗生长发育的影响. 生态学报2006, 26(11):3586-3593.[DIVING-PAM]

103.Cabello-Pasini A, Figueroa FL: Effect of nitrate concentration on the relationship between photosynthetic oxygen evolution and electron transport rate in Ulva rigida (Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology2005, 41(6):1169-1177.[DIVING-PAM]

104.Enríquez S, Pantoja-Reyes N: Form-function analysis of the effect of canopy morphology on leaf self-shading in the seagrass Thalassia testudinum. Oecologia2005, 145(2):234-242.[DIVING-PAM]

105.Fine M, Meroz-Fine E, Hoegh-Guldberg O: Tolerance of endolithic algae to elevated temperature and light in the coral Montipora monasteriata from the southern Great Barrier Reef. Journal of Experimental Biology2005, 208:75-81.[DIVING-PAM]

106.Júnior ON, Alves AHS: Photosynthetic characteristics of the freshwater red alga Batrachospermum delicatulum (Skuja) Necchi & Entwisle. Acta Bot Bras2005, 19(1):125-137.[DIVING-PAM]

107.Liu S-L, Wang W-L, Dy DT, Fu C-C: The effect of ulvoid macroalgae on the inorganic carbon utilization by an intertidal seagrass Thalassia hemprichii. Bot Bull Acad Sin2005, 46:197-203.[DIVING-PAM]

108.Ralph PJ, Gademann R: Rapid light curves: A powerful tool to assess photosynthetic activity. Aquatic Botany2005, 82:222–237.[DIVING-PAM]

109.Ralph PJ, Larkum AWD, Kühl M: Temporal patterns in effective quantum yield of individual zooxanthellae expelled during bleaching. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology2005, 316:17-28.[DIVING-PAM, MICROSCOPY-PAM]

110.Rodríguez-Román A, Iglesias-Prieto R: Regulation of photochemical activity in cultured symbiotic dinoflagellates under nitrate limitation and deprivation. Marine Biology2005, 146(6):1063-1073.[DIVING-PAM]

111.Smith JE, Runcie JW, Smith CM: Characterization of a large-scale ephemeral bloom of the green alga Cladophora sericea on the coral reefs of West Maui, Hawai'i. Marine Ecology Progress Series2005, 302:77-91.[DIVING-PAM]

112.Ulstrup KE, Hill R, Ralph PJ: Photosynthetic impact of hypoxia on in hospite zooxanthellae in the scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis. Marine Ecology Progress Series2005, 286:125-132.[DIVING-PAM]

113.Burghardt I, Wägele H: A new solar powered species of the genus Phyllodesmium Ehrenberg, 1831 (Mollusca: Nudibranchia: Aeolidoidea) from Indonesia with analysis of its photosynthetic activity and notes on biology. Zootaxa2004, 596:1-18.[DIVING-PAM]

114.Fine M, Steindler L, Loya Y: Endolithic algae photoacclimate to increased irradiance during coral bleaching. Marine and Freshwater Research2004, 55:115-121.[DIVING-PAM]

115.Heil CA, Chaston K, Jones A, Bird P, Longstaff B, Costanzo S, Dennison WC: Benthic microalgae in coral reef sediments of the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Coral Reefs2004, 23:336-343.[DIVING-PAM]

116.Iglesias-Prieto R, Beltrán VH, LaJeunesse TC, Reyes-Bonilla H, Thomé PE: Different algal symbionts explain the vertical distribution of dominant reef corals in the eastern Pacific. Proc R Soc Lond B2004, 271:1757-1763.[DIVING-PAM]

117.McMinn A, Runcie JW, Riddle M: Effect of seasonal sea ice breakout on the photosynthesis of benthic diatom mats at Casey, Antarctica. Journal of Phycology2004, 40(1):62-69.[DIVING-PAM]

118.Mercurio P, Negri A, Burns KA, Heyward A: The ecotoxicology of vegetable versus mineral based lubricating oils: 3. Coral fertilization and adult corals. Environmental Pollution2004, 129:183-194.[DIVING-PAM]

119.Roberts S, Sabater S, Beardall J: Benthic microalgal colonization in streams of differing riparian cover and light availability. Journal of Phycology2004, 40(6):1004-1012.[DIVING-PAM]

120.Runcie JW, Durako MJ: Among-shoot variability and leaf-specific absorptance characteristics affect diel estimates of in situ electron transport of Posidonia australis. Aquatic Botany2004, 80:209-220.[DIVING-PAM]

121.Runcie JW, Riddle MJ: Measuring variability in chlorophyll-fluorescence-derived photosynthetic parameters in situ with a programmable multi-channel fluorometer. Functional Plant Biology2004, 31(5):559-562.[DIVING-PAM]

122.Smith JE, Smith CM, Vroom PS, Beach KL, Miller S: Nutrient and growth dynamics of Halimeda tuna on Conch Reef, Florida Keys: Possible influence of internal tides on nutrient status and physiology. Limnology and Oceanography2004, 49(6):1923-1936.[DIVING-PAM]

123.Takahashi S, Nakamura T, Sakamizu M, vanWoesik R, Yamasaki H: Repair machinery of symbiotic photosynthesis as the primary target of heat stress for reef-building corals. Plant Cell and Physiology2004, 45(2):251-255.[DIVING-PAM]

124.Toohey B, Kendrick GA, Wernberg T, Phillips JC, Malkin S, Prince J: The effects of light and thallus scour from Ecklonia radiata canopy on an associated foliose algal assemblage: the importance of photoacclimation. Marine Biology2004, 144:1019-1027.[DIVING-PAM]

125.Beach K, Walters L, Vroom P, Smith C, Coyer J, Hunter C: Variability in the ecophysiology of Halimeda spp. (Chlorophyta, Bryopsidales) on conch reef, Florida keys, USA. Journal of Phycology2003, 39(4):633-643.[DIVING-PAM]

126.Beer S, Axelsson L: Limitations in the use of PAM fluorometry for measuring photosynthetic rates of macroalgae at high irradiances. European Journal of Phycology2003, 39:1-7.[DIVING-PAM]

127.Carr H, Björk M: A methodological comparison of photosynthetic oxygen evolution and estimated electron transport rate in tropical Ulva (Chlorophyceae) species under different light and inorganic carbon conditions. Journal of Phycology2003, 39(6):1125-1131.[PAM-2000, DIVING-PAM]

128.Durako MJ, Kunzelman JI, Kenworthy WJ, Hammerstrom KK: Depth-related variability in the photobiology of two populations of Halophila johnsonii andHalophila decipiens. Marine Biology2003, 142:1219-1228.[DIVING-PAM]

129.Gévaert F, Créach A, Davoult D, Migné A, Levavasseur G, Arzel P, Holl A-C, Lemoine Y: Laminaria saccharina photosynthesis measured in situ: photoinhibition and xanthophyll cycle during a tidal cycle. Marine Ecology Progress Series2003, 247:43-50.[DIVING-PAM]

130.Han T, Han Y-S, Kain JM, Häder D-P: Thallus differentiation of photosynthesis, growth, reproduction, and UV-B sensitivity in the green alga Ulva pertusa (Chlorophyceae). Journal of Phycology2003, 39(4):712-721.[DIVING-PAM]

131.Hewson I, Vargo GA, Fuhrman JA: Bacterial diversity in shallow oligotrophic marine benthos and overlying waters: effects of virus infection, containment, and nutrient enrichment. Microbial Ecology2003, 46:322-336.[DIVING-PAM]

132.Jones RJ, Heyward AJ: The effects of Produced Formation Water (PFW) on coral and isolated symbiotic dinoflagellates of coral. Marine and Freshwater Research2003, 54(2):153-162.[WATER-PAM, DIVING-PAM]

133.Jones RJ, Müller J, Haynes D, Schreiber U: Effects of herbicides diuron and atrazine on corals of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series2003, 251:153-167.[DIVING-PAM]

134.Joyce KE, Phinn SR: Hyperspectral analysis of chlorophyll content and photosynthetic capacity of coral reef substrates. Limnology and Oceanography2003, 48(1):489-496.[DIVING-PAM]

135.Lovelock CE, Feller IC: Photosynthetic performance and resource utilization of two mangrove species coexisting in a hypersaline scrub forest Oecologia2003, 134(4):455-462.[DIVING-PAM]

136.Macinnis-Ng CMO, Ralphsd PJ: In situ impact of petrochemicals on the photosynthesis of the seagrass Zostera capricorni. Marine Pollution Bulletin2003, 46:1395–1407.[DIVING-PAM]

137.Durako MJ, Kunzelman JI: Photosynthetic characteristics of Thalassia testudinum measured in situ by pulse-amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry: methodological and scale-based considerations. Aquatic Botany2002, 73:173-185.[DIVING-PAM]

138.Glud RN, Kühl M, Wenzhöfer F, Rysgaard S: Benthic diatoms of a high Arctic fjord (Young Sound, NE Greenland): importance for ecosystem primary production. Marine Ecology Progress Series2002, 238:15-29.[DIVING-PAM]

139.Glud RN, Rysgaard S, Kühl M: A laboratory study on O2 dynamics and photosynthesis in ice algal communities: quantification by microsensors, O2 exchange rates, 14C incubations and a PAM fluorometer. Aquatic Microbial Ecology2002, 27:301-311.[DIVING-PAM]

140.Hawes I, Andersen DT, Pollard WH: Submerged aquatic bryophytes in Colour Lake, a naturally acidic polar lake with occasional year-round ice-cover. Arctic2002, 55(4):380-388.[DIVING-PAM]

141.Longstaff BJ, Kildea T, Runcie JW, Cheshire A, Dennison WC, Hurd C, Kana T, Raven JA, Larkum AWD: Anin situ study of photosynthetic oxygen exchange and electron transport rate in the marine macroalga Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta). Photosynthesis Research2002, 74(3):281-293.[DIVING-PAM]

142.Ralph PJ, Gademann R, Larkum AWD, Kühl M: Spatial heterogeneity in active chlorophyll fluorescence and PSII activity of coral tissues. Marine Biology2002, 141:639-646.[DIVING-PAM, MICROFIBER-PAM]

143.Ralph PJ, Polk SM, Moore KA, Orth RJ, Jr. WOS: Operation of the xanthophyll cycle in the seagrass Zostera marina in response to variable irradiance. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology2002, 271:189-207.[DIVING-PAM]

144.Takahashia S, Yamasaki H: Reversible inhibition of photophosphorylation in chloroplasts by nitric oxide. FEBS Letters2002, 512(1-3):145-148.[DIVING-PAM]

145.Waldhoff D, Furch B, Junk WJ: Fluorescence parameters, chlorophyll concentration, and natomical features as indicators for flood adaptation of an bundant tree species in Central Amazonia: Symmeria aniculata. Environmental and Experimental Botany2002, 48:225-235.[DIVING-PAM]

146.Beer S, Björk M, R. G, Ralph P: Measurements of photosynthetic rates in seagrasses. In: Global Seagrass Research Methods. Edited by Short FT, Coles RG: Elsevier Science; 2001: 183-198.

147.Enríquez S, Marbà N, Duarte CM, van Tussenbroek BI, Reyes-Zavala G: Effects of seagrass Thalassia testudinum on sediment redox. Marine Ecology Progress Series2001, 219:149-158.[DIVING-PAM]

148.Garty J, Tamir O, Hassid I, Eshel A, Cohen Y, Karnieli A, Orlovsky L: Photosynthesis, chlorophyll integrity, and spectral reflectance in lichens exposed to air pollution. Journal of Environmental Quality2001, 30:884-893.[DIVING-PAM]

149.Jones RJ, Hoegh-Guldberg O: Diurnal changes in the photochemical efficiency of the symbiotic dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae) of corals: photoprotection, photoinactivation and the relationship to coral bleaching. Plant Cell and Environment2001, 24(1):89-99.[DIVING-PAM]

150.Kühl M, Glud RN, Borum J, Roberts R, Rysgaard S: Photosynthetic performance of surface-associated algae below sea ice as measured with a pulse-amplitude-modulated (PAM) fluorometer and O2 microsensors. Marine Ecology Progress Series2001, 223:1-14.[DIVING-PAM]

151.Rae R, Hanelt D, Hawes I: Sensitivity of freshwater macrophytes to UV radiation: relationship to depth zonation in an oligotrophic New Zealand lake. Marine and Freshwater Research2001, 52:1023-1032.[PAM-2000, DIVING-PAM]

152.Rysgaard S, Kühl M, Glud RN, Hansen JW: Biomass, production and horizontal patchiness of sea ice algae in a high-Arctic fjord (Young Sound, NE Greenland). Marine Ecology Progress Series2001, 223:15-26.[DIVING-PAM]

153.Beer S, Björk M: Measuring rates of photosynthesis of two tropical seagrasses by pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry. Aquatic Botany2000, 66:69-76.[DIVING-PAM]

154.Garty J, Weissman L, Tamir O, Beer S, Cohen Y, Karnieli A, Orlovsky L: Comparison of five physiological parameters to assess the vitality of the lichen Ramalina lacera exposed to air pollution. Physiologia Plantarum2000, 109:410-418.[DIVING-PAM]

155.Häder D-P, Porst M, Lebert M: On site photosynthetic performance of Atlantic green algae. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology2000, 57:159-168.[DIVING-PAM]

156.Salih A, Larkum A, Cox G, Kühl M, Hoegh-Guldberg O: Fluorescent pigments in corals are photoprotective. Nature2000, 408:850-853.[DIVING-PAM]

157.Ilan M, Beer S: A new technique for non-intrusive in situ measurements of symbiotic photosynthesis. Coral Reefs1999, 18:74.[DIVING-PAM]

158.Beer S, Ilan M: In situ measurements of photosynthetic irradiance responses of two Red Sea sponges growing under dim light conditions. Marine Biology1998, 131:613-617.[DIVING-PAM]

159.Beer S, Ilan M, Eshel A, Weil A, Brickner I: Use of pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry forin situ measurements of photosynthesis in two Red Sea faviid corals. Marine Biology1998, 131:607-612.[DIVING-PAM]

160.Beer S, Vilenkin B, Weil A, Veste M, Suel L, Eshel A: Measuring photosynthetic rates in seagrasses by pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry. Marine Ecology Progress Series1998, 174:293-300.[DIVING-PAM]

161.Jones RJ, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Larkum AWD, Schreiber U: Temperature-induced bleaching of corals begins with impairment of the CO2 fixation mechanism in zooxanthellae. Plant Cell and Environment1998, 21:1219-1230.[TEACHING-PAM, DIVING-PAM]

162.Ralph PJ, Gademann R, Dennison WC: In situ seagrass photosynthesis measured using a submersible, pulse-amplitude modulated fluorometer. Marine Biology1998, 132:367-373.[DIVING-PAM]

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