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瞬态平面热源技术(TPS)是用于测量导热系数的一种新型的方法,由瑞典Chalmer理工大学的Silas Gustafsson教授在热线法的基础上发展起来的。它测定材料热物性的原理是基于无限大介质中阶跃加热的圆盘形热源产生的瞬态温度响应。利用热阻性材料做成一个平面的探头,同时作为热源和温度传感器。合金的热阻系数一温度和电阻的关系呈线性关系,即通过了解电阻的变化可以知道热量的损失,从而反映了样品的导热性能。该方法的探头即是采用导电合金经刻蚀处理后形成的连续双螺旋结构薄片,外层为双层的绝缘保护层,厚度很薄,它令探头具有一定的机械强度并保持与样品之间的电绝缘性。在测试过程中,探头被放置于样品中间进行测试。电流通过探头时,产生一定的温度上升,产生的热量同时向探头两侧的样品进行扩散,热扩散的速度依赖于材料的热传导特性。通过记录温度与探头的响应时间,由数学模型可以直接得到导热系数。
9、主机的控制系统使用了ARM 微处理器,运算速度比传统的微处理器快,提高了系统的分析处理能力, 计算结果更加准确;
测试范围 | 0.005~300W/(m*K) |
测量温度范围 | 常温~130℃ |
探头直径 | 一号探头 7.5mm;二号探头 15mm |
精度 | ≤2% |
重复性误差 | ≤3% |
测量时间 | 5~160s |
样品温升 | <15℃ |
电源 | 220V |
整机功率 | <500W |
| 一号探头所测单个样品 (15*15*3.75)mm 二号探头所测单个样品 (30*30*7.5)mm |
7、可到处数据,支持 xls,tps,cvs,png 等格式导出,并支持对 xls,tps,cvs 等格式的导入。软件具有远程更新功能,可以自动获取到新版本的软件,直接安装。
9、支持中文,英文, 日语,韩语切换。
1、 | 二维石墨材料导热防腐涂层制备及性能优化 | 大连理工大学 |
2、 | 水稻秸秆砂浆复合材料热工性能研究 | 沈阳农业大学 |
3、 | 陶瓷废料制备轻质保温泡沫陶瓷的研究 | 华南理工大学 |
4、 | 碳纳米管-膨胀石墨/环氧树脂复合材料的导热性能 | 中国科学院过程工程研究所 |
5、 | 高性能钢结构防火涂层制备性能及应用研究 | 烟台大学 |
6、 | 真空绝热板芯材木粉原料的隔热性能分析 | 福建农林大学 |
7、 | 水性纳米隔热保温涂料的制备与性能研究 | 深圳恒固纳米科技有限公司 |
8、 | 氧化亚铜包覆正二十烷相变材料微胶囊的制备及其多功能性研究 | 北京化工大学 |
9、 | 结构保温膨胀珍珠岩混凝土的试验及性能研究 | 河北建筑工程学院 |
10、 | 棉纤维对保温材料性能的影响 | 南通开放大学 |
11、 | 纳米填料改性环氧树脂复合材料性能研究 | 东北石油大学 |
12、 | 二硫化钼改性酚醛树脂的耐热性及抗氧化性研究 | 内蒙古农业大学 |
13、 | 气凝胶掺杂玻化微珠砂浆性能的研究 | 江苏省既有建筑绿色化改造工程技术研究中心 |
14、 | 保温膨胀珍珠岩混凝土配合比设计与分析 | 中铁十八局集团房地产开发有限公司 |
15、 | 双酚S环氧树脂的合成及其胶粘剂的研制 | 东华大学应用化学系 |
16、 | 高分子杂化碳气凝胶基复合相变材料的组装设计与性能研究 | 桂林电子科技大学 |
17、 | 光热转化相变微胶囊与温敏相变凝胶的制备与性能研究 | 江南大学 |
18、 | 氟化石墨烯/聚合物功能涂层的防腐性能研究 | 大连理工大学 |
19、 | 坚木单宁基泡沫材料的制备及其力学性能 | 福建农林大学 |
20、 | 高导热苯乙烯丙烯酸树脂复合材料制备及导热性能研究 | 沈阳化工大学 |
21、 | 新型高性能复合相变材料的结构设计及性能研究 | 桂林电子科技大学 |
22、 | 水性纳米隔热保温涂料的制备与性能研究 | 深圳恒固纳米科技有限公司 |
23、 | MnO2对钼尾矿基发泡陶瓷升温速率影响的研究 | 商洛学院 |
24、 | 微纳米碳复合水性散热涂料的制备与性能研究 | 华南理工大学 |
25、 | 分层分区布料工艺制备轻质保温发泡陶瓷的研究 | 商洛学院 |
1、Hydrogel beads derived from chrome leather scraps for the preparation of lightweight gypsum
2、Size-controlled graphite nanoplatelets_ thermal conductivity enhancers for epoxy resin
3、Thermal, morphological, and mechanical characteristics of sustainable tannin bio-based foams reinforced with wood cellulosic fibers
4、Improved thermal conductivity of epoxy resin by graphene–nickel three-dimensional filler
5、A synergistic strategy for fabricating an ultralight and thermal insulating aramid nanofiber/polyimide aerogel
6、Fabrication of Graphene/TiO 2 /Paraffin Composite Phase Change Materials for Enhancement of Solar Energy Efficiency in Photocatalysis and Latent Heat Storage
7、Improved thermal conductivity of styrene acrylic resin with carbon nanotubes, graphene and boron nitride hybrid fillers
8、Preparation and characterization of paraffin/expanded graphite composite phase change materials with high thermal conductivity
9、Tailoring of bifunctional microencapsulated phase change materials with CdS/SiO2 double-layered shell for solar photocatalysis and solar thermal energy storage
10、Functional aerogels with sound absorption and thermal insulation derived from semi-liquefied waste bamboo and gelatin
11、Lamellar-structured phase change composites based on biomass-derived carbonaceous
sheets and sodium acetate trihydrate for high-efficient solar photothermal energy harvest
12、Construction of double cross-linking PEG/h-BN@GO polymeric energy-storage composites with high structural stability and excellent thermal performances
13、Gelatin as green adhesive for the preparation of a multifunctional biobased cryogel derived from bamboo industrial waste
14、A novel self-thermoregulatory electrode material based on phosphorene-decorated phase-change microcapsules for supercapacitors
15、Development of poly(ethylene glycol)/silica phase-change microcapsules with well-defined core-shell structure for reliable and durable heat energy storage
16、Experimental and numerical study on heat emission characteristics of ventilated air annular in tunneling roadway
17、Construction of polyaniline/carbon nanotubes-functionalized phase-change microcapsules for thermal management application of supercapacitors
18、Mechanical, thermal and acoustical characteristics of composite board kneaded by leather fiber and semi-liquefied bamboo
19、Tuning the oxidation degree of graphite toward highly thermally conductive graphite/epoxy composites
20、Thermal self-regulatory smart biosensor based on horseradish peroxidase-immobilized phase-change microcapsules for enhancing detection of hazardous substances
21、Morphology-controlled synthesis of microencapsulated phase change materials with TiO2 shell for thermal energy harvesting and temperature regulation
22、Size-tunable CaCO3@n-eicosane phase-change microcapsules for thermal energy storage
23、High-Efficiency Preparation of Reduced Graphene Oxide by a Two-Step Reduction Method and Its Synergistic Enhancement of Thermally Conductive and Anticorrosive Performance for Epoxy Coatings
24、Temperature and pH dual-stimuli-responsive phase-change microcapsules for multipurpose applications in smart drug delivery
25、Development of Renewable Biomass-Derived Carbonaceous Aerogel/Mannitol Phase-Change Composites for High Thermal-Energy-Release Efficiency and Shape Stabilization
26、Immobilization of laccase on phase-change microcapsules as self-thermoregulatory enzyme carrier for biocatalytic enhancement
27、Microencapsulating n-docosane phase change material into CaCO3/Fe3O4 composites for high-efficient utilization of solar photothermal energy
28、Integration of Magnetic Phase-Change Microcapsules with Black Phosphorus Nanosheets for Efficient Harvest of Solar Photothermal Energy
29、Surface construction of Ni(OH)2 nanoflowers on phase-change microcapsules for enhancement of heat transfer and thermal response
30、Design and fabrication of bifunctional microcapsules for solar thermal energy storage and solar photocatalysis by encapsulating paraffin phase change material into cuprous oxide
31、Design and construction of mesoporous silica/n-eicosane phase-change nanocomposites for supercooling depression and heat transfer enhancement
32、Development of reversible and durable thermochromic phase-change microcapsules for real-time indication of thermal energy storage and management
33、Nanoflaky nickel-hydroxide-decorated phase-change microcapsules as smart electrode materials with thermal self-regulation function for supercapacitor application
34、Biodegradable wood plastic composites with phase change microcapsules of honeycomb-BN-layer for photothermal energy conversion and storage
35、Hierarchical microencapsulation of phase change material with carbon-nanotubes/polydopamine/silica shell for synergistic enhancement of solar photothermal conversion and storage
36、Molecularly Imprinted Phase-Change Microcapsule System for Bifunctional Applications in Waste Heat Recovery and Targeted Pollutant Removal
37、Pomegranate-like phase-change microcapsules based on multichambered TiO2 shell engulfing multiple n-docosane cores for enhancing heat transfer and leakage prevention
38、Innovative Integration of Phase-Change Microcapsules with Metal–Organic Frameworks into an Intelligent Biosensing System for Enhancing Dopamine Detection
39、Morphology-controlled fabrication of magnetic phase-change microcapsules for synchronous efficient recovery of wastewater and waste heat
40、Polyimide/phosphorene hybrid aerogel-based composite phase change materials for high-efficient solar energy capture and photothermal conversion
炭黑是一种非常优良的紫外光屏蔽剂,可以有效的抵挡紫外线对光缆护套的照射,显著 提高护套抗紫外线老化性能,是聚乙烯护套料中最常用的添加剂。由于炭黑在护套料中的重要作用,对于其在护套料含量要求国内外标准对
本文介绍了用热重分析法(TGA)测定光伏组件用乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物(以下简称 EVA)中醋酸乙烯酯(以下 简称 VA)含量的方法。关键词:光伏 EVA TGA VA 含量 热重分析仪热重分析法是在程序
在材料科学与诸多科研领域,对物质热性能的精准分析至关重要。液氮制冷差示扫描量热仪(DSC),便是一款能深入探究物质热转变相关温度与热流关系的得力仪器。上海和晟 HS-DSC-101B 液氮制冷差示扫描
在工业生产的复杂体系中,低温工业冰箱宛如一位沉默却关键的 “冷静守护者”,发挥着不可或缺的作用。低温工业冰箱通过压缩机对制冷剂做功,使其在蒸发器中蒸发吸热,从而实现对箱体内部空间的降温,将温度精准控制
差示扫描量热仪(DSC)是一种常用的热分析仪器,可用于检测材料的熔点,以下是其基本原理和操作步骤:上海和晟 HS-DSC-101 差示扫描量热仪基本原理在程序控制温度下,测量输入到试样和参比物的功率差