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高级会员 第 2
名 称:上海泽泉科技股份有限公司
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* 光合效率和光合速率(相对电子传递速率)

* 藻类的潜在**光合效率(“生长潜能”)

* 藻类的光保护能力

* 藻类耐受强光的能力




测量野外自然水样或实验室培养的微藻样品的光合作用,三套系统可供选择,可应用于水生生物学、水域生态学、海洋学、湖沼学等领域,检测限达0.1 μgChl/L。可用于有害藻华的早期预警。与PHYTO-PAM的**区别在于,WATER-PAM不能进行浮游植物分类。


Fo, Fm, Fv/Fm, F, Fm', Fo', Y(II)=ΔF/Fm', qP, qN, NPQ, ETR,alpha,ETRmax, Ik, PAR和Chla含量等


测量光:3个波长为650 nm的LED阵列

光化光:12个波长为660 nm的LED阵列,**连续光强2000 μmol m-2 s-1

饱和脉冲:12个波长为660 nm的LED阵列,**闪光强度4000 μmol m-2 s-1

信号检测:光电倍增管检测器(H6779-01,Hamamatsu),过载保护功能,检测信号λ>710 nm。

数据存储:CMOS RAM 128 KB,可存储4000组数据。







野外现场自然水体的光合作用检测、叶绿素含量测定;室内培养的微藻样品的生理特性研究等。 野外现场附着藻类(如底泥中的藻类)、大型海藻的光合活性测量;室内大型海藻生理特性研究。 野外现场水体光合活性监测、叶绿素含量的连续测定。


1.Alderkamp A-C, de Baar HJW, Visser RJW, Arrigo KR: Can photoinhibition control phytoplankton abundance in deeply mixed water columnsof the Southern Ocean? Limnology and Oceanography2010, 55:1248-1264.[WATER-PAM]

2.Claquin P, Longphuirt SN, Fouillaron P, Huonnic P, Ragueneau O, Klein C, Leynaert A: Effects of simulated benthic fluxes on phytoplankton dynamic and photosynthetic parameters in a mesocosm experiment (Bay of Brest, France). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science2010, 86:93-101.[WATER-PAM]

3.Deblois CP, Juneau P: Relationship between photosynthetic processes and microcystin in Microcystis aeruginosa grown under different photon irradiances. Harmful Algae2010, 9:18-24.[WATER-PAM]

4.Guan W, Gao K: Impacts of UV radiation on photosynthesis and growth of the coccolithophoreEmiliania huxleyi (Haptophyceae). Environmental and Experimental Botany2010, 67:502-508.[WATER-PAM]

5.Guan W-C, Gao K-S: Enhanced calcification ameliorates the negative effects of UV radiation on photosynthesis in the calcifying phytoplankter Emiliania huxleyi Chinese Science Bulletin2010, 55(7):588-593.[WATER-PAM]

6.Helbling EW, Pérez DE, Medina CD, Lagunas MG, Villafañe VE: Phytoplankton distribution and photosynthesis dynamics in the Chubut River estuary (Patagonia, Argentina) throughout tidal cycles Limnology and Oceanography2010, 55(1):55-65.[WATER-PAM]

7.Ji C-F, Legrand J, Pruvost J, Chen Z-A, Zhang W: Characterization of hydrogen production by Platymonas Subcordiformis in torus photobioreactor International Journal of Hydrogen Energy2010:in press.[WATER-PAM]

8.Korbee N, Mata M, Figueroa F: Photoprotection mechanisms against ultraviolet radiation in Heterocapsa sp. (Dinophyceae) are influenced by nitrogen availability: Mycosporine-like amino acids vs. xanthophyll cycle Limnology and Oceanography2010, 55(2):899-908.[WATER-PAM]

9.Tanabe Y, Ohtani S, Kasamatsu N, Fukuchi M, Kudoh S: Photophysiological responses of phytobenthic communities to the strong light and UV in Antarctic shallow lakes Polar Biology2010, 33(1):85-100.[WATER-PAM]

10.Xiao Y, Liu Y, Wang G, Hao Z, An Y: Simulated microgravity alters growth and microcystin production in Microcystis aeruginosa (cyanophyta) Toxicon2010:in press.[WATER-PAM]

11.夏建荣, 田其然, 高坤山: 经济海藻红毛菜原位光合作用日变化. 生态学报2010, 30(6):1524-1531.[WATER-PAM]

12.Buma AGJ, Sjollema SB, van de Poll WH, Klamer HJC, Bakkerb\ JF: Impact of the antifouling agent Irgarol 1051 on marine phytoplankton species Journal of Sea Research2009, 61(3):133-139.[PAM-2000, WATER-PAM]

13.Coelho H, Calado R, Olaguer-Feliú AO, Vieira S, Queiroga H, Serôdio J: Nondestructive quantification of phytoplankton gut content of brachyuran crab megalopae using in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence. Journal of Plankton Research2009, 31:577-581.[WATER-PAM]

14.Drath M, Baier K, Forchhammer K: An alternative methionine aminopeptidase, MAP-A, is required for nitrogen starvation and high-light acclimation in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Microbiology2009, 155:1427-1439.[WATER-PAM]

15.Fredersdorf J, Müller R, Becker S, Wiencke C, Bischof K: Interactive effects of radiation, temperature and salinity on different life history stages of the Arctic kelp Alaria esculenta (Phaeophyceae) Oecologia2009, 160(3):483-492.[PAM-2100, WATER-PAM]

16.Gao Y, Xiong W, Li X-b, Gao C-F, Zhang Y-l, Li H, Wu Q-y: Identification of the proteomic changes in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 following prolonged UV-B irradiation. Journal of Experimental Botany2009, 60(4):1141-1154.[WATER-PAM]

17.Gradinger R: Sea-ice algae: Major contributors to primary production and algal biomass in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas during May/June 2002. DeepSeaResearch2009, 56:1201-1212.[WATER-PAM]

18.Harada H, Vila-Costa M, Cebrian J, Kiene RP: Effects of UV radiation and nitrate limitation on the production of biogenic sulfur compounds by marine phytoplankton Aquatic Botany2009, 90(1):37-42.[WATER-PAM]

19.Kromkamp JC, Beardall J, Sukenik A, Kopeck J, Masojidek J, van Bergeijk S, Gabai S, Shaham E, Yamshon A: Short-term variations in photosynthetic parameters of Nannochloropsis cultures grown in two types of outdoor mass cultivation systems. Aquatic Microbial Ecology2009, 56:309-322.[DUAL-PAM, Flow-Through WATER-PAM]

20.Kunz H-H, Scharnewski M, Feussner K, Feussner I, Flügge U-I, Fulda M, Gierth M: The ABC Transporter PXA1 and Peroxisomal -Oxidation Are Vital for Metabolism in Mature Leaves of Arabidopsis during Extended Darkness The Plant Cell2009, 21:2733-2749.[IMAGING-PAM, WATER-PAM]

21.Mackey KRM, Rivlin T, Grossman AR, Post AF, Paytan A: Picophytoplankton responses to changing nutrient and light regimes during a bloom. Marine Biology2009, 156(8):1531-1546.[WATER-PAM]

22.Manes SS, Gradinger R: Small scale vertical gradients of Arctic ice algal photophysiological properties. Photosynthesis Research2009, 102(1):53-66.[WATER-PAM]

23.Obata M, Toda T, Taguchi S: Using chlorophyll fluorescence to monitor yields of microalgal production Journal of Applied Phycology2009, 21(3):315-319.[WATER-PAM]

24.Paytan A, Mackey KRM, Chen Y, Lima ID, Doney SC, Mahowald N, Labiosa R, Post AF: Toxicity of atmospheric aerosols on marine phytoplankton. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA2009, 106:4601-4605.[WATER-PAM]

25.Ran C, Zhang F, Sun H, Zhao B: Effect of culture medium on hydrogen production by sulfur-deprived marine green algae Platymonas subcordiformis Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering2009, 14(6):835-841.[WATER-PAM]

26.Roleda MY, Campana GL, Wiencke C, Hanelt D, Quartino ML, Wulff A: Sensitivity of antarctic Urospora penicilliformis (Ulotrichales, Chlorophyta) to ultraviolet radiation is life-stage dependent. Journal of Phycology2009, 45:600-609.[WATER-PAM]

27.Sukenik A, Beardall J, Kromkamp JC, Kopeck J, Masojídek J, van Bergeijk S, Gabai S, Shaham E, Yamshon A: Photosynthetic performance of outdoor Nannochloropsis mass cultures under a widerange of environmental conditions. Aquatic Microbial Ecology2009, 56(2-3):297-308.[DUAL-PAM-100, FLOW THROUGH WATER-PAM]

28.van de Poll WH, Janknegt PJ, van Leeuwe MA, Visser RJW, Buma AGJ: Excessive irradiance and antioxidant responses of an Antarctic marine diatom exposed to iron limitation and to dynamic irradiance Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology2009, 94(1):32-37.[WATER-PAM]

29.Wu H, Gao K, Wu H: Responses of a marine red tide alga Skeletonema costatum (Bacillariophyceae) to long-term UV radiation exposures. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology2009, 94:82-86.[WATER-PAM]

30.陈书秀, 梁英: 光照强度对雨生红球藻叶绿素荧光特性及虾青素含量的影响. 南方水产2009, 5(1):1-8.[WATER-PAM]

31.赖永忠, 高坤山: 阳光紫外辐射对室内水培发状念珠藻生理特性的影响. 水生生物学报2009, 33(3):435-441.[WATER-PAM]

32.梁英, 冯力霞, 田传远: 高温胁迫对球等鞭金藻3011和8701叶绿素荧光特性的影响. 水产学报2009, 33(1):37-44.[WATER-PAM]

33.朱喜锋, 邹定辉, 简建波, 陈伟洲, 刘慧慧, 杜虹: 龙须菜对重金属铜胁迫的生理响应. 应用生态学报2009, 20(6):1438-1444.[WATER-PAM]

34.Bailey S, Melis A, Mackey KRM, Cardol P, Finazzi G, Dijken Gv, Berge GM, Arrigo K, Shrager J, Grossman A: Alternative photosynthetic electron flow to oxygen in marine Synechococcus Biochimica et Biophysica Acta2008, 1777(3):269-276.[DUAL-PAM-100, WATER-PAM]

35.Drath M, Kloft N, Batschauer A, Marin K, Novak J, Forchhammer K: Ammonia triggers photodamage of photosystem II in the cyanobacteriumSynechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. Plant Physiology2008, 147:206-215.[WATER-PAM]

36.Gao K, Li P, Watanabe T, Helbling EW: Combined effects of ultraviolet radiation and temperature on morphology, photosynthesis, and DNA of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis (Cyanophyta). Journal of Phycology2008, 44(3):777-786.[WATER-PAM]

37.Gao K, Ma Z: Photosynthesis and growth of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis (Cyanophyta) in response to solar UV radiation, with special reference to its minor variant. Environmental and Experimental Botany2008, 63(1-3):123-129.[WATER-PAM]

38.Goto N, Kihira M, Ishida N: Seasonal distribution of photosynthetically active phytoplankton using pulse amplitude modulated fluorometry in the large monomictic Lake Biwa, Japan. Journal of Plankton Research2008, 30(10):1169-1177.[WATER-PAM]

39.Guan W, Gao K: Light histories influence the impacts of solar ultraviolet radiation on photosynthesis and growth in a marine diatom, Skeletonema costatum. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology2008, 91(2-3):151-156.[WATER-PAM]

40.Guo Z, Chen Z, Zhang W, Yu X, Jin M: Improved hydrogen photoproduction regulated by carbonylcyanide m -chlorophenylhrazone from marine green alga Platymonas subcordiformis grown in CO2-supplemented air bubble column bioreactor Biotechnology Letters2008, 30(5):877-883.[WATER-PAM]

41.Hill R, Ralph PJ: Impact of bleaching stress on the function of the oxygen evolving complex of zooxanthellae from scleractinian corals. Journal of Phycology2008, 44(2):299-310.[WATER-PAM]

42.Mojaat M, Foucault A, Pruvost J, Legrand J: Optimal selection of organic solvents for biocompatible extraction of β-carotene from Dunaliella salina Journal of Biotechnology2008, 133(4):433-441.[WATER-PAM]

43.梁英, 陈书秀, 田传远, 王燕: 温度对三角褐指藻叶绿素荧光特性及生长的影响. 中国海洋大学学报2008, 38(3):377-383.[WATER-PAM]

44.梁英, 金月梅, 田传远: 磷限制及恢复对小球藻叶绿素荧光特性的影响. 南方水产2008, 4(4):1-7.[WATER-PAM]

45.梁英, 金月梅, 田传远: 氮磷浓度对绿色巴夫藻生长及叶绿素荧光参数的影响. 海洋湖沼通报2008:122-128.[WATER-PAM]

46.梁英, 王帅, 冯力霞, 田传远: 重金属胁迫对纤细角毛藻生长及叶绿素荧光特性的影响. 中国海洋大学学报2008, 38(1):59-67.[WATER-PAM]

47.刘树霞, 邹定辉, 徐军田, 高坤山: 不同N水平条件下羊栖菜对阳光辐射的响应. 海洋通报2008, 27(6):44-51.[WATER-PAM]

48.冉春秋, 张卫, 虞星炬, 金美芳: 硫与间氯苯腙对海水绿藻Platymonas subcordiformis光照产氢特性的影响. 太阳能学报2008, 29(8):944-949.[WATER-PAM]

49.尹翠玲, 梁英, 张秋丰: 氮浓度对球等鞭金藻3011和8701叶绿素荧光特性及生长的影响. 水产科学2008, 27(1):27-31.[WATER-PAM]

50.郑阳, 陈兆安, 傅赟彬, 陆洪斌, 张卫: 亚心形四爿藻培养和产氢过程一体化平板光生物反应系统. 高等学校化学学报2008, 29(11):2209-2212.[WATER-PAM]

51.Ekelund NGA, Aronsson KA: Changes in chlorophyll a fluorescence in Euglena gracilis and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii after exposure to wood-ash Environmental and Experimental Botany2007, 59(1):92-98.[WATER-PAM]

52.Gao K, Guan W, Helbling EW: Effects of solar ultraviolet radiation on photosynthesis of the marine red tide alga Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae). Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology2007, 86(2):140-148.[WATER-PAM]

53.Gao K, Yu H, Brown MT: Solar PAR and UV radiation affects the physiology and morphology of the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology2007, 89(2-3):117-124.[WATER-PAM]

54.Geoffroy L, Gilbin R, Simon O, Floriani M, Adam C, Pradines C, Cournac L, Garnier-Laplace J: Effect of selenate on growth and photosynthesis of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Aquatic Toxicology2007, 83(2):149-158.[WATER-PAM]

55.Hill R, Ralph PJ: Post-bleaching viability of expelled zooxanthellae from the scleractinian coral Pocillopora damicornis. Marine Ecology Progress Series2007, 352:137-144.[WATER-PAM]

56.Kromkamp JC, Perkins R, Dijkman N, Consalvey M, Andres M, Reid RP: Resistance to burial of cyanobacteria in stromatolites. Aquatic Microbial Ecology2007, 48(2):123-130.[WATER-PAM, DIVING-PAM]

57.Kudela RM, Ryan JP, Blakely MD, Lane JQ, Peterson TD: Linking the physiology and ecology of Cochlodinium to better understand harmful algal bloom events: A comparative approach Harmful Algae2007, 7(3):278-292.[WATER-PAM]

58.Leu E, Falk-Petersen S, Hessen DO: Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects growth but not food quality of arctic diatoms. Limnology and Oceanography2007, 52(2):787-797.[WATER-PAM]

59.McMinn A, Ryan KG, Ralph PJ, Pankowski A: Spring sea ice photosynthesis, primary productivity and biomass distribution in eastern Antarctica, 2002-2004 Marine Biology2007, 151(3):985-995.[WATER-PAM]

60.Perkins RG, Kromkam JC, Reid RP: Importance of light and oxygen for photochemical reactivation in photosynthetic stromatolite communities after natural sand burial. Marine Ecology Progress Series2007, 349:23-32.[WATER-PAM]

61.Ralph PJ, Ryan KG, Martin A, Fenton G: Melting out of sea ice causes greater photosynthetic stress in algae than freezing in. Journal of Phycology2007, 43(5):948-956.[WATER-PAM]

62.Richter P, Helbling W, Streb C, Häder D-P: PAR and UV Effects on Vertical Migration and Photosynthesis inEuglena gracilis. Photochemistry and Photobiology2007, 83(4):818-823.[WATER-PAM]

63.Roleda MY, Zacher K, Wulff A, Hanelt D, Wiencke C: Photosynthetic performance, DNA damage and repair in gametes of the endemic Antarctic brown alga Ascoseira mirabilis exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Austral Ecology2007, 32(8):917-926.[WATER-PAM]

64.Schaeffer BA, Kamykowski D, McKay L, Sinclair G, Milligan EJ: A comparison of photoresponse among ten different Karenia brevis (Dinophyceae) isolates. Journal of Phycology2007, 43(4):702-714.[WATER-PAM]

65.Schmitt-Jansen M, Altenburger R: The use of pulse-amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorescence-based methods to evaluate effects of herbicides in microalgal systems of different complexity Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry2007, 89(4):665-681.[PHYTO-PAM, WATER-PAM, MICROSCOPY-PAM]

66.Veldhuis MJW, Timmermans KR: Phytoplankton dynamics during an in situ iron enrichment experiment (EisenEx) in the Southern Ocean: a comparative study of field and bottle incubation measurements. Aquatic Microbial Ecology2007, 47(2):191-208.[WATER-PAM]

67.Villafane VE, Gao K, Li P, Li G, Walter Helbling E: Vertical mixing within the epilimnion modulates UVR-induced photoinhibition in tropical freshwater phytoplankton from southern China. Freshwater Biology2007, 52(7):1260-1270.[WATER-PAM]

68.Wulff A, Zacher K, Hanelt D, Al-Handal A, Wiencke C: UV radiation - a threat to Antarctic benthic marine diatoms? Antarctic Science2007, 20:13-20.[DIVING-PAM, WATER-PAM]

69.Zacher K, Roleda MY, Hanelt D, Wiencke C: UV effects on photosynthesis and DNA in propagules of three Antarctic seaweeds (Adenocystis utricularisMonostroma hariotii and Porphyra endiviifolium) Planta2007, 225(6):1505-1516.[WATER-PAM]

70.关万春, 高坤山: 阳光紫外辐射对两种微藻类光化学效率的影响. 水生生物学报2007, 31(4):594-599.[WATER-PAM]

71.梁英, 冯力霞, 田传远, 王帅: 高温胁迫对盐藻和塔胞藻叶绿素荧光动力学的影响. 中国水产科学2007, 14(6):961-968.[WATER-PAM]

72.梁英, 尹翠玲, 江新琴, 于云芝: 硅浓度对纤细角毛藻和三角褐指藻生长及叶绿素荧光特性的影响. 海洋水产研究2007, 28(5):89-94.[WATER-PAM]

73.刘远, 陈兆安, 陆洪斌, 刘长发, 金美芳, 郭祯, 张卫: 亚心形扁藻培养基的优化及光合特性. 过程工程学报2007, 7(6):1197-1201.[WATER-PAM]

74.尹翠玲, 梁英, 冯力霞, 曹春晖: 氮浓度对盐生杜氏藻和纤细角毛藻叶绿素荧光特性及生长的影响. 海洋湖沼通报2007:101-110.[WATER-PAM]

75.尹翠玲, 梁英, 张秋丰: 磷浓度对球等鞭金藻3011和8701叶绿素荧光特性及生长的影响. 海洋湖沼通报2007:88-95.[WATER-PAM]

76.尹翠玲, 梁英, 张秋丰: 磷浓度对盐生杜氏藻和纤细角毛藻叶绿素荧光特性及生长的影响. 水产科学2007, 26(3):154-159.[WATER-PAM]

77.Cosgrove J, Borowitzka M: Applying Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) fluorometry to microalgae suspensions: stirring potentially impacts fluorescence. Photosynthesis Research2006, 88(3):343-350.[WATER-PAM]

78.Leu E, FÆRØVIG PJ, HESSEN DO: UV effects on stoichiometry and PUFAs of Selenastrum capricornutum and their consequences for the grazer Daphnia magna. Freshwater Biology2006, 51(12):2296-2308.[WATER-PAM]

79.Peers G, Price NM: Copper-containing plastocyanin used for electron transport by an oceanic diatom Nature2006, 441:341-344.[WATER-PAM]

80.Roleda MY, Hanelt D, Wiencke C: Exposure to ultraviolet radiation delays photosynthetic recovery in Arctic kelp zoospores. Photosynthesis Research2006, 88(3):311-322.[WATER-PAM]

81.Roleda MY, Wiencke C, Lüder2 UH: Impact of ultraviolet radiation on cell structure, UV-absorbing compounds, photosynthesis, DNA damage, and germination in zoospores of ArcticSaccorhiza dermatodea Journal of Experimental Botany2006, 57(14):3847-3856.[WATER-PAM]

82.梁英, 冯力霞, 田传远, 尹翠玲: 盐胁迫对塔胞藻生长及叶绿素荧光动力学的影响. 中国海洋大学学报2006, 36(5):726-732.[WATER-PAM]

83.梁英, 冯力霞, 尹翠玲, 曹春晖: 高温胁迫对三角褐指藻和纤细角毛藻叶绿素荧光动力学的影响. 中国海洋大学学报2006, 36(3):427-433.[WATER-PAM]

84.冉春秋, 张卫, 虞星炬, 金美芳, 邓麦村: 解偶联剂CCCP对莱茵衣藻光照产氢过程的调控. 高等学校化学学报2006, 27(1):62-66.[WATER-PAM]

85.Barranguet C, Veuger B, Van Beusekom SAM, Marvan P, Sinke JJ, Admiraal W: Divergent composition of algal-bacterial biofilms developing under various external factors. European Journal of Phycology2005, 40(1):1-8.[WATER-PAM]

86.McMinn A, Hirawake T, Hamaoka T, Hattori H, Fukuchi M: Contribution of benthic microalgae to ice covered coastal ecosystems in northern Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 2005, 85:283-289.[WATER-PAM, MICROSCOPY-PAM]

87.McMinn A, Pankowski A, Delfatti T: Effect of hyperoxia on the growth and photosynthesis of polar sea ice microalgae. Journal of Phycology2005, 41(4):732-741.[WATER-PAM]

88.McMinn A, Sellah S, Llah WAWA, Mohammad M, Merican FMS, Omar WMW, Samad F, Cheah W, Idris I, Sim YKet al: Quantum yield of the marine benthic microflora of near-shore coastal Penang, Malaysia. Marine and Freshwater Research2005, 56(7):1047-1053.[WATER-PAM]

89.Ralph PJ, McMinn A, Ryan KG, Ashworth C: Short-term effect of temperature on the photokinetics of microalgae from the surface layers of antarctic pack ice. Journal of Phycology2005, 41(4):763-769.[WATER-PAM]

90.Serôdio J, Vieira S, Cruz S, Barroso F: Short-term variability in the photosynthetic activity of microphytobenthos as detected by measuring rapid light curves using variable fluorescence. Marine Biology2005, 146(5):903-914.[WATER-PAM, PAM-210]

91.McMinn A, Hegseth EN: Quantum yield and photosynthetic parameters of marine microalgae from the southern Arctic Ocean, Svalbard. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom2004, 84:865-871.[WATER-PAM, MICROSCOPY-PAM]

92.Ryan KG, Ralph P, McMinn A: Acclimation of Antarctic bottom-ice algal communities to lowered salinities during melting. Polar Biology2004, 27:679-686.[WATER-PAM]

93.冉春秋, 虞星炬, 金美芳, 张卫: 羰基氰化物间氯苯腙促进海洋亚心型扁藻光照产氢过程的研究. 化工学报2004, 55(Suppl.):108-112.[WATER-PAM]

94.Jones RJ, Heyward AJ: The effects of Produced Formation Water (PFW) on coral and isolated symbiotic dinoflagellates of coral. Marine and Freshwater Research2003, 54(2):153-162.[WATER-PAM, DIVING-PAM]

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