首页 > 产品中心 > 植物生理生态仪器 > 便携式调制叶绿素荧光仪PAM-2500
高级会员 第 2
名 称:上海泽泉科技股份有限公司
认 证:工商信息已核实



1983年,WALZ公司**科学家、德国乌兹堡大学的Ulrich Schreiber教授设计制造了全世界**台调制荧光仪——PAM-101/102/103,使在自然光下测量叶绿素荧光成为现实,解决了科学界近50年的技术瓶颈。PAM-101/102/103迅速在植物生理、生态、农学、林学、水生生物学等领域得到广泛应用,出版了大量高水平研究文献。但该仪器比较笨重,不易带到野外。

1992年,WALZ公司**科学家、调制荧光仪发明人、德国乌兹堡大学的Ulrich Schreiber教授设计制造了全世界**台便携式调制荧光仪——PAM-2000,并且在植物生理生态学等科研领域得到广泛应用,此后十几年中成为全球*畅销的调制荧光仪。




PAM-2500采用了独特的调制技术饱和脉冲技术,从而可以通过选择性的原位测量叶绿素荧光来检测植物光合作用的变化。PAM-2500的调制测量光足够低,可以只激发色素的本底荧光而不引起任何的光合作用,从而可以真实的记录基础荧光Fo。PAM-2500具有很强的灵敏度和选择性,使其即使在很强的、未经滤光片处理的环境下(如全日照甚至是10000 μmol m-2 s-1的饱和光强下)也可测定荧光产量而不受到干扰。因此,PAM-2500不但适合在实验室人工控制的环境下测量,还可以在自然环境中甚至是强烈的全光照条件下开展野外科学研究。

PAM-2500不仅可以连接电脑通过Windows XP SP2系统或Vista系统操作,还可连接UMPC通过Windows XP Tablet PC Edition来操作。UMPC带60G硬盘,1G内存,功能堪比笔记本电脑。



* 声誉**的PAM-2100的升级版

 * 精巧、准确、迅速、操作简便的高级光合作用检测设备

 * 利用强大的UMPC电脑进行操作,完全基于Windows操作系统,界面友好

 * 利用超强发光二极管(LED)提供光化光和饱和脉冲,不再使用散热量大的卤素灯

 * 强大的数据收集、分析和存贮功能

 * 内置锂电池可满足长时间野外工作需要,并可连接外置12 V电池

 * 多种叶夹可供选择,**设计的光适应叶夹2030-B可同时记录PAR和温度变化

 * 60 G硬盘,无限量存储


 * 可测荧光诱导曲线的快速上升动力学O-I-D-P相和O-J-I-P相

 * 可测荧光诱导曲线的慢速下降动力学并进行淬灭分析(Fo、Fm、F、Fo’、Fm’、Fv/Fm、Y(II)= ΔF/Fm’、qL、qP、qN、NPQ、Y(NPQ)、Y(NO)、ETR、C/Fo、PAR和叶温等)

 * 可测光响应曲线和快速光曲线(RLC)

 * 可在线检测植物、微藻、地衣、苔藓等的光合作用变化

 * 操作功能强大,特别适合野外操作,野外操作也使用Windows系统




* 测量光:红色LED,630 cnm,FWHM 20 nm;调制频率测量Fo时5-5000 Hz可选,打开光化光时1-100 kHz可选,测量荧光诱导动力学的快相时200 kHz;20级可调。

* 光化光源

蓝色光化光:LED,455 nm,FWHM 20 nm,光强范围0-800 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR,20级可调。

红色光化光:LED,630 nm,FWHM 15 nm,光强范围0-5000 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR,20级可调。

* 饱和脉冲:红色LED,630 nm,FWHM 15 nm,**PAR 25 000 μmol m-2 s-1,持续时间0.1-0.8 s可调,光强20级可调。

* 远红光:LED,750 nm,FWHM 25 nm,20级可调。

* 单周转饱和闪光:红色LED,630 nm,FWHM 15 nm,**PAR 125 000 μmol m-2 s-1,持续时间5-50 s可调。

* 多周转饱和闪光:红色LED,630 nm,FWHM 15 nm,**PAR 25 000 μmol m-2 s-1,持续时间1-300 ms可调,光强20级可调。

* 信号检测:PIN-光电二极管,带长通滤光片(T(50%)=715 nm),带选择性锁相放大器。

* 测量参数:Fo、Fm、F、Fo’、Fm’、Fv/Fm、Y(II)= ΔF/Fm’、qL、qP、qN、NPQ、Y(NPQ)、Y(NO)、ETR、C/Fo、PAR和叶温等。

* 耗电:基础操作1.6 W,内置光源(测量光、红色和蓝色光化光、远红光)为**输出时8 W,饱和脉冲**输出时37 W。

* 充电时间:关机状态下约需6 h。

* 微型光量子传感器:测量光合有效辐射(PAR),测量范围0~20000 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR

* 热电耦(温度传感器):Ni-CrNi,直径0.1 mm,测量范围20~+60℃

* 数据通讯:USB;蓝牙v2.0+EDR Class 2

* 操作系统: Windows XP Tablet PC Edition,Windows XP SP2或Vista

* 超移动个人电脑(UMPC)参数

型号:三星Q1 Ultra触摸屏UMPC

处理器:Intel A110 800MHz ULV

缓存:512 Kb

内存:1G的DDR II内存

硬盘:60 G,4200 rpm

显示器:7英寸WSVGA触摸屏显示器,1024 x 600像素

图形卡:Intel GMA950,**128 M共享内存

通讯方式:USB 2.0(两个);有线LAN;无线LAN(802.11b/g);蓝牙2.0+EDR


电池:两块锂电池,一块为7.4 V/4 Ah,可工作3.5 h,另一块为7.4 V/7.8 Ah,可工作6 h

供电:100-240 V AC,50-60 Hz


1.Ahmed H, Häder D-P: Rapid ecotoxicological bioassay of nickel and cadmium using motility and photosynthetic parameters of Euglena gracilis Environmental and Experimental Botany2010, 69(1):68-75.[PAM-2000]

2.de la Peña TC, Redondo FJ, Manrique E, Lucas MM, Pueyo JJ: Nitrogen fixation persists under conditions of salt stress in transgenic Medicago truncatula plants expressing a cyanobacterial flavodoxin. Plant Biotechnology Journal2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

3.de Oliveira VC, Joly CA: Flooding tolerance of Calophyllum brasiliense Camb. (Clusiaceae): morphological, physiological and growth responses Trees - Structure and Function2010, 24(1):185-193.[PAM-2100]

4.Gladis F, Karsten EU, Schumann R: Prevention of biofilm growth on man-made surfaces: evaluation of antialgal activity of two biocides and photocatalytic nanoparticlesBiofouling2010, 26(1):89-101.[PAM-2000]

5.Gould KS, Dudle DA, Neufeld HS: Why some stems are red: cauline anthocyanins shield photosystem II against high light stress. Journal of Experimental Botany2010:in press.[IMAGING-PAM, PAM-2500, PAM-2000]

6.Guadagno CR, De Santo AV, D'Ambrosio N: A revised energy partitioning approach to assess the yields of non-photochemical quenching components Biochimica et Biophysica Acta2010, 1797(5):525-530.[PAM-2000]

7.Iglesias-Baena I, Barranco-Medina S, Lázaro-Payo A, López-Jaramillo FJ, Sevilla F, Lázaro J-J: Characterization of plant sulfiredoxin and role of sulphinic form of 2-Cys peroxiredoxin. Journal of Experimental Botany2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

8.Ilík P, Kotabová E, Špundová M, Novák O, Kaňa R, Strzałka K: Low-light-induced Violaxanthin De-epoxidation in Shortly Preheated Leaves: Uncoupling from ΔpH-dependent Nonphotochemical Quenching. Photochemistry and Photobiology2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

9.Kurzbaum E, Beer S, Eckert W: Alterations in delayed and direct phytoplankton fluorescence in response to the diurnal light cycle. Hydrobiologia2010, 639(1):197-203.[PAM-2000]

10.Laviale M, Prygiel J, Créach A: Light modulated toxicity of isoproturon toward natural stream periphyton photosynthesis: A comparison between constant and dynamic light conditions Aquatic Toxicology2010:in press.[PAM-2100]

11.Li G, Wan S, Zhou J, Yang Z, Qin P: Leaf chlorophyll fluorescence, hyperspectral reflectance, pigments content, malondialdehyde and proline accumulation responses of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) seedlings to salt stress levels Industrial Crops and Products2010, 31(1):13-19.[PAM-2000]

12.Lovelock CE, Grinham A, Adame MF, Penrose HM: Elemental composition and productivity of cyanobacterial mats in an arid zone estuary in north Western Australia Wetlands Ecology and Management2010, 18(1):37-47.[PAM-2100]

13.Naidoo G, Naidoo Y, Achar P: Responses of the mangrovesAvicennia marina andBruguiera gymnorrhiza to oil contamination Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants2010:in press.[PAM-2100]

14.Parolin P, Waldhoff D, Zerm M: Photochemical capacity after submersion in darkness: How Amazonian floodplain trees cope with extreme flooding Aquatic Botany2010:in press [PAM-2000]

15.Ren W, Tan H, Wu J, Deng Y, Wu Y, Tang Y, Cui X: UV light spectral response of photosynthetic photochemical efficiency in alpine mosses. Journal of Plant Ecology 2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

16.Richter A, Peter E, Pörs Y, Lorenzen S, Grimm B, Czarnecki O: Rapid Dark Repression Of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Synthesis In Green Barley Leaves. Plant and Cell Physiology2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

17.Rodriguez-Brljevich C, Kanobe C, Shanahan JF, Robertson AE: Seed treatments enhance photosynthesis in maize seedlings by reducing infection with Fusarium spp. and consequent disease development in maize European Journal of Plant Pathology2010, 126(3):343-347.[PAM-2000]

18.Solhaug K, Larsson P, Gauslaa Y: Light screening in lichen cortices can be quantified by chlorophyll fluorescence techniques for both reflecting and absorbing pigments Planta2010, 231(5):1003-1011.[PAM-2000]

19.Solovchenko AE, Merzlyak MN, Pogosyan SI: Light-induced decrease of reflectance provides an insight in the photoprotective mechanisms of ripening apple fruit Plant Science2010, 178(3):281-288.[PAM-2000]

20.Sun X, Fu T, Chen N, Guo J, Ma J, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L: The Stromal Chloroplast Deg7 Protease Participates in the Repair of Photosystem II after Photoinhibition in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 2010, 152:1263-1273.[PAM-2000]

21.Sun X, Ouyang M, Guo J, Ma J, Lu C, Adam Z, Zhang L: The thylakoid protease Deg1 is involved in photosystem-II assembly in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

22.Wen L, Chen T, Zhang M, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Duan Z, An L, Jian Q, Peng R: Seasonal changes in anthocyanin contents and in activities of xanthophyll and ascorbate–glutathione cycles in Sabina species derived from different environments. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

23.Weng J-H, Jhaung L-H, Lin R-J, Chen H-Y: Relationship between photochemical efficiency of photosystem II and the photochemical reflectance index of mango tree: merging data from different illuminations, seasons and leaf colors. Tree Physiology2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

24.Wu L-q, Lv Y-l, Meng Z-x, Chen J, Guo S-X: The promoting role of an isolate of dark-septate fungus on its host plant Saussurea involucrata Kar. et Kir. . Mycorrhiza2010, 20(2):127-135.[PAM-2100]

25.Xiong X, James VA, Zhang H, Altpeter F: Constitutive expression of the barley HvWRKY38 transcription factor enhances drought tolerance in turf and forage grass (Paspalum notatum Flugge). Molecular Breeding2010, 25:419-432.[PAM-2100]

26.Xue Y, Peng R, Xiong A, Li X, Zha D, Yao Q: Over-expression of heat shock protein genehsp26in Arabidopsis thaliana enhances heat tolerance Biologia Plantarum2010, 54(1):105-111.[PAM-2100]

27.Yin Y, Li S, Liao W, Lu Q, Wen X, Lu C: Photosystem II photochemistry, photoinhibition, and the xanthophyll cycle in heat-stressed rice leaves. Journal of Plant Physiology2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

28.Yin Z, Meng F, Song H, He X, Xu X, Yu D: Mapping quantitative trait loci associated with chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Planta2010, 231(4):875-885.[PAM-2100]

29.Zell MB, Fahnenstich H, Maier A, Saigo M, Voznesenskaya EV, Edwards GE, Andreo C, Schleifenbaum F, Zell C, Drincovich MFet al: Analysis of Arabidopsis with Highly Reduced Levels of Malate and Fumarate Sheds Light on the Role of These Organic Acids as Storage Carbon Molecules. Plant Physiology2010, 152:1251-1262.[PAM-2000]

30.Zhang S, Song J, Wang H, Feng G: Effect of salinity on seed germination, ion content and photosynthesis of cotyledons in halophytes or xerophyte growing in Central Asia. Journal of Plant Ecology 2010:in press.[PAM-2100]

31.卜令铎, 张仁和, 常宇, 薛吉全, 韩苗苗: 苗期玉米叶片光合特性对水分胁迫的响应. 生态学报2010, 30(5):1184-1191.[PAM-2100]

32.陈鹭真, 王文卿, 张宜辉, 丽黄, 赵春磊, 杨盛昌, 杨志伟, 陈粤超, 徐华林, 钟才荣et al: 2008年南方低温对我国红树植物的破坏作用. 植物生态学报2010, 34(2):186-194.[PAM-2100]

33.陈友根, 陈劲枫, 李为观, 崔利, 陈龙正: 甜瓜属不同倍性异源多倍体光合特性及超微结构研究. 南京农业大学学报2010, 33(1):32-36.[PAM-2100]

34.杨淑萍, 危常州, 梁永超: 盐胁迫对不同基因型海岛棉光合作用及荧光特性的影响. 中国农业科学2010, 43(8):in press.[PAM-2100]

35.Bally J, Nadai M, Vitel M, Rolland A, Dumain R, Dubald M: Plant Physiological Adaptations to the Massive Foreign Protein Synthesis Occurring in Recombinant Chloroplasts. Plant Physiology2009, 150:1474-1481.[PAM-2500]

36.Baumann HA, Morrison L, Stengel DB: Metal accumulation and toxicity measured by PAM—Chlorophyll fluorescence in seven species of marine macroalgae Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety2009, 72(4):1063-1075.[PAM-2000]

37.Buma AGJ, Sjollema SB, van de Poll WH, Klamer HJC, Bakkerb\ JF: Impact of the antifouling agent Irgarol 1051 on marine phytoplankton species Journal of Sea Research2009, 61(3):133-139.[PAM-2000, WATER-PAM]

38.Cai W, Ji D, Peng L, Guo J, Ma J, Zou M, Lu C, Zhang L: LPA66 Is Required for Editing psbF Chloroplast Transcripts in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology2009, 150:1260-1271.[PAM-2000, PAM-100]

39.Ding S, Lu Q, Zhang Y, Yang Z, Wen X, Zhang L, Lu C: Enhanced sensitivity to oxidative stress in transgenic tobacco plants with decreased lutathione reductase activity leads to a decrease in ascorbate pool and ascorbate redox state Plant Molecular Biology2009, 69(5):577-592.[PAM-2000]

40.Dutta S, Mohanty S, Tripathy BC: Role of Temperature Stress on Chloroplast Biogenesis and Protein Import in Pea. Plant Physiology2009, 150:1050-1061.[PAM-2100]

41.Else MA, Janowiak F, Atkinson CJ, Jackson MB: Root signals and stomatal closure in relation to photosynthesis, chlorophyll a fluorescence and adventitious rooting of flooded tomato plants. Annals of Botany2009, 103:313-323.[PAM-2000]

42.Fredersdorf J, Müller R, Becker S, Wiencke C, Bischof K: Interactive effects of radiation, temperature and salinity on different life history stages of the Arctic kelp Alaria esculenta (Phaeophyceae) Oecologia2009, 160(3):483-492.[PAM-2100, WATER-PAM]

43.Giannelli L, Scoma A, Torzillo G: Interplay between light intensity, chlorophyll concentration and culture mixing on the hydrogen production in sulfur-deprived Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cultures grown in laboratory photobioreactors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering2009:in press.[PAM-2100]

44.Guo W-D, Guo Y-P, Liu J-R, Mattson N: Midday depression of photosynthesis is related with carboxylation efficiency decrease and D1 degradation in bayberry (Myrica rubra) plants Scientia Horticulturae2009, 123(2):188-196.[PAM-2000, HCM-1000]

45.Hauck M, Willenbruch K, Leuschner C: Lichen Substances Prevent Lichens from Nutrient Deficiency Journal of Chemical Ecology2009, 35(1):71-73.[PAM-2100]

46.Häusler RE, Geimer S, Kunz HH, Schmitz J, Dörmann P, Bell K, Hetfeld S, Guballa A, Flügge U-I: Chlororespiration and Grana Hyperstacking: How an Arabidopsis Double Mutant Can Survive Despite Defects in Starch Biosynthesis and Daily Carbon Export from Chloroplasts. Plant Physiology2009, 149:515-533.[PAM-2100]

47.Hu M-J, Guo Y-P, Shen Y-G, Guo D-P, Li D-Y: Midday depression of photosynthesis and effects of mist spray in citrus. Annals of Applied Biology2009, 154(1):143-155.[PAM-2000]

48.Jampeetong A, Brix H: Oxygen stress in Salvinia natans: Interactive effects of oxygen availability and nitrogen source Environmental and Experimental Botany2009, 66(2):153-159.[PAM-2000]

49.Jing YX, Li GL, Gu BH, Yang DJ, Xiao L, Liu RX, Peng CL: Leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and growth responses ofMelaleuca alternifolia seedlings to flooding and subsequent recovery Photosynthetica2009, 47(4):595-601.[PAM-2100]

50.Li S, Zhang K, Zhou S, Zhang L, Chen Q: Use of dewatered municipal sludge on Canna growth in pot experiments with a barren clay soil Waster Management2009, 29(6):1860-1876.[PAM-2100]

51.Liu W-J, Chen Y-E, Tian W-J, Du J-B, Zhang Z-W, Xu F, Zhang F, Yuan S, Lin H-H: Dephosphorylation of photosystem II proteins and phosphorylation of CP29 in barley photosynthetic membranes as a response to water stress Biochimica et Biophysica Acta2009, 1787(10):1238-1245.[PAM-2100]

52.Luo M-H, Yuan S, Chen Y-E, Liu W-J, Du J-B, Lei T, Wang M-B, Lin H-H: Effects of salicylic acid on the photosystem 2 of barley seedlings under osmotic stress Biologia Plantarum2009, 53(4):663-669.[PAM-2100]

53.Major JE, Mosseler A, Barsi DC, Corriveau-Dupuis B, Campbell M: Impact of three silvicultural treatments on growth, light-energy processing, and related needle-level adaptive traits of Pinus strobus from two regions Forest Ecology and Management2009, 257(1):168-181.[PAM-2000]

54.Melgar JC, Guidi L, Remorini D, Agati G, Degl'innocenti E, Castelli S, Baratto MC, Faraloni C, Tattini M: Antioxidant defences and oxidative damage in salt-treated olive plants under contrasting sunlight irradiance. Tree Physiology2009:in press.[PAM-2000]

55.Naumann JC, Young DR, Anderson JE: Spatial variations in salinity stress across a coastal landscape using vegetation indices derived from hyperspectral imagery. Plant Ecology2009, 202(2):285-297.[PAM-2000]

56.Olivé I, García-Sánchez MP, Brun FG, Vergara JJ, Pérez-Lloréns JL: Interactions of light and organic matter under contrasting resource simulated environments: the importance of clonal traits in the seagrass Zostera noltii Hydrobiologia2009, 629(1):199-208.[PAM-2000]

57.Paul A, Hauck M, Leuschner C: Iron and phosphate uptake in epiphytic and saxicolous lichens differing in their pH requirements Environmental and Experimental Botany2009:in press.[PAM-2100]

58.Paul A, Hauck M, Leuschner C: Iron and phosphate uptake explains the calcifuge–calcicole behavior of the terricolous lichens Cladonia furcata subsp. furcata and C. rangiformis Plant and Soil2009, 319(1-2):49-56.[PAM-2100]

59.Peguero-Pina JJ, Gil-Pelegrín E, Morales F: Photosystem II efficiency of the palisade and spongy mesophyll inQuercus coccifera using adaxial/abaxial illumination and excitation light sources with wavelengths varying in penetration into the leaf tissue Photosynthesis Research2009, 99(1):49-61.[PAM-2000]

60.Rao B, Liu Y, Wang W, Hu C, Li D, Lan S: Influence of dew on biomass and photosystem II activity of cyanobacterial crusts in the Hopq Desert, northwest China Soil Biology and Biochemistry2009:in press.[PAM-2100]

61.Szalai G, Janda T: Effect of Salt Stress on the Salicylic Acid Synthesis in Young Maize (Zea mays L.) Plants. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science2009, 195(3):165-171.[PAM-2000]

62.Takahashi S, Milward SE, Fan D-Y, Chow WS, Badger MR: How Does Cyclic Electron Flow Alleviate Photoinhibition in Arabidopsis? Plant Physiology2009, 149:1560-1567.[PAM-2000]

63.Takahashi S, Whitney SM, Badger MR: Different thermal sensitivity of the repair of photodamaged photosynthetic machinery in culturedSymbiodinium species. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA2009, 106:3237-3242.[PAM-2000]

64.Torzillo G, Scoma A, Faraloni C, Ena A, Johanningmeier U: Increased hydrogen photoproduction by means of a sulfur-deprivedChlamydomonas reinhardtii D1 protein mutant. Internal Journal of Hydrogen Energy2009, 34(10):4529-4536.[PAM-100, PAM-2100]

65.Wang H, Feng T, Peng X, Yan M, Tan X: Up-regulation of chloroplastic antioxidant capacity is involved in alleviation of nickel toxicity of Zea mays L. by exogenous salicylic acid Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety2009, 72(5):1354-1362.[PAM-2000]

66.Xu H, Zhang J, Zeng J, Jiang L, Liu E, Peng C, He Z, Peng X: Inducible antisense suppression of glycolate oxidase reveals its strong regulation over photosynthesis in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany2009:in press.[PAM-2000]

67.Xu S-j, Liu C-j, Jiang P-a, Cai W-m, Wang Y: The effects of drying following heat shock exposure of the desert moss Syntrichia caninervis Science of The Total Environment2009, 407(7):2411-2419.[PAM-2100]

68.Yang F, Xiao X, Zhang S, Korpelainen H, Li C: Salt stress responses inPopulus cathayana Rehder Plant Science2009, 176(5):669-677.[PAM-2000]

69.Yang L, Liu N, Ren H, Wang J: Facilitation by two exotic Acacia: Acacia auriculiformis andAcacia mangium as nurse plants in South China. Forest Ecology and Management2009, 257(8):1786-1793.[PAM-2100]

70.Yang L, Ren H, Liu N, Wang J: The shrub Rhodomyrtus tomentosa acts as a nurse plant for seedlings differing in shade tolerance in degraded land of South China. Journal of Vegetation Science2009, 21(2):262-272.[PAM-2100]

71.Yao X, Liu Q: The effects of enhanced ultraviolet-B and nitrogen supply on growth, photosynthesis and nutrient status of Abies faxoniana seedlings Acta Physiologiae Plantarum2009, 31(3):523-529.[PAM-2100]

72.Yin C, Pang X, Chen K: The effects of water, nutrient availability and their interaction on the growth, morphology and physiology of two poplar species Environmental and Experimental Botany2009:in press.[PAM-2100]

73.Yin H, Lai T, Cheng X, Jiang X, Liu Q: Warming effect on growth and physiology of seedlings of Betula albo-sinensis and Abies faxoniana under two contrasting light conditions in subalpine coniferous forests of western Sichuan, China Frontiers of Forestry in China2009, 4(4):432-442.[PAM-2100]

74.Zarco-Tejada PJ, Berni JAJ, Suárez L, Sepulcre-Cantó G, Morales F, Miller JR: Imaging chlorophyll fluorescence with an airborne narrow-band multispectral camera for vegetation stress detection Remote Sensing of Environment2009, 113(6):15.[GFS-3000, PAM-2100]

75.Zhang LL, Wen DZ, Fu SL: Responses of photosynthetic parameters of Mikania micrantha and Chromolaena odorata to contrasting irradiance and soil moisture Biologia Plantarum2009, 53(3):517-522.[PAM-2100]

76.Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Luo P, Wu N: Photosynthetic response of Fragaria orientalis in different water contrast clonal integration Ecological Research2009, 24(3):617-625.[PAM-2100]

77.Zhang Y-L, Zhang H-Z, Feng G-Y, Tian J-S, Zhang1 W-F: Leaf diaheliotropic movement can improve carbon gain and water use efficiency and not intensify photoinhibition in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Photosynthetica2009, 47(4):609-615.[PAM-2100]

78.Zheng Y-L, Feng Y-L, Lei Y-B, Yang C-Y: Different photosynthetic responses to night chilling among twelve populations of Jatropha curcas Photosynthetica2009, 47(4):559-566.[PAM-2100]

79.卜令铎, 张仁和, 韩苗苗, 薛吉全, 常宇: 干旱复水激发玉米叶片补偿效应的生理机制. 西北农业学报2009, 18(2):88-92.[PAM-2100]

80.高天鹏, 王东, 高海宁, 张华, 张庆, 安黎哲, 王爱勤: 保水剂对旱地马铃薯产量及叶片叶绿素荧光动力学参数的影响. 兰州大学学报2009, 45(3):67-72.[PAM-2100]

81.郭卫东, 郑建树, 张真真, 陈文荣, 郭延平: 短暂低温对佛手光合生理的影响. 生态学报2009, 29(5):2287-2293.[GFS-3000, PAM-2100]

82.柯裕州, 周金星, 卢楠, 张旭东, 孙启祥: 盐胁迫对桑树幼苗光合生理及叶绿素荧光特性的影响. 林业科学研究2009, 22(2):200-206.[PAM-2100]

83.马红群, 洪鸿, 周忆堂, 胡丽涛, 梁丽娇, 吴能表: NaHSO3对UV-B辐射增强下菠菜幼苗光合作用的影响. 园艺学报2009, 36(3):369-376.[PAM-2100]

84.倪纪恒, 陈学好, 陈春宏, 徐强: 补充不同光质对温室黄瓜生长发育、光合和前期产量的影响. 中国农业科学2009, 42(7):2615-2623.[PAM-2000]

85.宋莉英, 孙兰兰, 张强, 李伟华, 彭长连: 高温对入侵种三裂叶蟛蜞菊叶片PSII功能和光能分配的影响. 植物生理学通讯2009, 45(5):464-468.[PAM-2100]

86.吴雪霞, 于力, 朱为民: 外源一氧化氮对NaCl胁迫下番茄幼苗叶绿素荧光特性的影响. 中国生态农业学2009, 17(4):746-751.[PAM-2100]

87.夏建荣, 余锦兰: 高浓度CO2对小新月菱形藻胞外碳酸酐酶活性和光合作用的影响. 广州大学学报2009, 8(3):49-53.[PAM-2100]

88.钟泰林, 李根有, 石柏林: 遮荫对南五味子光合特性的影响. 中草药2009, 40(3):466-469.[PAM-2100]

89.Belnap J, Phillips SL, Flint S, Money J, Caldwell M: Global change and biological soil crusts: effects of ultraviolet augmentation under altered precipitation regimes and nitrogen additions. Global Change Biology2008, 14(3):670-686.[PAM-2000]

90.Biswas DK, Xu H, Li YG, Liu MZ, Chen YH, Sun JZ, Jiang GM: Assessing the genetic relatedness of higher ozone sensitivity of modern wheat to its wild and cultivated progenitors/relatives. J Exp Bot2008, 59(4):951-963.[PAM-2000]

91.Borghi M, Tognetti R, Monteforti G, Sebastiani L: Responses of two poplar species (Populus alba and Populus x canadensis) to high copper concentrations. Environmental and Experimental Botany2008, 62(3):290-299.[PAM-2000]

92.Busch F, Huner NPA, Ensminger I: Increased Air Temperature during Simulated Autumn Conditions Impairs Photosynthetic Electron Transport between Photosystem II and Photosystem I. Plant Physiology2008, 147(1):402-414.[PAM-2100]

93.Chen Q, Wang LF, Su N, Qin HD, Niu HB, Wang JL, Zhai HQ, Wan JM: Photosystem 2 photochemistry and pigment composition of a yellow mutant of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under different irradiances Photosynthetica2008, 46(1):35-39.[PAM-2000]

94.Chi W, Ma J, Zhang D, Guo J, Chen F, Lu C, Zhang L: The PPR Protein DG1 is Involved in the Regulation of Early Chloroplast Development and Chloroplast Gene Expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology2008, 147:573-584.[PAM-2000]

95.Duan J, Li J, Guo S, Kang Y: Exogenous spermidine affects polyamine metabolism in salinity-stressed Cucumis sativus roots and enhances short-term salinity tolerance Journal of Plant Physiology2008, 165(15):1620-1635.[PAM-2100]

96.Fang J, Chai C, Qian Q, Li C, Tang J, Sun L, Huang Z, Guo X, Sun C, Liu Met al: Mutations of genes in synthesis of the carotenoid precursors of ABA lead to pre-harvest sprouting and photo-oxidation in rice. The Plant Journal2008, 54(2):177-189.[PAM-2100]

97.Gong H, Tang Y, Wang J, Wen X, Zhang L, Lu C: Characterization of photosystem II in salt-stressed cyanobacterialSpirulina platensis cells Biochimica et Biophysica Acta2008, 1777:488-495.[PAM-2100]

98.González-Pérez S, Quijano C, Romero N, Melø TB, Radi R, Arellano JB: Peroxynitrite inhibits electron transport on the acceptor side of higher plant photosystem II Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics2008, 473(1):25-33.[PAM-2000]

99.Hauck M, Jürgens S-R: Usnic acid controls the acidity tolerance of lichens Environmental Pollution2008, 156(1):115-122.[PAM-2100]

100.Jung S, Back K, Yang K, Kuk YI, Chon S-U: Defence response produced during photodynamic damage in transgenic rice overexpressing 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase Photosynthetica2008, 46(1):3-9.[PAM-2000]

101.Koniger M, Delamaide JA, Marlow ED, Harris GC: Arabidopsis thaliana leaves with altered chloroplast numbers and chloroplast movement exhibit impaired adjustments to both low and high light. Journal of Experimental Botany2008, 59(9):2285-2297.[PAM-2000]

102.Kotabová E, Kaňa R, Kyseláková H, Lípová L, Novák O, Ilík P: A pronounced light-induced zeaxanthin formation accompanied by an unusually slight increase in non-photochemical quenching: A study with barley leaves treated with methyl viologen at moderate light Journal of Plant Physiology2008, 165(15):1563-1571.[PAM-2000]

103.Lange PR, Geserick C, Tischendorf G, Zrenner R: Functions of Chloroplastic Adenylate Kinases inArabidopsis. Plant Physiology2008, 146(2):492-504.[IMAGING-PAM, PAM-2000]

104.Matringe M, Ksas B, Rey P, Havaux M: Tocotrienols, the unsaturated forms of vitamin E, can function as antioxidants and lipid protectors in tobacco leaves. Plant Physiology2008, 147:764-778.[PAM-2000]

105.Muraoka H, Noda H, Uchida M, Ohtsuka T, Koizumi H, Nakatsubo T: Photosynthetic characteristics and biomass distribution of the dominant vascular plant species in a high Arctic tundra ecosystem, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard: implications for their role in ecosystem carbon gain Journal of Plant Research2008, 121(2):137-145.[PAM-2100]

106.Pattanaik B, Roleda MY, Schumann R, Karsten U: Isolate-specific effects of ultraviolet radiation on photosynthesis, growth and mycosporine-like amino acids in the microbial mat-forming cyanobacterium Microcoleus chthonoplastes. Planta2008, 227(4):907-916.[PAM-2000]

107.Roleda MY, Dethleff D, Wiencke C: Transient sediment load on blades of Arctic Saccharina latissima can mitigate UV radiation effect on photosynthesis Polar Biology2008, 31(6):765-769.[PAM-2100]

108.Schippers JHM, Nunes-Nesi A, Apetrei R, Hille J, Fernie AR, Dijkwel PP: The Arabidopsis onset of leaf death5 Mutation of Quinolinate Synthase Affects Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Biosynthesis and Causes Early Ageing. The Plant Cell2008, 20:2909-2925.[PAM-2000]

109.Suárez L, Zarco-Tejada PJ, Sepulcre-Cantó G, Pérez-Priego O, Miller JR, Jiménez-Muñoz JC, Sobrino J: Assessing canopy PRI for water stress detection with diurnal airborne imagery Remote Sensing of Environment2008, 112(2):560-575.[PAM-2100]

110.Takahashi S, Whitney S, Itoh S, Maruyama T, Badger M: Heat stress causes inhibition of the de novo synthesis of antenna proteins and photobleaching in cultured Symbiodinium. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA2008, 105:4203-4208.[PAM-2000]

111.Tattini M, Traversi ML: On the mechanism of salt tolerance in olive (Olea europaea L.) under low- or high-Ca2+ supply Environmental and Experimental Botany2008, 65(1):72-81.[PAM-2000]

112.Tronconi MA, Fahnenstich H, Gerrard Weehler MC, Andreo CS, Flugge U-I, Drincovich MF, Maurino VG: Arabidopsis NAD-Malic Enzyme Functions As a Homodimer and Heterodimer and Has a Major Impact on Nocturnal Metabolism. Plant Physiology2008, 146(4):1540-1552.[PAM-2000]

113.Wang N, Yu F-H, Li P-X, He W-M, Liu F-H, Liu J-M, Dong M: Clonal Integration Affects Growth, Photosynthetic Efficiency and Biomass Allocation, but not the Competitive Ability, of the Alien Invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides under Severe Stress. Annals of Botany2008, 101(5):671-678.[PAM-2100]

114.Wodala B, Deak Z, Vass I, Erdei L, Altorjay I, Horvath F: In Vivo Target Sites of Nitric Oxide in Photosynthetic Electron Transport as Studied by Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Pea Leaves. Plant Physiology2008, 146(4):1920-1927.[PAM-2000]

115.Wu FZ, Bao WK, Li FL, Wu N: Effects of water stress and nitrogen supply on leaf gas exchange and fluorescence parameters of Sophora davidii seedlings Photosynthetica2008, 46(1):40-48.[PAM-2100]

116.Yamane K, Kawasaki M, Taniguchi M, Miyake H: Correlation between Chloroplast Ultrastructure and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics in the Leaves of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Grown under Salinity. Plant Production Science2008, 11(1):139-145.[PAM-2100]

117.Yang X, Liang Z, Wen X, Lu C: Genetic engineering of the biosynthesis of glycinebetaine leads to increased tolerance of photosynthesis to salt stress in transgenic tobacco plants Plant Molecular Biology2008, 66(1-2):73-86.[PAM-2000]

118.Yang YQ, Yao Y: Photosynthetic responses to solar UV-A and UV-B radiation in low-and high-altitude populations of Hippophae rhamnoides Photosynthetica2008, 46(2):307-311.[PAM-2100]

119.Yin HJ, Liu Q, Lai T: Warming effects on growth and physiology in the seedlings of the two conifers Picea asperata and Abies faxoniana under two contrasting light conditions Ecological Research2008, 23(2):459-469.[PAM-2100]

120.Zhao B, Wang J, Gong H, Wen X, Ren H, Lu C: Effects of heat stress on PSII photochemistry in a cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis Plant Science2008, 175(4):556-564.[PAM-2000]

121.陈屏昭, 康道坤, 武卫华, 薛梅, 吴银梅, 郭延平: 叶绿素荧光仪饱和脉冲光作用前后温州蜜柑叶温的变化. 生态学杂志2008, 27(3):339-343.[PAM-2000]

122.关广晟, 屠乃美, 肖汉乾, 朱列书, 朱英华, 王中美: 镁对烟草生长及叶片叶绿素荧光参数的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报2008, 14(1):151-155.[PAM-2000]

123.关岚岚, 刘楠, 韦强, 简曙光: 华南地区8种藤本植物叶绿素荧光特性对模拟二氧化硫污染的响应. 热带亚热带植物学报2008, 16(2):95-103.[PAM-2100]

124.黄金丽, 李伟, 孟凡珍, 胡丽萍, 张振贤: 转反义GVDE基因烟草的叶绿素荧光参数及抗氧化酶活性的变化. 中国农业科学2008, 41(1):308-313.[PAM-2100]

125.罗宏海, 张亚黎, 张旺锋, 白慧东, 何在菊, 杜明伟, 张宏芝: 新疆滴灌棉花花铃期干旱复水对叶片光合特性及产量的影响. 作物学报2008, 34(1):171-174.[PAM-2100]

126.宋维民, 周海燕, 贾荣亮, 赵昕, 冯丽, 谭会娟: 土壤逐渐干旱对4种荒漠植物光合作用和海藻糖含量的影响. 中国沙漠2008, 28(3):449-454.[PAM-2000]

127.孙锦, 李娟, 郭世荣, 李军, 李晶: 不同菠菜品种对海水胁迫的生理响应差异. 西北植物学报2008, 28(4):737-744.[PAM-2100]

128.孙晓方, 何家庆, 黄训端, 平江, 葛结林: 不同光强对加拿大一枝黄花生长和叶绿素荧光的影响. 西北植物学报2008, 28(4):752-758.[PAM-2100]

129.张亚黎, 罗宏海, 张旺锋, 樊大勇, 何在菊, 白慧东: 土壤水分亏缺对陆地棉花铃期叶片光化学活性和激发能耗散的影响. 植物生态学报2008, 32(3):681-689.[PAM-2100]

130.张治平, 汪良驹, 姚泉洪: 过量合成ALA转基因烟草叶片光合与叶绿素荧光特性的研究. 西北植物学报2008, 28(6):1196-1202.[PAM-2100]

131.郑蓉, 黄耀华, 连巧霞, 郑清芳, 郑维鹏: 刚竹属13个竹种叶绿素荧光特性比较. 江西农业大学学报2008, 30(2):263-267.[PAM-2100]

132.朱英华, 屠乃美, 肖汉乾, 关广晟, 王辉, 蔡奇, 邓力超, 危跃, 易迪, 黄泽春et al: 硫对烟草叶片光合特性和叶绿素荧光参数的影响. 生态学报2008, 28(3):1000-1005.[PAM-2000]

133.Dong H, Deng Y, Mu J, Lu Q, Wang Y, Xu Y, Chu C, Chong K, Lu C, Zuo J: The Arabidopsis Spontaneous Cell Death1 gene, encoding a -carotene desaturase essential for carotenoid biosynthesis, is involved in chloroplast development, photoprotection and retrograde signalling. Cell Research2007, 17:458-470.[PAM-2000]

134.Flexas J, Diaz-Espejo A, Berry JA, Cifre J, Galmes J, Kaldenhoff R, Medrano H, Ribas-Carbo M: Analysis of leakage in IRGA's leaf chambers of open gas exchange systems: quantification and its effects in photosynthesis parameterization. J Exp Bot2007, 58(6):1533-1543.[PAM-2000]

135.Fredersdorf J, Bischof K: Irradiance of photosynthetically active radiation determines ultraviolet-susceptibility of photosynthesis in Ulva lactuca L.(Chlorophyta). Phycological Research2007, 55(4):295-301.[PAM-2100]

136.Gomez I, Orostegui M, Huovinen P: Morpho-functional patterns of photosynthesis in the south pacific kelp Lessonia nigrescens: effects of UV radiation on 14C fixation and primary photochemical reactions. Journal of Phycology2007, 43(1):55-64.[PAM-2000]

137.Guidi L, Mori S, Degl'Innocenti E, Pecchiab S: Effects of ozone exposure or fungal pathogen on white lupin leaves as determined by imaging of chlorophyll a fluorescence Plant Physiology and Biochemistry2007, 45(10-11):851-857.[IMAGING-PAM, PAM-2000/PAM-2100]

138.Guo J-W, Guo J-K, Zhao Y, Du L-F: Changes of Photosystem II Electron Transport in the Chlorophyll-deficient Oilseed Rape Mutant Studied by Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Thermoluminescence. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology2007, 49(5):698-705.[PAM-2100]

139.Jochum GM, Mudge KW, Thomas RB: Elevated temperatures increase leaf senescence and root secondary metabolite concentrations in the understory herb Panax quinquefolius (Araliaceae). Am J Bot2007, 94(5):819-826.[PAM-2000]

140.Lamote M, Johnson LE, Lemoine Y: Interspecific differences in the response of juvenile stages to physical stress: fluorometric responses of fucoid embryos to variation in meteorological conditions. Journal of Phycology2007, 43(6):1164-1176.[PAM-2000]

141.Ma J, Peng L, Guo J, Lu Q, Lu C, Zhang L: LPA2 is required for efficient assembly of photosystem II in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell2007, 19:1980-1993.[PAM-2000, PAM-100]

142.Schumann U, Prestele J, O'Geen H, Brueggeman R, Wanner G, Gietl C: Requirement of the C3HC4 zinc RING finger of the Arabidopsis PEX10 for photorespiration and leaf peroxisome contact with chloroplasts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2007, 104(3):1069-1074.[PAM-2000]

143.Sun X, Peng L, Guo J, Chi W, Ma J, Lu C, Zhang L: Formation of DEG5 and DEG8 complexes and their involvement in the degradation of photodamaged photosystem II reaction center D1 protein in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell2007, 19:1347-1361.[PAM-2000]

144.Tzvetkova-Chevolleau T, Hutin C, Noël LD, Goforth R, Carde J-P, Caffarri S, Sinning I, Groves M, Teulon J-M, Hoffman NEet al: Canonical Signal Recognition Particle Components Can Be Bypassed for Posttranslational Protein Targeting in Chloroplasts. The Plant Cell2007, 19:1635-1648.[PAM-2000]

145.Wittmann C, Pfanz H: Temperature dependency of bark photosynthesis in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth.) trees. J Exp Bot2007, 58(15-16):4293-4306.[PAM-2000]

146.Zhou Y, Lam HM, Zhang J: Inhibition of photosynthesis and energy dissipation induced by water and high light stresses in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany2007, 58(5):1207-1217.[PAM-2000/PAM-2100]

147.Zhu S-Q, Yu C-M, Liu X-Y, Ji B-H, Jiao D-M: Changes in Unsaturated Levels of Fatty Acids in Thylakoid PSII Membrane Lipids During Chilling-induced Resistance in Rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology2007, 49(4):463-471.[PAM-2000]

148.耿伟, 王春艳, 薛绪掌, 王卫光: 负压供水下盆栽大豆叶片的光合生理研究. 节水灌溉2007(1):5-8.[PAM-2100]

149.王北洪, 马智宏, 左海涛, 高洪文, 黄文江: 再生水对3种紫花苜蓿光合特性及产量的影响. 安徽农学通报2007, 13(14):28-32.[PAM-2100]

150.武立权, 沈圣泉, 王荣富, 舒庆尧: 水稻黄叶突变体光合特性的日变化核农学报2007, 21(5):425-429.[PAM-2100]

151.徐凯, 郭延平, 张上隆, 吴慧敏: 不同氮素水平下二氧化碳加富对草莓叶片光抑制的影响. 应用生态学报2007, 18(1):87-93.[PAM-2000/PAM-2100]

152.张永江, 黄文江, 王纪华, 刘良云, 马智宏, 李佛琳: 基于Fraunhofer 线的小麦条锈病荧光遥感探测. 中国农业科学2007, 40(1):78-83.[PAM-2100]

153.周相娟, 梁宇, 沈世华, 荆玉祥: 接种根瘤菌和遮光对大豆固氮和光合作用的影响. 中国农业科学2007, 40(3):478-484.[PAM-2000]

154.Antal TK, Volgusheva AA, Kukarskikh GP, Krendeleva TE, Tusov VB, Rubin AB: Examination of chlorophyll fluorescence in sulfur-deprived cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Biophysics2006, 51(2):251-257.[PAM-2000]

155.Bertamini M, Muthuchelian K, Nedunchezhian N: Shade effect alters leaf pigments and photosynthetic responses in Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) grown under field conditions. Photosynthetica2006, 44(2):227-234.[PAM-2000]

156.Eggert A, Haubner N, Klausch S, Karsten U, Schumann R: Quantification of algal biofilms colonising building materials: chlorophyll a measured by PAM-fluorometry as a biomass parameter. Biofouling2006, 22(1-2):79-90.[PAM-2000, IMAGING-PAM]

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158.Gray DW, Cardon ZG, Lewis LA: Simultaneous collection of rapid chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics, fluorescence quenching parameters, and environmental data using an automated PAM-2000/CR10X data logging system. Photosynthesis Research2006, 87(3):295-301.[PAM-2000]

159.Häubner N, Schumann, Karsten U: Aeroterrestrial microalgae growing in biofilms on facades—response to temperature and water stress. Microbial Ecology2006, 51(3):285-293.[PAM-2000]

160.Huang C, He W, Guo J, Chang X, Su P, Zhang L: Increased sensitivity to salt stress in an ascorbate-deficient Arabidopsis mutant. Journal of Experimental Botany2006, 56:3041-3049.[PAM-2000]

161.Kummerová M, Barták M, Dubová J, Tříska J, Zubrová E, Zezulka Š: Inhibitory effect of fluoranthene on photosynthetic processes in Lichens detected by chlorophyll fluorescence. Ecotoxicology2006, 15(2):121-131.[PAM-2000]

162.Lizana C, Wentworth M, Martinez JP, Villegas D, Meneses R, Murchie EH, Pastenes C, Lercari B, Vernieri P, Horton Pet al: Differential adaptation of two varieties of common bean to abiotic stress: I. Effects of drought on yield and photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany2006, 57:685-697.[PAM-2000]

163.Ma J-F, Guo J-K, Peng L-W, Chen C-Y, Zhang L-X: Decrease of Photosystem II Photochemistry in Arabidopsis ppt1 Mutant Is Dependent on Leaf Age. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology2006, 48(12):1409-1414.[PAM-2100]

164.Naidoo G: Factors contributing to dwarfing in the mangrove Avicennia marina. Annals of Botany2006, 97:1095-1101.[PAM-2100]

165.O'Neill PM, Shanahan JF, Schepers JS: Use of chlorophyll fluorescence assessments to differentiate corn hybrid response to variable water conditions Crop Science2006, 46:681-687.[PAM-2000]

166.Peng L, Ma J, Chi W, Guo J, Zhu S, Lu Q, Lu C, Zhang L: Low PSII Accumulation is involved in efficient assembly of photosystem II in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell2006, 18:955-969.[PAM-2000]

167.Peng L-W, Guo J-K, Ma J-F, Chi W, Zhang L-X: Photosynthetic Properties of Photosystem II in Arabidopsis thaliana Ipa1 Mutant. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology2006, 48(12):1424-1430.[PAM-2100]

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170.Rautenberger R, Bischof K: Impact of temperature on UV-susceptibility of two Ulva (Chlorophyta) species from Antarctic and Subantarctic regions. Polar Biology2006, 29(11):988-996.[PAM-2100]

171.Rossini S, Casazza AP, Engelmann ECM, Havaux M, Jennings RC, Soave C: Suppression of both ELIP1 and ELIP2 in Arabidopsis thaliana does not affect tolerance to photoinhibition and photooxidative stress. Plant Physiology2006, 141:1264-1273.[PAM-2000]

172.Subrahmanyam D, Subash N, Haris A, Sikka AK: Influence of water stress on leaf photosynthetic characteristics in wheat cultivars differing in their susceptibility to drought Photosynthetica2006, 44(1):125-129.[PAM-2000]

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174.Wagner A, Michalek W, Jamiolkowska A: Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements as indicators of fusariosis severity in tomato plants. Agronomy Research2006, Specil issue(4):461-464

175.Wong CE, Li Y, Labbe A, Guevara D, Nuin P, Whitty B, Diaz C, Golding GB, Gray GR, Weretilnyk EAet al: Environmental stress and adaptaton to stress:transcriptional profiling implicates novel interactions between abiotic stress and hormonal responses in Thellungiella, a close relative of Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology2006, 140:1437-1450.[PAM-2000]

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177.Yaronskaya E, Vershilovskaya I, Poers Y, Alawady AE, Averina N, Grimm2 B: Cytokinin effects on tetrapyrrole biosynthesis and photosynthetic activity in barley seedlings. Planta2006, 24(3):700-709.[PAM-2000]

178.Yin CY, Berninger F, Li CY: Photosynthetic responses of Populus przewalski subjected to drought stress Photosynthetica2006, 44(1):62-68.[PAM-2100]

179.李燕宏, 洪健, 谢礼, 杨勇, 周雪平, 蒋德安: 蚕豆萎蔫病毒2号分离物侵染对蚕豆叶片光合活性和叶绿体超微结构的影响. 植物生理与分子生物学学报2006, 32(4):490-496.[PAM-2100]

180.刘良云, 张永江, 王纪华, 赵春江: 利用夫琅和费暗线探测自然光条件下的植被光合作用荧光研究. 遥感学报2006, 10(1):130-137.[PAM-2100]

181.陆胜民: 臭氧降解蔬菜中乐果残留及对其品质的影响. 中国食品学报2006, 6(1):129-132.[PAM-2000]

182.罗青红, 李志军, 伍维模, 韩路: 胡杨、灰叶胡杨光合及叶绿素荧光特性的比较研究. 西北植物学报2006, 26(5):983-988.[PAM-2100]

183.王立丰, 李良璧, 白克智, 匡廷云: 高浓度LaCl3 抑制黄瓜( Cucumis sativus Linn)光系统Ⅱ( PS Ⅱ) 活性. 中国稀土学报2006, 23(6):770-774.[PAM-2000]

184.王晓静, 张裕, 张立新, 毕玉蓉: NCS对离体萝卜子叶转绿期间叶绿素荧光参数及类囊体膜蛋白复合物的影响. 西北植物学报2006, 26(2):259-265.[PAM-2000]

185.徐凯, 郭延平, 张上隆, 戴文圣, 符庆功: 不同氮营养水平下草莓叶片光合作用对高CO2浓度的适应. 植物生理与分子生物学学报2006, 32(4):473-480.[PAM-2000]

186.衣英华, 樊大勇, 谢宗强, 陈芳清: 模拟淹水对枫杨和栓皮栎气体交换、叶绿素荧光和水势的影响. 植物生态学报2006, 30(6):960-968.[PAM-2100]

187.于海秋, 彭新湘, 严小龙, 曹敏建: 缺磷对不同磷效率基因型大豆光合日变化的影响. 沈阳农业大学学报2006, 36(5):519-522.[PAM-2000]

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190.D'Haese D, Vandermeiren K, Asard H, Horemans N: Other factors than apoplastic ascorbate contribute to the differential ozone tolerance of two clones of Trifolium repens L. Plant Cell and Environment2005, 28(5):623-632.[PAM-2000]

191.Ebbert V, Adams III WW, Mattoo AK, Sokolenko A, Demmig-Adams B: Up-regulation of a photosystem II core protein phosphatase inhibitor and sustained D1 phosphorylation in zeaxanthin-retaining, photoinhibited needles of overwintering Douglas fir. Plant Cell and Environment2005, 28(2):232-240.[PAM-2000]

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194.Fan D-Y, Gao R-F: Where is the site of the "oxygen burst" located during light induction in dark-adapted leaves? A study using photoacoustic techniques. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology2005, 47(5):567-578.[PAM-2000]

195.Favory J-J, Kobayshi M, Tanaka K, Peltier G, Kreis M, Valay J-G, Lerbs-Mache S: Specific function of a plastid sigma factor for ndhF gene transcription. Nucleic Acid Research2005, 33:5991-5999.[PAM-2000]

196.Feild TS, Brodribb TJ: A unique mode of parasitism in the conifer coral tree Parasitaxus ustus (Podocarpaceae). Plant Cell and Environment2005, 28:1316-1325.[PAM-2100]

197.Feild TS, Sage TL, Czerniak C, Iles WJD: Hydathodal leaf teeth of Chloranthus japonicus (Chloranthaceae) prevent guttation-induced flooding of the mesophyll. Plant Cell and Environment2005, 28:1179-1190.[PAM-2100]

198.Grassi G, Magnani F: Stomatal, mesophyll conductance and biochemical limitations to photosynthesis as affected by drought and leaf ontogeny in ash and oak trees. Plant Cell and Environment2005, 28(7):834-849.[PAM-2000]

199.Guéra A, Calatayud A, Sabater B, Barreno E: Involvement of the thylakoidal NADH-plastoquinone-oxidoreductase complex in the early responses to ozone exposure of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings Journal of Experimental Botany2005, 56(409):205-218.[PAM-2000]

200.Haldimann P, Feller U: Growth at moderately elevated temperature alters the physiological response of the photosynthetic apparatus to heat stress in pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaves. Plant Cell and Environment2005, 28(3):302-317.[PAM-2000]

201.Han Y-S, Han T: UV-B induction of UV-B protection in Ulva pertusa (Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology2005, 41(3):523-530.[PAM-2000]

202.Havaux M, Eymery F, Porfirova S, Rey P, Dormann P: Vitamin E protects against photoinhibition stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell2005, 17:3451-3469.[PAM-2000]

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205.Jeon M-W, Ali MB, Hahn E-J, Paek K-Y: Effects of photon flux density on the morphology, photosynthesis and growth of a CAM orchid, Doritaenopsis during post-micropropagation acclimatization. Plant Growth Regulation 2005, 45(2):139-147.[PAM-2000]

206.Ji B-H, Tan H-H, Zhou R, Jiao D-M, Shen Y-G: Promotive Effect of Low Concentrations of NaHSO3 on Photophosphorylation and Photosynthesis in Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Transgenic Rice Leaves. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology2005, 47(2):178-186.[PAM-2000]

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215.Pérez-Priego O, Zarco-Tejada PJ, Miller JR, Sepulcre-Cantó G, Fereres E: Detection of water stress in Orchard trees with a high-resolution spectrometer through chlorophyll fluorescence in-filling of the O2-A band. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and remote Sensing2005, 43(12):2860-2869.[PAM-2100]

216.Rassadina VV, Usatov AV, Fedorenko GM, Averina NG: Activity of the system for chlorophyll biosynthesis and structural and functional organization of chloroplasts in a plastome en:chlorina-5 sunflower mutant Russian Journal of Plant Physiology2005, 52(5):606-615.[PAM-2000]

217.Rumeau D, Bécuwe-Linka N, Beyly A, Louwagie M, Garin J, Peltier G: New subunits NDH-M, -N, and -O, encoded by nuclear genes, are essential for plastid Ndh complex functioning in higher plants. The Plant Cell2005, 17:219-232.[PAM-2000]

218.Shelly K, Roberts S, Heraud P, Beardall J: Interactions between UV-B exposure and phosphorus nutrition. I. Effects on growth, phosphate uptake, and chlorophyll fluorescence. Journal of Phycology2005, 41(6):1204-1211.[PAM-2000, PHYTO-PAM]

219.Shirke PA, Pathre UV: Influence of leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficit (VPD) on the biochemistry and physiology of photosynthesis in Prosopis juliflora. Journal of Experimental Botany2005, 55(405):2111-2120.[PAM-2000]

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221.Skillman JB, Garcia M, Virgo A, Winter K: Growth irradiance effects on photosynthesis and growth in two co-occurring shade-tolerant neotropical perennials of contrasting photosynthetic pathways. American Journal of Botany2005, 92:1811-1819.[PAM-2000]

222.Souza GM, Ribeiro RV, de Oliveira RF, Machado EC: Network connectance and autonomy analyses of the photosynthetic apparatus in tropical tree species from different successional groups under contrasting irradiance conditions. Revista Brasileira de Botanica2005, 28(1):47-59.[PAM-2000]

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225.van de Poll WH, van Leeuwe MA, Roggeveld J, Buma AGJ: Nutrient limitation and high irradiance acclimation reduce PAR and UV-induced viability loss in the antarctic diatom Chaetoceros brevis (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology2005, 41(4):840-850.[PAM-2000]

226.Wang Q, Lu C, Zhang Q: Midday photoinhibition of two newly developed super-rice hybrids. Photosynthetica2005, 43:277-281.[PAM-2000]

227.Wen X, Gong H, Lu C: Heat stress induces an inhibition of excitation energy transfer from phycobilisomes to photosystem II but not to photosystem I in a cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry2005, 43:389–395.[PAM-2000]

228.Wen X, Gong H, Lu C: Heat stress induces a reversible inhibition of electron transport at the acceptor side of photosystem II in a cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. Plant Science2005, 168:1471–1476.[PAM-2000]

229.Wen X, Qiu N, Lu Q, Lu C: Enhanced thermotolerance of photosystem II in salt-adapted plants of the halophyte Artemisia anethifolia. Planta2005, 220:486-497.[PAM-2000]

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235.韩志国, 贺立静, 顾继光, 许忠能, 韩博平: 束生刚毛藻脱水和复水过程中光合作用的变化. 生态学杂志2005, 24(11):1291-1294.[PAM-2100]

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239.廖飞勇, 叶海燕, 吕梁: 不同浓度NaHSO3 对油桐光合特性的影响. 西南林学院学报2005, 25(3):5-9.[PAM-2000]

240.刘辉, 郭延平, 胡美君: 杨梅光合作用的低温光抑制. 热带亚热带植物学报2005, 13(4):338-342.[PAM-2000, HCM-1000]

241.刘晶, 周树峰, 陈华, 韩和平, 李银心: 农杆菌介导的双价抗盐基因转化番茄的研究. 中国农业科学2005, 38(8):1636-1644.[PAM-2000]

242.龙明华, 唐小付, 于文进, 廖易, 黄文浩, 秦荣耀: 不同钙素水平对厚皮甜瓜叶片光合作用和保护酶活性的影响. 广西植物2005, 25(1):77-82.[PAM-100]

243.吴凯朝, 唐军, 黄诚梅, 苏俊波, 李杨瑞, 叶燕萍: 果蔗脱毒苗田间叶绿素荧光和群体冠层结构. 亚热带农业研究2005, 1(2):18-20.[PAM-2000]

244.徐凯, 郭延平, 张上隆: 不同光质对草莓叶片光合作用和叶绿素荧光的影响. 中国农业科学2005, 38(2):369-375.[PAM-2000, HCM-1000]

245.徐凯, 郭延平, 张上隆, 周慧芬, 郑毅: 草莓叶片光合作用对强光的响应及其机理研究. 应用生态学报2005, 16(1):73-78.[PAM-2000, HCM-1000]

246.张旺锋, 樊大勇, 谢宗强, 蒋晓晖: 濒危植物银杉幼树对生长光强的季节性光合响应. 生物多样性2005, 13(5):387-397.[PAM-2100]

247.张燕琴, 李方, 郭延平, 陈昆松: 叶片叶绿素荧光参数用作采后切花菊衰老指标. 浙江大学学报2005, 31(6):683-688.[PAM-2000]

248.周海燕, 张景光, 李新荣, 王新平, 赵亮, 龙利群: 生态脆弱带不同区域近缘优势灌木的生理生态学特性. 生态学报2005, 25(1):168-175.[PAM-2000]

249.左园园, 刘庆, 林波, 何海: 短期增强UV-B辐射对青榨槭幼苗生理特性的影响. 应用生态学报2005, 16(9):1682-1686.[PAM-2100]

250.Belnap J, Phillips SL, Miller ME: Response of desert biological soil crusts to alterations in precipitation frequency. Oecologia2004, 141(2):306-316.[PAM-2000]

251.Biemelt S, Tschiersch H, Sonnewald U: Impact of altered gibberellin metabolism on biomass accumulation, lignin biosynthesis, and photosynthesis in transgenic tobacco plants. Plant Physiology2004, 135:254-265.[PAM-2000]

252.Cheeseman JM, Lovelock CE: Photosynthetic characteristics of dwarf and fringe Rhizophora mangle L. in a Belizean mangrove. Plant Cell and Environment2004, 27(6):769-780.[PAM-2000]

253.Cleavitt N: Comparative ecology of a lowland and a subalpine species of Mnium in the northern Rocky Mountains. Plant Ecology2004, 174:205-216.[PAM-2000]

254.D'Haese D, Vandermeiren K, Caubergs RJ, Guisez Y, Temmerman LD, Horemans N: Non-photochemical quenching kinetics during the dark to light transition in relation to the formation of antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin. Journal of Theoretical Biology2004, 227:175-186.[PAM-2000]

255.Ensminger I, Sveshnikov D, Campbell DA, Funk C, Jansson S, Lloyd J, Shibistova O, Öquist G: Intermittent low temperatures constrain spring recovery of photosynthesis in boreal Scots pine forests. Global Change Biology2004, 10:1-14.[PAM-2000]

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257.Havaux M, Dall'Osto L, Cuiné S, Giuliano G, Bassi R: The effect of zeaxanthin as the only xanthophyll on the structure and function of the photosynthetic apparatus in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Journal of Biological Chemistry2004, 279(14):13878-13888.[PAM-2000]

258.Hieber AD, Kawabata O, Yamamoto HY: Significance of the lipid phase in the dynamics and functions of the xanthophyll cycle as revealed by PsbS overexpression in tobacco and in-vitro de-epoxidation in monogalactosyldiacylglycerol micelles Plant Cell and Physiology2004, 45(1):92-102.[PAM-2000]

259.Ji B-H, Zhu S-Q, Jiao D-M: A limited photosynthetic C4-microcycle and its physiological function in transgenic rice plant expressing the maize PEPC gene. Acta Botanica Sinica2004, 46(5):542-551.[PAM-2000]

260.Kasukabe Y, He L, Nada K, Misawa S, Ihara I, Tachibana S: Overexpression of spermidine synthase enhances tolerance to multiple environmental stresses and up-regulates the expression of various stress-regulated genes in transgenic Arabidopsis thalianaPlant Cell and Physiology2004, 45(6):712-722.[PAM-2000]

261.Labate MTV, Ko K, Ko ZW, Pinto LSRC, Real MJUD, Romano MR, Barja PR, Granell A, Friso G, van Wijk KJet al: Constitutive expression of pea Lhcb1-2 in tobacco affects plant development, morphology and photosynthetic capacity. Plant Molecular Biology2004, 55:701-714.[PAM-2000]

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263.Lu Q, Lu C: Photosynthetic pigment composition and photosystem II photochemistry of wheat ears. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry2004, 42:395-402.[PAM-2000]

264.McElrone AJ, Forseth IN: Photosynthetic Responses of a Temperate Liana to Xylella fastidiosa Infection and Water Stress. Journal of Phytopathology2004, 152:9-20.[PAM-2000]

265.Mercado JM, Sánchez-Saavedra MdP, Correa-Reyes G, Lubián L, Montero O, Figueroa FL: Blue light effect on growth, light absorption characteristics and photosynthesis of five benthic diatom strains. Aquatic Botany2004, 78:265-277.[PAM-2000]

266.Morita-Yamamuro C, Tsutsui T, Tanaka A, Yamaguchi J: Knock-out of the plastid ribosomal protein S21 causes impaired photosynthesis and sugar-response during germination and seedling development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell and Physiology2004, 45(6):781-788.[PAM-2000]

267.Munné-Bosch S, Peñuelas J, Asensio D, Llusià J: Airborne ethylene may alter antioxidant protection and reduce tolerance of holm oak to heat and drought stress. Plant Physiology2004, 136:2937-2947.[PAM-2000]

268.Romero HM, Berlett BS, Jensen PJ, Pell EJ, Tien M: Investigations into the role of the plastidial peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase in response to oxidative stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology2004, 136:3784-3794.[PAM-2000]

269.Rumeau D, Bécuwe-Linka N, Beyly A, Louwagie M, Garin J, Peltier G: New Subunits NDH-M, -N, and -O, Encoded by Nuclear Genes, Are Essential for Plastid Ndh Complex Functioning in Higher Plants. The Plant Cell2004, 17:219-232.[PAM-2000]

270.Salvucci ME, Crafts-Brandner SJ: Relationship between the heat tolerance of photosynthesis and the thermal stability of Rubisco activase in plants from contrasting thermal environments. Plant Physiology2004, 134:1460-1470.[PAM-2000]

271.Sinsawat V, Leipner J, Stamp P, Fracheboud Y: Effect of heat stress on the photosynthetic apparatus in maize (Zea mays L.) grown at control or high temperature. Environmental and Experimental Botany2004, 52:123–129.[PAM-2000]

272.Sjögren LLE, MacDonald TM, Sutinen S, Clarke AK: Inactivation of the clpC1 gene encoding a chloroplast Hsp100 molecular chaperone causes growth retardation, leaf chlorosis, lower photosynthetic activity, and a specific reduction in photosystem content. Plant Physiology2004, 136:4114-4126.[PAM-2000]

273.Verdoy D, Lucas MM, Manrique E, Covarrubias AA, de Felipe MR, Pueyo JJ: Differential organ-specific response to salt stress and water deficit in nodulated bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Plant Cell and Environment2004, 27(6):757-767.[PAM-2000]

274.Wilson S, Blake C, Berges JA, Maggs CA: Environmental tolerances of free-living coralline algae (maerl): implications for European marine conservation. Biological Conservation2004, 120:283-293.[PAM-2000]

275.Xu Z-Z, Zhou G-S, Li H: Response of chlorophyll fluorescence and nitrogen level of Leymus chinensis seedling tho changes of soil moisture and temperature. Journal of Environmental Sciences2004, 16(4):666-669.[PAM-100]

276.Zotz G, Enslin A, Hartung W, Ziegler H: Physiological and anatomical changes during the early ontogeny of the heteroblastic bromeliad, Vriesea sanguinolenta, do not concur with the morphological change from atmospheric to tank form. Plant Cell and Environment2004, 27(11):1341-1350.[PAM-2000]

277.陈丹, 张放: 水分胁迫条件下CO2加富对枇杷叶绿素荧光及抗氧化酶的影响. 浙江农业学报2004, 16(2):63-67.[PAM-2000]

278.付东亚, 洪健, 陈集双, 吴建祥: 芜菁花叶病毒外壳蛋白在寄主植物叶绿体中的积累及其对光系统II活性的影响. 植物生理与分子生物学学报2004, 30(1):34-40.[PAM-2000]

279.郭延平, 宋丽丽, 徐凯, 张良诚: 温州蜜柑叶片光系统反应中心光能分配的变化. 应用生态学报2004, 15(11):2087-2090.[PAM-2000]

280.廖飞勇, 何平, 谢瑛: 低浓度SO2 熏气对油桐幼苗光系统结构和功能的影响. 农村生态环境2004, 20(1):60-64.[PAM-2000]

281.王强, 温晓刚, 卢从明, 张其德: 超高产杂交稻‘华安3号’冠层不同衰老程度叶片的光合功能. 植物生态学报2004, 28(1):39-46.[PAM-2000]

282.许晓明, 张荣铣, 唐运来: 低叶绿素含量对突变体水稻吸收光能分配特性的影响. 中国农业科学2004, 37(3):339-343.[PAM-2000]

283.曾光辉, 郭延平, 刘辉, 徐凯: 冬, 春田间枇杷叶片光合机构的运转. 果树科学2004, 21(3):233-236.[PAM-2000]

284.Aharon R, Shahak Y, Wininger S, Bendov R, Kapulnik Y, Galili G: Overexpression of a plasma membrane aquaporin in transgenic tobacco Improves plant vigor under favorable growth conditions but not under drought or salt stress. The Plant Cell2003, 15:439-447.[PAM-2000]

285.Burritt DJ, Mackenzie S: Antioxidant metabolism during acclimation of Begonia × erythrophylla to high light levels. Annals of Botany2003, 91:783-794.[PAM-2000]

286.Calatayud A, Iglesias DJ, Talón M, Barreno E: Effects of 2-month ozone exposure in spinach leaves on photosynthesis, antioxidant systems and lipid peroxidation. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry2003, 41:839–845.[PAM-2000]

287.Carr H, Björk M: A methodological comparison of photosynthetic oxygen evolution and estimated electron transport rate in tropical Ulva (Chlorophyceae) species under different light and inorganic carbon conditions. Journal of Phycology2003, 39(6):1125-1131.[PAM-2000, DIVING-PAM]

288.Chen Y-Z, Murchie EH, Hubbart S, Horton P, Peng S: Effects of season-dependent irradiance levels and nitrogen-deficiency on photosynthesis and photoinhibition in field-grown rice (Oryza sativa). Physiologia Plantarum2003, 117:343-351.[PAM-2000]

289.Close D, Beadle CL, Hovenden MJ: Interactive effects of nitrogen and irradiance on sustained xanthophyll cycle engagement in Eucalyptus nitens leaves during winter Oecologia2003, 134(1):32-36.[PAM-2000]

290.Damesin C: Respiration and photosynthesis characteristics of current-year stems of Fagus sylvatica: from the seasonal pattern to an annual balance. New Phytologist2003, 158:465-475.[PAM-2000]

291.Egorova EA, Bukhov NG, Heber U, Samson G, Carpentier R: Effect of the pool size of stromal reductants on the alternative pathway of electron transfer to photosystem I in chloroplasts of intact leaves. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology2003, 50(4):431-440.[PAM-100, PAM-2000]

292.Feller IC, Whigham DF, McKee KL, Lovelock CE: Nitrogen limitation of growth and nutrient dynamics in a disturbed mangrove forest, Indian River Lagoon, Florida Oecologia2003, 134(3):405-414.[PAM-2000]

293.Figueroa FL, Conde-Álvarez R, Gómez I: Relations between electron transport rates determined by pulse amplitude modulated chlorophyll fluorescence and oxygen evolution in macroalgae under different light conditions. Photosynthesis Research2003, 75(3):259-275.[PAM-2000]

294.Figueroa FL, Escassi L, Pérez-Rodríguez E, Korbee n, Giles AD, Johnsen G: Effects of short-term irradiation on photoinhibition and accumulation of mycosporine-like amino acids in sun and shade species of the red algal genes Porphyra. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology2003, 69:21-30.[PAM-2000]

295.Gesch RW, Kang I-H, Gallo-Meagher M, Vu JCV, Boote KJ, Allen LH, R J, Bowes G: Rubisco expression in rice leaves is related to genotypic variation of photosynthesis under elevated growth CO2 and temperature. Plant Cell and Environment2003, 26(12):1941-1950.[PAM-2000]

296.Häder D-P, Lebert M, Helbling EW: Effects of solar radiation on the Patagonian rhodophyte Corallina officinatis (L.). Photosynthesis Research2003, 78(2):119-132.[PAM-2000]

297.Havaux M, Lütz C, Grimm B: Chloroplast membrane photostability in chlP transgenic tobacco plants deficient in tocopherols. Plant Physiology2003, 132:300-310.[PAM-2000]

298.Hutin C, Nussaume L, Moise N, Moya I, Kloppstech K, Havaux M: Early light-induced proteins protect Arabidopsis from photooxidative stress Proc Natl Acad Sci USA2003, 100(8):4921-4926.[PAM-2000]

299.Iriti M, Faoro F: Does benzothiadiazole-induced resistance increase fitness cost in bean? Journal of Plant Pathology2003, 85(4):265-270.[PAM-2000]

300.Jia H, Lu C: Effects of abscisic acid on photoinhibition in maize plants. Plant Science2003, 165:1403-1410.[PAM-2000]

301.Jia H-S, Li D-Q: State transition, is it a photochemical or non-photochemical process in leaf in response to irradiance? Acta Botanica Sinica2003, 45(12):1428-1433.[PAM-2000]

302.Kato MC, Hikosaka K, Hirotsu N, Makino A, Hirose T: The excess light energy that is neither utilized in photosynthesis nor dissipated by photoprotective mechanisms determines the rate of hotoinactivation in photosystem II. Plant Cell and Physiology2003, 44(3):318-325.[PAM-2000]

303.Kelly AA, Froehlich JE, Dörmann P: Disruption of the two digalactosyldiacylglycerol synthase genes DGD1 and DGD2 in Arabidopsis reveals the existence of an additional enzyme of galactolipid synthesis The Plant Cell2003, 15:2694-2706.[PAM-2000]

304.Krause GH, Grube E, Virgo A, Winter K: Sudden exposure to solar UV-B radiation reduces net CO2 uptake and photosystem I efficiency in shade-acclimated tropical tree seedlings. Plant Physiology2003, 131:745-752.[PAM-2000, PAM-100]

305.Kuk YI, Shin JS, Burgos NR, Hwang TE, Han O, Cho BH, Jung S, Guh JO: Antioxidative enzymes offer protection from chilling damage in rice plants. Crop Science2003, 43:2109-2117.[PAM-2000]

306.Lamote M, EvaDarko, Schoefs B, Lemoine Y: Assembly of the photosynthetic apparatus in embryos from Fucus serratus L. Photosynthesis Research2003, 77(1):45-52.[PAM-2000]

307.Lu C, Jiang G, Wang B, Kuang T: Photosystem II photochemistry and photosynthetic pigment composition in salt-adapted halophyte Artimisia anethifolia grown under outdoor conditions. Journal of Plant Physiology2003, 160:403-408.[PAM-2000]

308.Lu C, Qiu N, Lu Q: Photoinhibition and the xanthophyll cycle are not enhanced in the salt-acclimated halophyte Artimisia anethifolia. Physiologia Plantarum2003, 118:532-537.[PAM-2000]

309.Lu C, Qiu N, Lu Q, Wang B, Kuang T: PS II photochemistry, thermal energy dissipation, and the xanthophyll cycle in Kalanchoë daigremontiana exposed to a combination of water stress and high light. Physiologia Plantarum2003, 118:173-182.[PAM-2000]

310.Lu C, Qiu N, Wang B, Zhang J: Salinity treatment shows no effects on photosystem II photochemistry but increases the resistance of photosystem II to heat stress in halophyteSuaeda salsa. Journal of Experimental Botany2003, 54:851-860.[PAM-2000]

311.Lu Q, Wen X, Lu C, Zhang Q, Kuang T: Photoinhibition and photoprotection in senescent leaves of field-grown wheat plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry2003, 41:749-754.[PAM-2000]

312.Munné-Bosch S, Peñuelas J: Photo- and antioxidative protection during summer leaf senescence in Pistacia lentiscus L. grown under mediterranean field conditions. Annals of Botany2003, 92:385-391.[PAM-2000]

313.Niinemets Ü, Kollist H, García-Plazaola JI, Hernández A, Becerril JM: Do the capacity and kinetics for modification of xanthophyll cycle pool size depend on growth irradiance in temperate trees? Plant Cell and Environment2003, 26(10):1787-1801.[PAM-2000]

314.Ninemets Ü, Valladares F, Ceulemans R: Leaf-level phenotypic variability and plasticity of invasive Rhododendron ponticum and non-invasive Ilex aquifolium co-occurring at two contrasting European sites. Plant Cell and Environment2003, 26(6):941-956.[PAM-2000]

315.Oh M-H, Moon Y-H, Lee C-H: Increased stability of LHCII by aggregate formation during dark-induced leaf senescence in the Arabidopsis mutant, ore10Plant Cell and Physiology2003, 44(12):1368-1377.[PAM-2000]

316.Peng C-L, Gilmore AM: Contrasting changes of photosystem 2 efficiency in Arabidopsis xanthophyll mutants at room or low temperature under high irradiance stress Photosynthetica2003, 41(2):233-239.[PAM-2000]

317.Pérez-Rodríguez E, Aguilera J, Figueroa FL: Tissular localization of coumarins in the green alga Dasycladus vermicularis (Scopoli) Krasser: a photoprotective role? . Journal of Experimental Botany2003, 54(384):1093-1100.[PAM-2000]

318.Pfündel EE: Action of UV and visible radiation on chlorophyll fluorescence from dark-adapted grape leaves (Vitis vinifera L.). Photosynthesis Research2003, 75(1):29-39.[PAM-2000]

319.Pietrini F, Iannelli MA, Pasqualini S, Massacci A: Interaction of cadmium with glutathione and photosynthesis in developing leaves and chloroplasts of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel. Plant Physiology2003, 133:829-837.[PAM-100, PAM-2000, HCM-1000]

320.Podola B, Melkonian M: A long-term operating algal biosensor for the rapid detection of volatile toxic compounds. Journal of Applied Phycology2003, 15:415-424.[PAM-2000]

321.Qiu N, Lu C: Enhanced tolerance of photosynthesis against high temperature damage in salt-adapted halophyte Atriplex centralasiatica plants. Plant Cell and Environment2003, 26:1137-1145.[PAM-2000]

322.Qiu N, Lu Q, Lu C: Photosynthesis, photosystem II efficiency and the xanthophyll cycle in the salt-adapted halophyte Atriplex centralasiatica. New Phytologist2003, 159:479-486.[PAM-2000]

323.Schlüter U, Muschak M, Berger D, Altmann T: Photosynthetic performance of an Arabidopsis mutant with elevated stomatal density (sdd1-1) under different light regimes Journal of Experimental Botany2003, 54(383):867-874.[PAM-2000]

324.Tsonev TD, Hikosaka K: Contribution of photosynthetic electron transport, heat dissipation, and recovery of photoinactivated photosystem II to photoprotection at different temperatures in Chenopodium album leaves Plant Cell and Physiology2003, 44(8):828-835.[PAM-2000]

325.Vassilev A, Lidon F, Ramalho JC, Matos MdC, Graca Md: Effects of excess Cu on growth and photosynthesis of barley plants. Implication with a screening test for Cu tolerance. Journal of Central European Agriculture2003, 4(3):225-236.[PAM-2000]

326.Yang W-L, Hu Z-A, Wang H-X, Shan J-X, Kuang T-Y: The protective role of xanthophyll cycle in resurrection angiosperm Boea hygrometrica during dehydraton and rehydration. Acta Botanica Sinica2003, 45(3):307-310.[PAM-2000]

327.Zarco-Tejada PJ, Pushnik JC, Dobrowski S, Ustin SL: Steady-state chlorophyll a fluorescence detection from canopy derivative reflectance and double-peak red-edge effects Remote Sensing and Environment2003, 84(2):283-294.[PAM-2000]

328.陈屏昭, 陈顺方, 刘忠荣, 周云, 樊钦平: 缺磷胁迫对温州蜜柑叶片光合作用的影响. 云南农业大学学报2003, 18(2):158-162.[PAM-2000]

329.陈屏昭, 陈顺方, 刘忠荣, 周云, 樊钦平: 缺磷胁迫对温州蜜柑光合作用的光抑制研究(一). 云南农业大学学报2003, 18(3):281-285.[PAM-2000]

330.陈屏昭, 刘忠荣, 罗家刚, 樊钦平, 王磊, 蒋彬: 磷和NaHSO3交互作用对温州蜜柑叶片光合作用的影响. 广东微量元素科学2003, 10(1):21-27.[PAM-2000]

331.付东亚, 洪健, 陈集双, 蒋德安: 青菜和芥菜感染芜菁花叶病毒(TuMV) 后的光合特性变化. 浙江大学学报2003, 29(6):599-602.[PAM-2000]

332.郭延平, 陈屏昭, 张良诚, 张上隆: 缺磷胁迫加重柑橘叶片光合作用的光抑制及叶黄素循环的作用. 植物营养与肥料学报2003, 9(3):359-363.[PAM-2000]

333.郭延平, 苏吉虎, 王宏炜, 沈允钢, 张良诚: 亚硫酸氢钠处理减轻低温对温州蜜柑光合作用的影响. 园艺学报2003, 30(2):195-197.[PAM-2000]

334.郭延平, 周慧芬, 曾光辉, 张良诚: 高温胁迫对柑橘光合速率和光系统Ⅱ活性的影响. 应用生态学报2003, 14(6):867~870.[PAM-2000]

335.廖飞勇, 谢瑛, 何平, 范亚民: 不同光强对薇甘菊生长及光系统的影响. 生命科学研究2003, 7(4):355-359.[PAM-2000]

336.宋丽丽, 郭延平, 徐凯, 张良诚: 温州蜜柑叶片光合作用光抑制的保护机理. 应用生态学报2003, 14(1):47-50.[PAM-2000]

337.许晓明, 陆巍, 唐运来, 邓志瑞, 戴新宾, 张荣铣, 匡廷云: 自然条件下杂交水稻II优129的光抑制及其恢复特性. 中国水稻科学2003, 17(2):156-160.[PAM-2000]

338.叶燕萍, 李杨瑞, 黄诚梅, 李永健, 邢永秀: 下种方式和水分胁迫对甘蔗叶片光合特性的影响. 甘蔗2003, 10(3):1-4.[PAM-2000]

339.张放, 陈丹, 张士良, 吴荣兰: 高浓度CO2对不同水分条件下枇杷生理的影响. 园艺学报2003, 30(6):647-652.[PAM-2000]

340.Affek HP, Yakir D: Protection by isoprene against singlet oxygen in leaves. Plant Physiology2002, 129:269-277.[PAM-2000]

341.Barker DH, Adams III WW, Demmig-Adams B, Logan BA, Verhoeven AS, Smith SD: Nocturnally retained zeaxanthin does not remain engaged in a state primed for energy dissipation during the summer in two Yucca species growing in the Mojave Desert. Plant Cell and Environment2002, 25(1):95-103.[PAM-2000]

342.Bischof K, Peralta G, Kräbs G, van de Poll WH, Pérez-Lloréns JL, Breeman AM: Effects of solar UV-B radiation on canopy structure of Ulva communities from southern Spain Journal of Experimental Botany2002, 53(379):2411-2421.[PAM-2000]

343.Broin M, Cuiné S, Eymery F, Rey P: The plastidic 2-cysteine peroxiredoxin Iis a target for a yhioredoxin involved in the protection of the photosynthetic apparatus against oxidative damage The Plant Cell2002, 14:1417-1432.[PAM-2000]

344.Cousins AB, Adam NR, Wall GW, Kimball BA, Jr PJP, Ottman MJ, Leavitt SW, Webber AN: Photosystem II energy use,non-photochemical quenching and the xanthophyll cycle in Sorghumbicolor grown under drought and free-air CO2 enrichment(FACE) conditions. Plant Cell and Environment2002, 25:1551-1559.[PAM-2000]

345.Crafts-Brandner SJ, Salvucci ME: Sensitivity of Photosynthesis in a C4 Plant, Maize, to Heat Stress. Plant Physiology2002, 129:1773-1780.[PAM-2000]

346.Flexas J, Escalona JM, Evain S, Gulías J, Moya I, Osmond CB, H. M: Steady-state chlorophyll fluorescence (Fs) measurements as a tool to follow variations of net CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance during water-stress in C3 plants Physiologia Plantarum2002, 114(2):231-240.[PAM-2000]

347.Fracheboud Y, Ribaut J-M, Vargas M, Messmer R, Stamp P: Identification of quantitative trait loci for cold-tolerance of photosynthesis in maize (Zea mays L.) Journal of Experimental Botany2002, 53(376):1967-1977.[PAM-2000]

348.Gevaert F, Creach A, Davoult D, Holl A-C, Seuront L, Lemoine Y: Photo-inhibition and seasonal photosynthetic performance of the seaweed Laminaria saccharina during a simulated tidal cycle: chlorophyll fluorescence measurements and pigment analysis. Plant Cell and Environment2002, 25:859-872.[PAM-2000]

349.Govindjee, Seufferheld MJ: Non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence: early history and characterization of two xanthophyll-cycle mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Functional Plant Biology2002, 29:1141-1155.[PAM-2000]

350.Govindjee, Spilotro P: An Arabidopsis thaliana mutant, altered in the -subunit of ATP synthase, has a different pattern of intensity-dependent changes in non-photochemical quenching and kinetics of the P-to-S fluorescence decay. Functional Plant Biology2002, 29:425-434.[PAM-2000]

351.He L, Nada K, Kasukabe Y, Tachibana S: Enhanced susceptibility of photosynthesis to low-temperature photoinhibition due to interruption of chill-induced increase of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase activity in leaves of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) Plant Cell and Physiology2002, 43(2):196-206.[PAM-2000]

352.Joët T, Cournac L, Peltier G, Havaux M: Cyclic electron flow around photosystem I in C3 plants. In vivo control by the redox state of chloroplasts and involvement of the NADH-dehydrogenase complex Plant Physiology2002, 128:760-769.[PAM-100, PAM-2000]

353.Joët T, Genty B, Josse E-M, Kuntz M, Cournac L, Peltier G: Involvement of a plastid terminal oxidase in plastoquinone oxidation as evidenced by expression of the Arabidopsis thaliana enzyme in tobacco*. The Journal of Biological Chemistry2002, 277(35):31623-31630.[PAM-100, PAM-2000]

354.Kasahara M, Kagawa T, Oikawa K, Suetsugu N, Miyao M, Wada M: Chloroplast avoidance movement reduces photodamage in plants. Nature2002, 420:829-832.[PAM-2000]

355.Kato MC, Hikosaka K, Hirose T: Photoinactivation and recovery of photosystem II in Chenopodium album leaves grown at different levels of irradiance and nitrogen availability. Functional Plant Biology2002, 29:787-795.[PAM-2000]

356.Kwon SY, Jeong YJ, Lee HS, Kim JS, Cho KY, Allen RD, Kwak SS: Enhanced tolerances of transgenic tobacco plants expressing both superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase in chloroplasts against methyl viologen-mediated oxidative stress. Plant Cell and Environment2002, 25(7):873-882.[PAM-2000]

357.Lennartsson M, Ögren E: Causes of variation in cold hardiness among fast-growing willows (Salix spp.) with particular reference to their inherent rates of cold hardening. Plant Cell and Environment2002, 25:12791288.[PAM-2000]

358.Lovelock CE, Robinson SA: Surface reflectance properties of Antarctic moss and their relationship to plant species, pigment composition and photosynthetic function. Plant Cell and Environment2002, 25:1239-1250.[PAM-2000]

359.Lu C, Qiu N, Lu Q, Wang B, Kuang T: Does salt stress lead to increased susceptibility of photosystem II to photoinhibition and changes in photosynthetic pigment composition in halophyte Suaeda salsa grown outdoors? Plant Science2002, 163:1063-1068.[PAM-2000]

360.Lu C, Vonshak A: Effects of salinity stress on photosystem II function in cyanobacterial Spirulina platensis cells. Physiologia Plantarum2002, 114:405-413.[PAM-2000]

361.Lu Q, Lu C, Zhang J, Kuang T: Photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence during flag leaf senescence of wheat plants grown in the field. Journal of Plant Physiology2002, 159:1173-1178.[PAM-2000]

362.Lüder UH, Wiencke C, Knoetzel J: Acclimation of photosynthesis and pigments during and after six months of darkness in Palmaria decipiens (Rhodophyta): a study to simulate antarctic winter sea ice cover. Journal of Phycology2002, 38(5):904-913.[PAM-2000]

363.Medrano H, Bota J, Abadía A, Sampol B, Escalona JM, Flexas J: Effects of drought on light-energy dissipation mechanisms in high-light-acclimated, field-grown grapevines. Functional Plant Biology2002, 29:1197-1207.[PAM-2000]

364.Murchie EH, Hubbart S, Chen Y, Peng S, Horton P: Acclimation of rice photosynthesis to irradiance under field conditions. Plant Physiology2002, 130:1999-2010.[PAM-2000]

365.Murchie EH, Yang J, Hubbart S, Horton P, Peng S: Are there associations between grain-filling rate and photosynthesis in the flag leaves of field-grown rice? . Journal of Experimental Botany2002, 53(378):2217-2224.[PAM-2000]

366.Niinemets Ü, Portsmuth A, Truus L: Leaf structural and photosynthetic characteristics, and biomass allocation to foliage in relation to foliar nitrogen content and tree size in three Betula species. Annals of Botany2002, 89:191-204.[PAM-2000]

367.Palmqvist K, Dahlman L, Valladares F, Tehler A, Sancho LG, Mattsson J-E: CO2 exchange and thallus nitrogen across 75 contrasting lichen associations from different climate zones Oecologia2002, 133(3):295-306.[PAM-2000]

368.Peñuelas J, Llusià J: Linking photorespiration, monoterpenes and thermotolerance in Quercus. New Phytologist2002, 155:227-237.[PAM-2000]

369.Pierce S, Winter K, Griffiths H: The role of CAM in high rainfall cloud forests: an in situ comparison of photosynthetic pathways in Bromeliaceae. Plant Cell and Environment2002, 25(9):1181-1189.[PAM-2000]

370.Porfirova S, Bergmüller E, Tropf S, Lemke R, Dörmann P: Isolation of an Arabidopsis mutant lacking vitamin E and identification of a cyclase essential for all tocopherol biosynthesis Proc Natl Acad Sci USA2002, 99(19):12495-12500.[PAM-2000]

371.Rijstenbil JW: Assessment of oxidative stress in the planktonic diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana in response to UVA and UVB radiation Journal of Plankton Research2002, 24(12):1277-1288.[PAM-2000]

372.Roháček K: Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters: the definitions, photosynthetic meaning, and mutual relationships. Photosynthetica2002, 40(1):13-29.[PAM-2000]

373.Sinha AK, Hofmann MG, Römer U, Köckenberger W, Elling L, Roitsch T: Metabolizable and non-metabolizable sugars activate different signal transduction pathways in tomato. Plant Physiology2002, 128:1480-1489.[PAM-2000]

374.Stylinski CD, Gamon JA, Oechel WC: Seasonal patterns of reflectance indices, carotenoid pigments and photosynthesis of evergreen chaparral species. Oecologia2002, 131:366-374.[PAM-2000]

375.Takahashi S, Tamashiro A, Sakihama Y, Yamamoto Y, Kawamitsu Y, Yamasaki H: High-susceptibility of photosynthesis to photoinhibition in the tropical plant Ficus microcarpa L. f. cv. Golden Leaves. BMC Plant Biology2002, 2:1-8.[PAM-2000]

376.Tomaselli L, Lamenti G, Tiano P: Chlorophyll fluorescence for evaluating biocide treatments against phototrophic biodeteriogens. Annals of Microbiology2002, 52:197-206.[PAM-2000]

377.Valladares F, Pearcy RW: Drought can be more critical in the shade than in the sun: a field study of carbon gain and photo-inhibition in a Californian shrub during a dry El Niño year. Plant Cell and Environment2002, 25(6):749-759.[PAM-2000]

378.Wang Q, Zhang Q-D, Zhu X-G, Lu C-M, Kuang T-Y, Li C-Q: PS II photochemistry and xanthophyll cycle in two superhigh-yield rice hybrids, Liangyoupeijiu and Hua-an 3 during photoinhibition and subsequent restoration. Acta Botanica Sinica2002, 44(11):1297-1302.[PAM-2000]

379.Zarco-Tejada PJ, Miller JR, Mohammed GH, Noland TL, Sampson PH: Vegetation stress detection through chlorophyll a+b estimation and fluorescence effects on hyperspectral imagery. Journal of Environmental Quality2002, 31:1433–1441.[PAM-2000]

380.陈屏昭, 樊钦平, 罗家刚, 刘忠荣, 王磊, 陈顺方: 缺磷胁迫对脐橙光合色素和光合作用的影响.广东微量元素科学2002, 9(12):30-34.[PAM-2000]

381.樊大勇, 谢宗强, 王强, 张其德: 亚热带常绿阔叶林下一种灌木( 富贵草Pachysandra terminalis) 对模拟光斑的光合响应. 植物生态学报2002, 26(4):447-453.[PAM-2000]

382.郭延平, 陈屏昭, 张良诚, 张上隆: 不同供磷水平对温州蜜柑叶片光合作用的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报2002, 8(2):186-191.[PAM-2000]

383.廖飞勇, 何平: 不同照度对薇甘菊光合性状的影响. 中南林学院学报2002, 22(4):36-39.[PAM-2000]

384.廖飞勇, 何平: 油桐光系统性状测定的研究. 经济林研究2002, 20(4):19-22.[PAM-2000]

385.王强, 卢从明, 张其德, 郝逎斌, 戈巧英, 董凤琴, 白克智, 匡廷云: 超高产杂交稻两优培九的光合作用、光抑制和C4途径酶特性. 中国科学2002, 32(6):481-487.[PAM-2000]

386.王仁雷, 华春, 李霞, 张其德, 焦德茂: 光抑制条件下转PEPC 基因水稻的光合表现. 作物学报2002, 28(3):321-326.[PAM-2000]

387.张俊斌, 陈意昌, 林信辉: 台湾中低海拔乡土植物在逆境下之生长活力研究. 水土保持研究2002, 9(3):136-145.[PAM-2000]

388.Andersson J, Walters RG, Horton P, Janssona S: Antisense inhibition of the photosynthetic antenna proteins CP29 and CP26: implications for the mechanism of protective energy dissipation The Plant Cell2001, 13:1193-1204.[PAM-2000]

389.Barth C, Krause GH, Winter K: Responses of photosystem I compared with photosystem II to high-light stress in tropical shade and sun leaves. Plant Cell and Environment2001, 24(2):163-176.[PAM-100, PAM-2000]

390.Campbell AW, Griffin WB, Burritt DJ, Conner AJ: The importance of light intensity for pollen tube growth and embryo survival in wheat x maize crosses Annals of Botany2001, 87:517-522.[PAM-2000]

391.Coelho S, Rijstenbil JW, Sousa-Pinto I, Brown MT: Cellular responses to elevated light levels in Fucus spiralis embryos during the first days after fertilization. Plant Cell and Environment2001, 24(8):801-810.[PAM-2000]

392.Dring MJ, Wagner A, Lüning K: Contribution of the UV component of natural sunlight to photoinhibition of photosynthesis in six species of subtidal brown and red seaweeds. Plant Cell and Environment2001, 24(11):1153-1164.[PAM-2000]

393.Ensminger I, Xyländer M, Hagen C, Braune W: Strategies providing success in a variable habitat: III. Dynamic control of photosynthesis in Cladophora glomerata. Plant Cell and Environment2001, 24:769-779.[PAM-2000]

394.Feild TS, Lee DW, Holbrook NM: Why leaves turn red in autumn. The role of anthocyanins in senescing leaves of red-osier dogwood1. Plant Physiology2001, 127:566-574.[PAM-2000]

395.Franklin LA, Kräbs G, Kuhlenkamp R: Blue light and UV-A radiation control the synthesis of mycosporine-like amino acids in Chondrus crispus (Florideophyceae). Journal of Phycology2001, 37(2):257-270.[PAM-2000]

396.Gordillo FJL, Jiménez C, Chavarría J, Niell FX: Photosynthetic acclimation to photon irradiance and its relation to chlorophyll fluorescence and carbon assimilation in the halotolerant green alga Dunaliella viridis. Photosynthesis Research2001, 68:225-235.[PAM-2000]

397.He J, Lee SK, Dodd IC: Limitations to photosynthesis of lettuce grown under tropical conditions: alleviation by root-zone cooling Journal of Experimental Botany2001, 52(359):1323-1330.[PAM-2000]

398.Hymus GJ, Baker NR, Long SP: Growth in elevated CO2 can both increase and decrease photochemistry and photoinhibition of photosynthesis in a predictable manner. Dactylis glomerata grown in two levels of nitrogen nutrition. Plant Physiology2001, 127:1204-1211.[PAM-2000]

399.Hymus GJ, Dijkstra P, Baker NR, Drake BG, Long SP: Will rising CO2 protect plants from the midday sun? A study of photoinhibition ofQuercus myrtifolia in a scrub-oak community in two seasons. Plant Cell and Environment2001, 24(12):1361-1368.[PAM-2000]

400.Joët T, Cournac L, Horvath EM, Medgyesy P, Peltier G: Increased sensitivity of photosynthesis to antimycin A induced by inactivation of the chloroplast ndhB gene. Evidence for a participation of the NADH-dehydrogenase complex to cyclic electron flow around photosystem I. Plant Physiology2001, 125:1919-1929.[PAM-2000]

401.Kolb CA, Käser MA, Kopecký J, Zotz G, Riederer M, Pfündel EE: Effects of natural intensities of visible and ultraviolet radiation on epidermal ultraviolet screening and photosynthsis in grape leaves. Plant Physiology2001, 127:863-875.[PAM-2000, XE-PAM]

402.Krause GH, Koroleva OY, Dalling JW, Winter K: Acclimation of tropical tree seedlings to excessive light in simulated tree-fall gaps. Plant Cell and Environment2001, 24(12):1345-1352.[PAM-2000]

403.Lange OL, Green TGA, Heber U: Hydration-dependent photosynthetic production of lichens: what do laboratory studies tell us about field performance? . Journal of Experimental Botany2001, 52(363):2033-2042.[PAM-2000]

404.Leipner J, Oxborough K, Baker NR: Primary sites of ozone-induced perturbations of photosynthesis in leaves: identification and characterization in Phaseolus vulgaris using high resolution chlorophyll fluorescence imaging Journal of Experimental Botany2001, 52(361):1689-1696.[PAM-2000]

405.Loreto F, Mannozzi M, Maris C, Nascetti P, Ferranti F, Pasqualini S: Ozone quenching properties of isoprene and its antioxidant role in leaves. Plant Physiology2001, 126:993-1000.[PAM-2000]

406.Loreto F, Velikova V: Isoprene produced by leaves protects the photosynthetic apparatus against ozone damage, quenches ozone products, and reduces lipid peroxidation of cellular membranes. Plant Physiology2001, 127:1781-1787.[PAM-2000]

407.Lu C, Lu Q, Zhang J, Kuang T: Xanthophyll cycle, light energy dissipation and photosystem II down-regulation in senescent leaves of wheat plants grown in the field. Australia Journal of Plant Physiology2001, 28:1023-1030.[PAM-2000]

408.Lu C, Lu Q, Zhang J, Kuang T: Characterization of photosynthetic pigment composition, photosystem II photochemistry and thermal energy dissipation during leaf senescence of wheat plants grown in the field. Journal of Experimental Botany2001, 52:1805-1810.[PAM-2000]

409.Lu C, Zhang J, Zhang Q, Li L, Kuang T: Modification of photosystem II photochemistry in nitrogen deficient maize and wheat plants. Journal of Experimental Botany2001, 158:1423-1430.[PAM-2000]

410.Lu Q-T, Li W-H, Jiang G-M, Ge Q-Y, Hao N-B, Sun J-Z, Guo R-J: Studies on the characteristics of chlorophyll fluorescence of winter wheat flag leaves at different developing stages. Acta Botanica Sinica2001, 43(8):801-804.[PAM-2000]

411.Marek MV, Sprtova M, Angelis PD, Scarascia-Mugnozza G: Spatial distribution of photosynthetic response to long-term influence of elevated CO2 in a mediterranean macchia mini-ecosystem. Plant Science2001, 160:1125-1136.[PAM-2000]

412.Marwood CA, Solomon KR, Greenberg BM: Chlorophyll fluorescence as a bioindicator of effects on growth in aquatic macrophytes from mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry2001, 20(4):890-898.[PAM-2000]

413.Pierce S, Maxwell K, Griffiths H, Winter K: Hydrophobic trichome layers and epicuticular wax powders in Bromeliaceae. American Journal of Botany2001, 88:1371-1389.[PAM-2000]

414.Rae R, Hanelt D, Hawes I: Sensitivity of freshwater macrophytes to UV radiation: relationship to depth zonation in an oligotrophic New Zealand lake. Marine and Freshwater Research2001, 52:1023-1032.[PAM-2000, DIVING-PAM]

415.Sauer Jr, Schreiber U, Schmid R, Völker U, Forchhammer K: Nitrogen starvation-Induced chlorosis in Synechococcus PCC 7942. Low-level photosynthesis as a mechanism of long-term survival. Plant Physiology2001, 126:233-243.[PAM-2000]

416.Sun W-H, Verhoeven AS, Bugos RC, Yamamoto HY: Suppression of zeaxanthin formation does not reduce photosynthesis and growth of transgenic tobacco under field conditions. Photosynthesis Research2001, 67:41-50.[PAM-2000]

417.Verhoeven AS, Bugos RC, Yamamoto HY: Transgenic tobacco with suppressed zeaxanthin formation is susceptible to stress-induced photoinhibition. Photosynthesis Research2001, 67:27-39.[PAM-2000]

418.Vonshak A, Torzillo G, Masojidek J, Boussiba S: Sub-optimal morning temperature induces photoinhibition in dense outdoor cultures of the alga Monodus subterraneus (Eustigmatophyta). Plant Cell and Environment2001, 24(10):1113-1118.[PAM-2000]

419.Wei J, Yu H, Zhong Z-P, Kuang T-Y, Ben G-Y: Comparison of photosynthetic adaptability between Kobresia humilis and Polygonum viviparum on Qinghai plateau. Acta Botanica Sinica2001, 43(5):486-489.[PAM-2000]

420.Werner C, Ryel RJ, Correia O, Beyschlag W: Effects of photoinhibition on whole-plant carbon gain assessed with a photosynthesis model. Plant Cell and Environment2001, 24(1):27-40.[PAM-2000]

421.Youssefian S, Nakamura M, Orudgev E, Kondo N: Increased cysteine biosynthesis capacity of transgenic tobacco overexpressing an O-acetylserine(thiol) lyase modifies plant responses to oxidative stress. Plant Physiology2001, 126:1001-1011.[PAM-2000]

422.Zarco-Tejada PJ, Miller JR, Mohammed GH, Noland TL, Sampson PH: Estimation of chlorophyll fluorescence under natural illumination from hyperspectral data International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation2001, 3(4):321-327.[PAM-2000]

423.Zhu X-G, Wang Q, Zhang Q-D, Lu C-M, Kuang T-Y: Effects of photoinhibition and its recovery on photosynthetic functions of winter wheat under salt stress. Acta Botanica Sinica2001, 43(12):1250-1254.[PAM-2000A]

424.陈启林, 山仑, 程智慧: 低温下光照对黄瓜叶片光合特性的影响. 中国农业科学2001, 34(6):632-636.[PAM-2000]

425.郭书奎, 赵可夫: NaCl胁迫抑制玉米幼苗光合作用的可能机理. 植物生理学报2001, 27(6):461-466.[PAM-2000]

426.张其德, 蒋高明: 12个不同基因型冬小麦的光合能力. 植物生态学报2001, 25(5):532-536.[PAM-2000]

427.Allen DJ, Ratner K, Giller YE, Gussakovsky EE, Shahak Y, Ort DR: An overnight chill induces a delayed inhibition of photosynthesis at midday in mango (Mangifera indica L.) Journal of Experimental Botany2000, 51(352):1893-1902.[PAM-2000]

428.Arntz AM, DeLucia EH, Jordan N: From fluorescence to fitness: variation in photosynthetic rate affects fecundity and suvivorship. Ecology2000, 81(9):2567-2576.[PAM-2000]

429.Bungard RA, Scholes JD, Press MC: The influence of nitrogen on rain forest dipterocarp seedlings exposed to a large increase in irradiance. Plant Cell and Environment2000, 23(11):1183-1194.[PAM-2000]

430.Dai X-B, Cao S-Q, Xu X-M, Lu W, Zhang R-X, Xu C-C, Chen Y-D, Kuang T-Y: Study on a mutant with low content chlorophyll b in a high yielding rice and its photosynthesis properties. Acta Botanica Sinica2000, 42(12):1289-1294.[PAM-2000]

431.DeLucia EH, Thomas RB: Photosynthetic responses to CO2 enrichment of four hardwood species in a forest understory. Oecologia2000, 122:11-19.[PAM-2000]

432.Ensminger I, Hagen C, Braune W: Strategies providing success in a variable habitat: II. Ecophysiology of photosynthesis of Cladophora glomerata. Plant Cell and Environment2000, 23:1129-1136.[PAM-2000]

433.Gussakovsky EE, Shahak Y, van Amerongen H, Barzda V: Circularly polarized chlorophyll luminescence reflects the macro-organization of grana in pea chloroplasts. Photosynthesis Research2000, 65:83-92.[PAM-2000]

434.Gussakovsky EE, Shahak Y, vanAmerongen H, Barzda V: Circularly polarized chlorophyll luminescence reflects the macro-organization of grana in pea chloroplasts. Photosynthesis Research2000, 65:83-92.[PAM-2000]

435.Kitao M, Lei TT, Koike T, Tobita H, Maruyama Y: Susceptibility to photoinhibition of three deciduous broadleaf tree species with different successional traits raised under various light regimes. Plant Cell and Environment2000, 23(1):81-89.[PAM-2000]

436.Lu C, Chau CW, Zhang J: Acute toxicity of excess mercury on the photosynthetic performance of cyanobacterium, S. Platensis - assement by chlorophyll fluorescence analysis. Chemosphere2000, 41:191-196.[PAM-2000]

437.Lu C, Zhang J: Photosystem II photochemistry and its sensitivity to heat stress in maize plants as affected by nitrogen deficiency. Journal of Plant Physiology2000, 157:124-130.[PAM-2000]

438.Lu C, Zhang J: Heat induced multiple effects on PSII in wheat plants. Journal of Plant Physiology2000, 156:259-265.[PAM-2000]

439.Lu C, Zhang J: Role of light iin the response of PSII photochemistry to salt stress in the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. Journal of Experimental Botany2000, 51(346):911-917.[PAM-2000]

440.Lu C, Zhang J: Photosynthetic CO2 assimilation, chlorophyll fluorescence and photoinhibition as affected by nitrogen deficiency in maize plants. Plant Science2000, 151:135-143.[PAM-2000]

441.Morales F, Belkhodja R, Abadia A, Abadia J: Photosystem II efficiency and mechanisms of energy dissipation in iron-deficient, field-grown pear trees (Pyrus communis L.). Photosynthesis Research2000, 63:9-21.[PAM-100, PAM-2000]

442.Muraoka H, Tang Y, Terashima I, Koizumi H, Washitani I: Contributions of diffusional limitation, photoinhibition and photorespiration to midday depression of photosynthesis in Arisaema heterophyllum in natural high light. Plant Cell and Environment2000, 23(3):235-250.[PAM-2000]

443.Nogués S, Baker NR: Effects of drought on photosynthesis in Mediterranean plants grown under enhanced UV-B radiation Journal of Experimental Botany2000, 51(348):1309-1317.[PAM-2000]

444.Palmqvist K, Sundberg B: Light use efficiency of dry matter gain in five macro-lichens: relative impact of microclimate conditions and species-specific traits. Plant Cell and Environment2000, 23(1):1-14.[PAM-2000]

445.Ralph PJ: Herbicide toxicity of Halophila ovalis assessed by chlorophyll a fluorescence. Aquatic Botany2000, 66:141-152.[PAM-2000]

446.Robinson SA, Wasley J, Popp M, Lovelock CE: Desiccation tolerance of three moss species from continental Antarctica. Australia Journal of Plant Physiology2000, 27:379-388.[PAM-2000]

447.Sagert S, Schubert H: Acclimation of Plamaria palmata (Rhodophyta) to light intensity comparison between artificial and natural light fields. Journal of Phycology2000, 36(6):1119-1128.[PAM-2000, PAM-100]

448.Saradhi PP, Suzuki I, Katoh A, Sakamoto A, Sharmila P, Shi D-J, Murata N: Protection against the photo-induced inactivation of the photosystem II complex by abscisic acid. Plant Cell and Environment2000, 23(7):711-718.[PAM-2000]

449.Singsaas EL, Ort DR, Delucia EH: Diurnal regulation of photosynthesis in understory saplings. New Phytologist2000, 145:39-49.[PAM-2000]

450.Skotnica J, Matoušková M, Nauš J, Lazár D, Dvořák L: Thermoluminescence and fluorescence study of changes in Photosystem II photochemistry in desiccating barley leaves. Photosynthesis Research2000, 65:29-40.[PAM-2000]

451.Strong GL, Bannister P, Burritt D: Are mistletoes shade plants? CO2 assimilation and chlorophyll fluorescence of temperate mistletoes and their hosts. Annals of Botany2000, 85:511-519.[PAM-2000]

452.Valladares F, Wright SJ, Lasso E, Kitajima K, Pearcy RW: Plastic phenotypic response to light of 16 congeneric shrubs from a panamanian rainforest. Ecology2000, 81(7):1925-1936.[PAM-2000]

453.Venema JH, Eekhof M, van Hasselt PR: Analysis of low-temperature tolerance of a tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cybrid with chloroplasts from a more chilling-tolerant L. hirsutum accession. Annals of Botany2000, 85:799-807.[PAM-100, PAM-2000]

454.Wang Q, Zhang Q-D, Jiang G-M, Lu C-M, Kuang T-Y, Wu S, Li C-Q, Jiao D-M: Photosynthetic characteristics of two superhigh-yield hybrid rice. Acta Botanica Sinica2000, 42(12):1285-1288.[PAM-2000]

455.Wang S-W, Xu C-C, Bai K-Z, Zhang Q-D, Li L-B, Kuang T-Y, Li J-Y, Li Z-S: Comparative study on photoinhibition between two wheat genotypes. Acta Botanica Sinica2000, 42(12):1300-1303.[PAM-2000]

456.Xu C-C, Li L, Kuang T: The inhibited xanthophyll cycle is responsible for the increase in sensitivity to low temperature photoinhibition in rice leaves fed with glutathione. Photosynthesis Research2000, 65:107-114.[PAM-2000]

457.Zarco-Tejada PJ, Miller JR, Mohammed GH, Noland TL: Chlorophyll fluorescence effects on vegetation apparent reflectance: I. leaf-level measurements and model simulation. Remote Sensing and Environment2000, 74:582-595.[PAM-2000]

458.Zarco-Tejada PJ, Miller JR, Mohammed GH, Noland TL, Sampson PH: Chlorophyll fluorescence effects on vegetation apparent reflectance - II. Laboratory and airborne canopy-level measurements with hyperspectral data Remote Sensing and Environment2000, 74(3):596-608.[PAM-2000]

459.关义新, 林葆, 凌碧莹: 光氮互作对玉米叶片光合色素及其荧光特性与能量转换的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报2000, 6(2):152-158.[PAM-2000]

460.郭延平, 张良诚, 洪双松, 沈允钢: 温州蜜柑叶片气体交换和叶绿素荧光对低温的响应. 植物生理学报2000, 26(2):88-94.[PAM-2000]

461.李卫华, 卢庆陶, 郝乃斌, 戈巧英, 张其德, 蒋高明, 杜维广, 匡廷云: 大豆C4途径与光系统Ⅱ光化学功能的相互关系. 植物学报2000, 42(7):689-692.[PAM-2000]

462.张其德, 刘合芹, 张建华, 李建民: 限水灌溉对冬小麦旗叶某些光合特性的影响. 作物学报2000, 26(6):869-873.[PAM-2000]

463.张其德, 张建华: 限水灌溉和不同施肥方式对冬小麦旗叶某些光合功能的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报2000, 6(1):24-29.[PAM-2000]

464.Adams III WW, Demmig-Admas B, Logan BA, Barker DH, Osmond CB: Rapid changes in xanthophyll cycle-dependent energy dissipation and photosystem II efficiency in two vines, Stephania japonica and Smilax australis, growing in the understory of an open Eucalyptus forest. Plant Cell and Environment1999, 22(2):125-136.[PAM-2000]

465.Backhausen J, Scheibe R: Adaptation of tobacco plants to elevated CO2: influence of leaf age on changes in physiology, redox states and NADP-malate dehydrogenase activity. Journal of Experimental Botany1999, 50:665-675.[PAM-2100]

466.Close DC, Beadle CL, Holz GK, Ravenwood IC: A photobleaching event at the North Forest Products' Somerset nursery reduces growth of Eucalyptus globulus seedlings. Tasforests1999, 11:59-67.[PAM-2000]

467.Crafts-Brandner SJ, Chu C-C: Insect clip cages rapidly alter photosynthetic traits of leaves. Crop Science1999, 39:1896-1899.[PAM-2000]

468.Dai N, Schaffer A, Petreikov M, Shahak Y, Giller Y, Ratner K, Levine A, Granot D: Overexpression of Arabidopsis hexokinase in tomato plants inhibits growth, reduces photosynthesis, and induces rapid senescence. The Plant Cell1999, 11:1253-1266.[PAM-2000]

469.Endo T, Shikanai T, Takabayashi A, Asada K, Sato F: The role of chloroplastic NAD(P)H dehydrogenase in photoprotection. FEBS Letters1999, 457:5-8.[PAM-2000, PAM-100]

470.Flexas J, Escalona JM, Medrand H: Water stress induces different levels of photosynthesis and electron transport rate regulation in grapevines. Plant Cell and Environment1999, 22(1):39-48.[PAM-2000]

471.Fracheboud Y, Haldimann P, Leipner J, Stamp P: Chlorophyll fluorescence as a selection tool for cold tolerance of photosynthesis in maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Experimental Botany1999, 50:1533-1540.[PAM-2000]

472.Franklin LA, Yakovleva I, Karsten U, Lüning K: Synthesis of mycosporine-like amino acids in Chondrus crispus (Florideophyceae) and the consequences for sensitivity to ultraviolet B radiation. Journal of Phycology1999, 35(4):682-693.[PAM-2000]

473.Haag-Kerwer A, Schafer H, Heiss S, Walter C, Rausch T: Cadmium exposure in Brassica juncea causes a decline in transpiration rate and leaf expansion without effect on photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany1999, 50:1827-1835.[PAM-2000, HCM-1000]

474.Hasler R, Kleines M, Uhrig H, Hirsch H, Smets H: Overexpression of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from Corynebacterium glutamicum lowers the CO2 compensation point and enhances dark and light respiration in transgenic potato. Journal of Experimental Botany1999, 50:1231-1242.[PAM-2000]

475.Hong S-S, Hong T, Jiang H, Xu D-Q: Changes in the non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence during aging of wheat flag leaves photosynthetica1999, 36(4):621-625.[PAM-2000]

476.Hong S-S, Xu D-Q: Light-induced increase in initial chlorophyll fluorescence Fo level and the reversible inactivation of PS II reaction centers in soybean leaves Photosynthesis Research1999, 61(3):269-280.[PAM-2000]

477.Hymus GJ, Ellsworth DS, Baker NR, Long SP: Does free-air carbon dioxide enrichment affect photochemical energy use by evergreen trees in different seasons? A chlorophyll fluorescence study of mature loblolly pine. Plant Physiology1999, 120:1183-1191.[PAM-2000]

478.Klimyuk VI, Persello-Cartieaux F, Havaux M, Contard-David P, Schuenemann D, Meiherhoff K, Gouet P, Jones JDG, Hoffman NE, Nussaume aL: A chromodomain protein encoded by the Arabidopsis CAO gene is a plant-specific component of the chloroplast signal recognition particle pathway that is involved in LHCP targeting. The Plant Cell1999, 11:87-99.[PAM-2000]

479.Koehn AC, Doudrick RL: Diurnal patterns of chlorophyll fluorescence and CO2 fixation in orchard grown Torreya taxifolia (Arn.). Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society1999, 126(2):93-98.[PAM-2000]

480.Krause GH, Schmude C, Garden H, Koroleva OY, Winter K: Effects of solar ultraviolet radiation on the potential efficiency of photosystem II in leaves of tropical plants. Plant Physiology1999, 121:1349-1358.[PAM-2000]

481.Law RD, Crafts-Brandner SJ: Inhibition and acclimation of photosynthesis to heat stress is closely correlated with activation of Ribulose-1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase Plant Physiology1999, 120:173-181.[PAM-2000]

482.Lu C, Torzillo G, Vonshak A: Kinetic response of photosystem II photochemistry in the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis to high salinity is characterized by two distinct phases. Australia Journal of Plant Physiology1999, 26:283-292.[PAM-2000]

483.Lu C, Zhang J: Effects of water stress on photosystem II photochemistry and its thermostability in wheat plants. Journal of Experimental Botany1999, 50(336):1199-1206.[PAM-2000]

484.Lu C, Zhang J: Copper-induced inhibition of PS II photochemistry in cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis is stimulated by light. Journal of Plant Physiology1999, 154:173-178.[PAM-2000]

485.Lu C, Zhang J: Effects of salt stress on PSII function and photoinhibition in cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis. Journal of Plant Physiology1999, 155:740-745.[PAM-2000]

486.Maxwell K, Borland AM, Haslam RP, Helliker BR, Roberts A, Griffiths H: Modulation of rubisco activity during the diurnal phases of the crassulacean acid metabolism plant Kalanchoë daigremontiana. Plant Physiology1999, 121:849-856.[PAM-2000]

487.Murchie EH, Chen Y-Z, Hubbart S, Peng S, Horton P: Interactions between senescence and leaf orientation determine in situ patterns of photosynthesis and photoinhibition in field-grown rice. Plant Physiology1999, 119:553-564.[PAM-2000]

488.Ögren E: Fall frost resistance in willows used for biomass production. I. Characterization of seasonal and genetic variation. Tree Physiology1999, 19:749-754.[PAM-2000]

489.Ralph PJ: Photosynthetic response of Halophila ovalis (R. Br.) Hook. f. to combined environmental stress. Aquatic Botany1999, 65:83-96.[PAM-2000]

490.Roháček K, Barták M: Technique of the modulated chlorophyll fluorescence: basic concepts, useful parameters, and some applications. Photosynthetica1999, 37(3):339-363.[PAM-100, PAM-2000]

491.Smillie R, Hetherington S, Davies W: Photosynthetic activity of the calyx, green shoulder, pericarp, and locular parenchyma of tomato fruit. Journal of Experimental Botany1999, 50:707-718.[PAM-2000]

492.Streatfield SJ, Weber A, Kinsman EA, Häusler RE, Li J, Post-Beittenmiller D, Kaisere WM, Pyke KA, Flügge U-I, Chory J: The phosphoenolpyruvate/phosphate translocator is required for phenolic metabolism, palisade cell development, and plastid-dependent nuclear gene expression. The Plant Cell1999, 11:1609-1622.[PAM-2000]

493.Verhoeven AS, III WWA, Demmig-Adams B, Croce R, Bassi R: Xanthophyll cycle pigment localization and dynamics during exposure to low temperatures and light stress in Vinca major. Plant Physiology1999, 120:727-737.[PAM-2000]

494.White AJ, Critchley C: Rapid light curves: A new fluorescence method to assess the state of the photosynthetic apparatus. Photosynthesis Research1999, 59:63-72.[PAM-2000, MINI-PAM]

495.洪涛, 许大全: 珊瑚树和大豆叶片叶绿素荧光的非光化学猝灭. 植物生理学报1999, 25(1):15-21.[PAM-2000]

496.杨巧凤, 江华, 许大全: 小麦旗叶发育过程中光合效率的变化. 植物生理学报1999, 25(4):408-412.[PAM-2000]

497.朱新广, 张其德, 匡廷云: NaCl胁迫对PSII光能利用和耗散的影响. 生物物理学报1999, 15(4):787-790.[PAM-2000]

498.Adams III WW, Barker DH: Seasonal changes in xanthophyll cycle-dependent energy dissipation in Yucca glauca Nuttall. Plant Cell and Environment1998, 21(5):501-511.[PAM-2000]

499.Allen D, Nogues S, Baker N: Ozone depletion and increased UV-B radiation: is there a real threat to photosynthesis? Journal of Experimental Botany1998, 49:1775-1788.[PAM-2000]

500.Caddick MX, Greenland AJ, Jepson l, Krause K-P, Qu N, Riddell KV, Salter MG, Schuch W, Sonnewald U, Tomsett AB: An ethanol inducible gene switch for plants used to manipulate carbon metabolism Nature Biotechnology1998, 16:177-180.[PAM-2000]

501.Dodd I, Critchley C, Woodall G, Stewart G: Photoinhibition in differently coloured juvenile leaves of Syzygium species. Journal of Experimental Botany1998, 49:1437-1445.[PAM-2000]

502.Feild TS, Nedbal L, Ort DR: Nonphotochemical reduction of the plastoquinone pool in sunflower leaves originates from chlororespiration. Plant Physiology1998, 116:1209-1218.[PAM-2000]

503.Feild TS, Zwieniecki MA, Donoghue MJ, Holbrook NM: Stomatal plugs of Drimys winteri (Winteraceae) protect leaves from mist but not drought. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA1998, 95:14256-14259.[PAM-2000]

504.Feller U, Crafts-Brandner SJ, Salvucci ME: Moderately high temperatures inhibit ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activase-mediated activation of Rubisco. Plant Physiology1998, 116:539-546.[PAM-2000]

505.Filella I, Llusià J, Pinol J, Penuelas J: Leaf gas exchange and fluorescence of Phillyrea latifoliaPistacia lentiscus and Quercus ilex saplings in severe drought and high temperature conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany1998, 39:213-220.[PAM-2000]

506.Fryer MJ, Andrews JR, Oxborough K, Blowers DA, Baker NR: Relationship between CO2 assimilation, photosynthetic electron transport, and active O2 metabolism in leaves of maize in the field during periods of low temperature. Plant Physiology1998, 116:571-580.[PAM-2000]

507.Geiken B, MasojÍdek J, Rizzuto M, Pompili ML, Giardi MT: Incorporation of [35S]methionine in higher plants reveals that stimulation of the D1 reaction centre II protein turnover accompanies tolerance to heavy metal stress. Plant Cell and Environment1998, 21(12):1265-1273.[PAM-2000]

508.Green TGA, Schroeter B, Kappen L, Seppelt RD, Maseyk K: An assessment of the relationship between chlorophyll a fluorescence and CO2 gas exchange from field measurements on a moss and lichen. Planta1998, 206:611-618.[PAM-2000]

509.Häder D-P, Leberta M, Figueroab FL, Jiménez C, Viñegla B, Perez-Rodriguez E: Photoinhibition in Mediterranean macroalgae by solar radiation measured on site by PAM fluorescence. Aquatic Botany1998, 61:225-236.[PAM-2000]

510.Häder D-P, Porst M, Santas R: Photoinhibition by solar radiation in the Mediterranean alga Peyssonnelia squamata measured on site. Plant Ecology1998, 139:167-175.[PAM-2000]

511.Hartel H, Grimm B: Consequences of chlorophyll deficiency for leaf carotenoid composition in tobacco synthesizing glutamate 1-semialdehyde aminotransferase antisense RNA: dependency on developmental age and growth light. Journal of Experimental Botany1998, 49:535-546.[PAM-2000]

512.Hetherington S, Smillie R, Davies W: Photosynthetic activities of vegetative and fruiting tissues of tomato. Journal of Experimental Botany1998, 49:1173-1181.[PAM-2000]

513.Kao W-Y, Tsai T-T: Tropic leaf movements, photosynthetic gas exchange, leaf δ13C and chlorophyll a fluorescence of three soybean species in response to water availability. Plant Cell and Environment1998, 21(10):1055-1062.[PAM-2000]

514.Logan B, Demmig-Adams B, Adams W, Grace S: Antioxidants and xanthophyll cycle-dependent energy dissipation in Cucurbita pepo L. and Vinca major L. acclimated to four growth PPFDs in the field. Journal of Experimental Botany1998, 49:1869-1879.[PAM-2000]

515.Lu C, Zhang J: Thermostability of photosystem II is increased in salt-stressed sorghum. Australia Journal of Plant Physiology1998, 25:317-324.[PAM-2000]

516.Lu C, Zhang J: Changes in photosystem II function during senescence of wheat leaves. Physiologia Plantarum1998, 104:239-247.[PAM-2000]

517.Lu C, Zhang J: Modifications in photosystem II photochemistry in senescent leaves of maize plants. Journal of Experimental Botany1998, 49:1671-1679.[PAM-2000]

518.Lu C, Zhang J: Effects of water stress on photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence and photoinhibition in wheat plants. Australia Journal of Plant Physiology1998, 25:883-892.[PAM-2000]

519.Lu C, Zhang J, Vonshak A: Inhibition of quantum yield of PS II electron transport in Spirulina platensis by osmotic stress may be explained mainly by an increase in the proportion of the QB-non-reducing PS II reaction centres. Australia Journal of Plant Physiology1998, 25:689-694.[PAM-2000]

520.Montané M-H, Tardy F, Kloppstech K, Havaux M: Differential control of xanthophylls and light-induced stress proteins, as opposed to light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b proteins, during photosynthetic acclimation of barley leaves to light irradiance. Plant Physiology1998, 118:227-235.[PAM-2000]

521.Niinemets Ü, Bilger W, Kull O, Tenhunen JD: Acclimation to high irradiance in temperate deciduous trees in the field: changes in xanthophyll cycle pool size and in photosynthetic capacity along a canopy light gradient. Plant Cell and Environment1998, 21(12):1205-1218.[PAM-2000]

522.Nogués S, Allen DJ, Morison JIL, Baker NR: Ultraviolet-B radiation effects on water relations, leaf development, and photosynthesis in droughted pea plants. Plant Physiology1998, 117:173-181.[PAM-2000]

523.Obeso JR, Alvarez-Santullano M, Retuerto R: Sex ratios, size distributions, and sexual dimorphism in the dioecious tree Ilex aquifolium (Aquifoliaceae). American Journal of Botany1998, 85:1602-1608.[PAM-2000]

524.Oxborough K, Baker NR: An instrument capable of imaging chlorophyll a fluorescence from intact leaves at very low irradiance and at cellular and subcellular levels of organization. Plant Cell and Environment1998, 20(12):1473-1483.[PAM-2000]

525.Penuelas J, Filella I, Llusia J, Siscart D, Pinol J: Comparative field study of spring and summer leaf gas exchange and photobiology of the mediterranean trees Quercus ilex and Phillyrea latifolia. Journal of Experimental Botany1998, 49(319):229-238.[PAM-2000]

526.Ralph PJ: Photosynthetic responses of Halophila ovalis (R. Br.) Hook. f. to osmotic stress. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology1998, 227:203-220.[PAM-2000]

527.Ralph PJ: Photosynthetic response of Halophila ovalis (R. Br) Hook f. to thermal stress. Marine Ecology Progress Series1998, 171:123-130.[PAM-2000]

528.Ralph PJ, Burchett MD: Photosynthetic response of Halophila ovalis to heavy metal stress. Environmental Pollution1998, 103:91-101.[PAM-2000]

529.Ralph PJ, Burchett MD: Impact of petrochemicals on the photosynthesis of Halophila ovalis using chlorophyll fluorescence. Marine Pollution Bulletin1998, 36(6):429-436.[PAM-2000]

530.Roberts A, Borland A, Maxwell K, Griffiths H: Ecophysiology of the C3-CAM intermediate Clusia minor L. in Trinidad: seasonal and short-term photosynthetic characteristics of sun and shade leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany1998, 49:1563-1573.[PAM-2000]

531.Santos ICF, de Almeida A-AF, Valle RR: Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters characterizing the development of two cacao genotypes infected by witches' broom Photosynthetica1998, 35(1):29-39.[PAM-2000]

532.Shikanai T, Takeda T, Yamauchi H, Sano S, Tomizawa K-I, Yokota A, Shigeoka S: Inhibition of ascorbate peroxidase under oxidative stress in tobacco having bacterial catalase in chloroplasts. FEBS Letters1998, 428:47-51.[PAM-2000]

533.Silva J, Santos R, Serôdio J, Melo RA: Light response curves for Gelidium sesquipedale from different depths, determined by two methods: O2 evolution and chlorophyll fluorescence. Journal of Applied Phycology1998, 10:295-301.[PAM-2000]

534.Torzillo G, Bernardini P, Masojídek J: On-line monitoring of chlorophyll fluorescence to assess the extent of photoinhibition of photosynthesis induced by high oxygen concentration and low temperature and its effect on the productivity of outdoor cultures of Spirulina platensis (Cyanobacteria). Journal of Phycology1998, 34(3):504-510.[PAM-2000]

535.Verhoeven AS, Adams III WW, Demmig-Adams B: Two forms of sustained xanthophyll cycle-dependent energy dissipation in overwintering Euonymus kiautschovicus. Plant Cell and Environment1998, 21(9):893-903.[PAM-100, PAM-2000]

536.Williams TG, Flanagan LB: Measuring and modelling environmental influences on photosynthetic gas exchange in Sphagnum and Pleurozium. Plant Cell and Environment1998, 21(6):555-564.[PAM-2000]

537.李新国, 许大全, 孟庆伟: 银杏叶片光合作用对强光的响应. 植物生理学报1998, 24(4):354-360.[PAM-2000]

538.Hanelt D, Wiencke C, Nultsch W: Influence of UV radiation on the photosynthesis of Arctic macroalgae in the field. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology1997, 38:40-47.[PAM-2000]

539.Hong S-S, Xu D-Q: Difference in response of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters to strong light between wheat and soybean leaves. Chinese Science Bulletin1997, 42(8):684-689.[PAM-2000]

540.Oxborough K, Baker NR: Resolving chlorophyll a fluorescence images of photosynthetic efficiency into photochemical and non-photochemical components – calculation of qP and Fv'/Fm' without measuring Fo'. Photosynthesis Research1997, 54:135-142.[PAM-2000]

541.Penuelas J, llusia J, Pinol J, Filella I: Photochemical reflectance index and leaf photosynthetic radiation-use-efficiency assessment in Mediterranean trees. Internal Journal of Remote Sensing1997, 18(13):2863-2868.[PAM-2000]

542.Skillman JB, Winter K: High photosynthetic capacity in a shade-tolerant crassulacean acid metabolism plant. lmplications for sunfleck use, nonphotochemical energy dissipation, and susceptibility to photoinhibition. Plant Physiology1997, 113:441-450.[PAM-2000]

543.Verhoeven AS, Demmig-Adams B, Adams III WW: Enhanced employment of the xanthophyll cycle and thermal energy dissipation in spinach exposed to high light and N stress. Plant Physiology1997, 113:817-824.[PAM-100, PAM-2000]

544.Yun J, Hayashi T, Yazawa S, Yasuda Y, Katoh T: Degradation of photosynthetic activity of saintpaulia leaf by sudden temperature drop. Plant Science1997, 127:25-38.[PAM-2000]

545.洪双松, 许大全: 小麦和大豆叶片荧光参数对强光响应的差异. 科学通报1997, 42(7):753-756.[PAM-2000]

546.谭新星, 许大全: 小麦叶片状态转换和光合作用的光换制的关系. 科学通报1997, 42(20):2208-2212.[PAM-2000]

547.Blanke MM, Bacher W, Pring RJ, Baker EA: Ammonium nutrition enhances chlorophyll and glaucousness in kohlrabi. Annals of Botany1996, 78:599-604.[PAM-2000]

548.Roden JS, Ball MC: The effect of elevated [CO2] on growth and photosynthesis of two eucalyptus species exposed to high temperatures and water deficits. Plant Physiology1996, 111:909-919.[PAM-2000]

549.Bergantino E, Dainese P, Cerovic Z, Sechi S, Bassi R: A post-translational modification of the photosystem II subunit CP29 protects maize from cold stress. The Journal of Biological Chemistry1995, 270(15):8474-8481.[PAM-2000]

550.Lovelock CE, Jackson AE, Melick DR, Seppelt RD: Reversible photoinhibition in Antarctic moss during freezing and thawing. Plant Physiology1995, 109:955-961.[PAM-2000]

551.Mohammed GH, Binder WD, Gillies SL: Chlorophyll fluorescence: a review of its practical forestry applications and instrumentation. Scandinavian Journal of Forestry Research1995, 10:383-410.[PAM-100, PAM-2000]

552.Ralph PJ, Burchett MD: Photosynthetic responses of the seagrass Halophila ovalis (R. Br.) Hook. f. to high irradiance stress, using chlorophyll a fluorescence. Aquatic Botany1995, 51:55-66.[PAM-2000]

553.Valentini R, Epron D, de Angelis P, Matteucci G, Dreyer E: In situ estimation of net CO2 assimilation, photosynthetic electron flow and photorespiration in Turkey oak (Q. cerris L.) leaves: diurnal cycles under different levels of water supply. Plant Cell and Environment1995, 18:631-640.[PAM-100, PAM-2000]

554.Buwalda JG, Noga G: Intra-plant differences in leaf chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in perennial fruiting plants. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science1994, 22:373-380.[PAM-2000]

555.Hanelt D, Li J, Nultsch W: Tidal dependence of photoinhibition of photosynthesis in marine macrophytes of the South China Sea. Botanica Acta1994, 107:66-72.[PAM-2000]

556.Sarry J-E, Montillet J-L, Sauvaire Y, Havaux M: The protective function of the xanthophyll cycle in photosynthesis. FEBS Letters1994, 353:147-150.[PAM-2000]

557.Schroeter B, Green TGA, Seppelt RD, Kappen L: Monitoring photosynthetic activity of crustose lichens using a PAM-2000 fluorescence system. Oecologia1992, 92:457-462.[PAM-2000]

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