认 证:工商信息已核实
* 蛋白质折叠动力学(Protein Folding)
* 酶动力学(Enzyme Kinetice)
* 底物结合(Substrate Binding)
* 构象转变(Conformational Changes)
* 胞内底物运输(Substrate Transport in Vesicles)
* 第二信使研究(Second Messenger Studies)
* 快速化学反应动力学(Rapid Chemical Reaction Kinetics)
KinTek has always been aleader in building stopped-flow instrumentsthat conserve precious samples. The all new AutoSF-120 sets a new standard for sample economy, requiringonly 120 microliters of sample to flush, load and collect data, while giving with 3-4 replicate measurements.The flushing and sample loading areall done automatically. Simply pipette 120 microliters of solution into each sample cup and click "Load".
In the process of designing this new state-of-the-art instrument, we also added new noise reduction electronic circuits to improve signal:noise twofold and achieved asubmillisecond dead time. In addition we completely re-wrote the system software for data collection and analysis to give unparalleled ease of use and power.
The KinTek AutoSF is by far the best stopped-flow instrument ever built, giving you more high quality data while consumingless sample and less time.
An optionalrobotic autosamplerincreases throughput even more to afford unattended stopped-flow measurements ofhundreds of samples per day.
Small sample volume:120 μL is sufficientto flush and load a new sample and get3-4 reproducible shots.All other instruments require 3-5 times as much sample.
Automated computer-controlledload/flush/fire cycle — simply pipet 120 μL into each sample cup and click "load".
Twofold improvement in signal/noise with new noise reduction circuits
Compact footprint: instrument and electronics combined (14 × 26.5 × 4.5 inches)
Computer optimized optical path with lower noise and background fluorescence
Automated sample loader, which can be interfaced with an optional robot.
200 μl of sample is sufficient to load and collect 6-8 good shots.
Standard 10 μl flow cell.
20 μl per shot per solution.
Hastwo fluorescence channelsandone absorbance channelthat can be observed and recorded simultaneously.
Under complete computer control, courtesy of the KinTek StopFlow Software.
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