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美国PI 公司作为科学级CCD 相机和光谱仪的**者,经过数十载技术创新,推出世界首台全焦面零像差成像光谱仪Fergie。它采用内置高灵敏度科学级CCD 芯片的全集成式紧凑设计,*简化光谱实验硬件设置。零像差不仅**化提高了光谱分辨率,也让成像和光谱的切换轻松自如。辅以Fergie CUBEs 模块化设计,无论是吸收、透射光谱,或是荧光、拉曼光谱,光路搭建都变得易如反掌。
高性能成像光谱仪和扫描单色仪 25年以来,SpectraPro光谱仪一直是高性能光谱仪的标杆。 全世界各地的科学家利用这个系列的产品进行各个领域的研究,例如:拉曼光谱,荧光光谱,光致发光,显微光谱,材料吸收特性,放射特性等等. SpectraPro系统利用了仿真优化的光学系统来保证高分辨率,该设计同时通过纠正像差来提供多光纤同时成像的可能。SpectraPro系列有多种输入输出的选择,位科研者提供了无尽的可能性,扩展性与多样性。既可以使用单点探测器,也可以采用各类阵列相机. SpectraPro产品特点: 四种可选的模型 直接数值扫描 可更换的三级塔轮 多入口和多出口选择 高光通量 高光谱分辨率 像散纠正系统,提供多光纤探测 LightField 位操作平台 |
数以千计的SpectraPro在全世界各地的实验室中被使用,日复一日,年复一年,是一款不断被证明拥有值得信赖的高性能产品。每一款SpectraPro都采用了反射型光栅,方便快速更换。光栅塔轮通过软件控制,可精准定位光栅与测试波长. SpectraPro有四款不同焦长的型号:150,300,500 和 750mm。与棱镜型光谱或者透射型光栅不同的是,每一个SpectraPro都可以覆盖从紫外到近红外波段的应用,只需选择合适的光栅,就能拥有在波长与分辨率的选择上拥有更多自由度. SpectraPro经常用于以下应用: 拉曼光谱 荧光光谱 光致发光光谱 吸收,反射,透射光谱 激光诱导击穿谱仪 (LIBS) 显微谱仪 Cherenkov photons from one electron. Image courtesy of Rongxiao Zhang (Dartmouth College). |
多入口,多出口设计 可安装多个光源或探测器* 可快速切换光源与探测器 手动或者自动选择入口,出口 实验扩展性,灵活性强 *入口出口的具体数量请参考SpectraPro的具体型号和产品参数. |
可拆换的三级光栅塔轮 每个塔轮可以安装三个光栅 塔轮有光学安装接口,具有安装时自动校准到系统光路 可以根据需求优化波长覆盖范围,光通量以及分辨率 |
众多的探测器供选择 普林斯顿仪器PIXIS, PyLoN, PyLoN-IR, ProEM, PI-MAX4 以及 NIRvana cameras 等等 探测器可以选择扁矩形的芯片来获得更宽的频谱,或者正方形的芯片来实现成像功能 前照式,后照式,深耗尽后照式 CCD 普林斯顿仪器独特的eXcelon技术可减少近红外的干涉,提升量子效率 |
附件 光纤束,滤波转轮,光源,光栅等等 IntelliCal 波长校准和强度校准系统 SpectraHub 探测器读出系统,以及SpectraSense 单点探测器系统 点击查看其他各种附件 |
高效率光学镀膜 Acton#1900 增强型铝膜反射镜提供从193nm到mid-IR的**反射率 保护性银膜提供平均>98%的反射率 近红外可以选择金膜 |
Optional IntelliCal Wavelength Calibration System Wavelength calibration nonlinear optimization provided up to 10X greater wavelength accuracy Dual mercury and neon-argon light source Allows wavelength calibration from UV to IR Intensity calibration corrects relative intensity of spectra data and removes hardware includes and etaloning effects Includes NIST-traceable LED-based calibration Fully automate operation with LightField spectroscopy software |
强大的智能平台 LightField Optional: LightField® (for Windows® 7/8, 64-bit) or WinSpec (for Windows XP®/7/8, 32-bit) Flexible software packages for data acquisition, display, and analysis LightField offers intuitive, cutting-edge user interface, IntelliCal, hardware time stamping, and more. Software sold separately* 软件需单独购买 |
cton SpectraPro型号比较和数据表
Model | Focal Length | Aperture Ratio | PMT Resolution* | CCD Resolution** | LinearDispersion* |
SP2150 | 150 mm | f/4.0 | 0.4 nm | 0.4 nm | 4.17 nm/mm |
SP2300 | 300 mm | f/3.9 | 0.1 nm | 0.14 nm | 2.38 nm/mm |
SP2500 | 500 mm | f/6.5 | 0.05 nm | 0.09 nm | 1.52 nm/mm |
SP2750 | 750 mm | f/9.7 | 0.03 nm | 0.06 nm | 1.03 nm/mm |
*with 1200 g/mm grating @ 435.8 nm and 10 micron slit width and 4 mm slit height
** with 1200g/mm grating @ 435.8nm 20micron pixel, 20micron slit width
SpectraPro Configurations:
See datasheet for more information.
Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy TERS - Tip-Enhanced Raman spectroscopy Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy LIBS is considered one of the most convenient and efficient analytical techniques for trace elemental analysis in gases, solids, and liquids. LIBS spectra obtained by the Mars Curiosity Rover have confirmed that our sister planet could have harbored life 吸收,反射及透射光谱 Absorbance, Reflectance and Transmission A measure of the amount of light absorbed by a sample as a beam of light passes through it. Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, and Photoluminescence Spectroscopy Fluorescence, phosphorescence and photoluminescence occur when a sample is excited by absorbing photons and then emits them with a decay time that is characteristic of the sample environment. General Raman The most common application of Raman spectroscopy involves the vibrational energy levels of a molecule. Incident laser light in the UV, visible or NIR, is scattered from molecular vibrational modes. Plasma Emission Spectroscopy The different types of plasma emission spectroscopy can be categorized by how the plasma is generated. Spectra of nuclear fusion plasmas are used to ascertain the chemical species present and other properties. |
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