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Montana Instruments推出了全新超精细多功能无液氦低温光学恒温器——CRYOSTATION®,该系列产品是采用新的性能标准和架构而生产的新一代标准化产品,可使用通用型的光学桌面进行固定,使用方便。采用**减震技术和特殊温度稳定技术,在不牺牲任何便捷性的同时,为实验提供**的温度稳定性和超低震动环境。如今Cryostation S系列恒温器具有多种型号、配置、选件与配件可选,能够满足每个研究人员的独特需求。 |
★ 低温度波动和纳米级的震动可为各种测量提供稳定的实验环境。
★ 超大温区(3.2K - 350K)与超快的变温速度可提高实验效率。
★ 全干式系统,无需消耗氦气或液氦,可极大降低实验成本。
★ 直观的用户界面和全自动控制系统提高了实验效率。
★ 电学和光学通道以及样品安装都极大地提高了实验灵活性。
★ 完全集成、交钥匙设计方案,让您快速启动和实现研究计划。
★ 桌面式设计方案,方便移动,无缝衔接现有的室温实验方案。
★ 降低成本:日常运行不消耗氦气可在很大程度上降低试验成本。
★ 操作简单:省去了更换氦气瓶和监测氦气量等繁琐的实验工作。
★ 低能耗需求:只需单项50Hz 208-240V电力需求,无需水冷机,功率3.6KW。
★ 低噪音:压缩机采用的变频技术在降低能耗的同时较大程度上降低了冷头的工作噪音和震动。
★ 便捷性:样品腔周围可搭建各种光路,方便实现各种光路实验方案。
★ 灵活性:系统可安装在英制或公制光学桌面,可与螺孔阵列平行或成45°角。
★ 模块化:无需任何额外的辅助设施,可以方便的移动设备。
★ 全自动、优化的温度控制:简单设定目标温度,一键Cooldown。
★ 其他参数控制:可实现定制化参数控制,例如样品腔除气或干燥氮气冲洗。
★ 监视系统状态:用户界面实时显示系统状态,包括温度、温度稳定性、系统真空度等。
★ 软件记录系统数据:方便数据的导出。
★ 远程控制:利用虚拟网络计算(VNC)技术,可通过电脑方便地对系统进行远程控制。
★ 外部脚本:支持多种现代语言通过RESTful API脚本控件进行编程控制(Python, MATLAB, LabVIEW, C# 等)。
★ 远程诊断:工程师可以方便的通过网络对设备的故障进行诊断和排除。
★ 完全自动化控制:系统在抽真空、降温、恒温、升温、充气等全过程可以自动设定**化的参数。
★ 完善的系统监控:系统通过自动的过程监控与错误处理保护系统和样品,避免误操作。
★ 干燥氮气清洗选件:抽真**或充气时可以减少外界大气环境的影响有助于快速降温。
★ 可选择的实验配置:有各种样品安装方案和位置控制选件可供选择,包括光纤和RF探针组件以及用于光子探测的配置。
★ 预置电学接口:系统为用户提供了预置低频电测量和额外温度计安装的直流电学通道。
★ 扩展接口选件:通过侧面板可将RF、光纤、气体和额外的直流通道引入样品腔。
★ 灵活的光路方案:适应各种测量光路,如透射、侧反射和顶部显微镜。
★ 超高的收集效率:提供高NA与近工作距离选件。
★ 光学材质:可以轻松更换各种波长和实验需求的窗口。
★ 实现*低温度:采用特有的材料和热阻尼技术,使系统在给定的配置下达到尽可能低的温度。
★ 满足震动敏感测量:采用**的减震技术,隔绝冷头震动的同时对样品采用刚性支撑结构,实现纳米级的超低震动。
★ 全温区保持样品的光路准确性:采用膨胀系数抵消式结构,保证全温区范围内样品的超低位置漂移。
★ 保证每一个温度点的稳定性:采用主动与被动参数控制技术,使每一个温度点的温度波动减小到传统制冷机波动的二十分之一。
■ Cryostation® S50低温平台
Cryostation® S50
优异的温度性能:大的控温范围,3.2K-350K (无热负载时*低<3K);温度稳定性**,在极限低温时温度波动始终小于10mK(峰-峰值);超快变温速度,Cool down ~2 小时(如果配置复杂,可能长于2小时)。
■ Cryostation® S100低温平台
Cryostation® S100
■ Cryostation® S200低温平台
为了使用户有更大的空间进行复杂低温试验的设计,Montana Instruments研发了大型系统Cryostation® S200。该型号是标准恒温器系列中的**型号。直径196mm的样品腔使用户可以在低温区域搭建复杂的光路。
样品空间:Ф196 mm样品腔可满足各种光学实验需求。
■ CRYO-OPTIC®物镜集成系统
★ **技术允许集成物镜保持在室温,确保超稳定的位置和焦点控制。
★ 对高倍物镜和样品的温度进行主动控制,使其温度稳定性在10 mK 以内,超高的稳定性使其在较小的温度变化后无需重新聚焦。
★ 通过将物镜从恒温器和实验室环境中分离出来,独立控制,系统达到稳定测量条件所需的时间大大减少。
Cryostation S50 - CO(竖直物镜集成系统)
■ Cryostation S100 – CO(水平物镜集成系统)
S100 - CO的水平安装方案可与其他光学测量系统无缝衔接,允许快速、方便的更换样品。独特的辐射屏蔽层设计保证更换样品的同时不改变物镜的位置,确保物镜始终处于光路的**位置。
■ Cryostation S200 – CO(定制物镜集成系统)
Cryostation S200可以实现定制化的物镜集成。物镜水平安装,与低温面包板组成自由光路,可通过压电位移器实现光路的精准调节。
★ 设备安装简单,具有独特的设计,保证便捷的样品更换和光路便捷性。
★ 自动退磁,采用震荡归零的方式减小电流,以消除磁场设置为零时的剩余磁场。
★ 完备系统,系统包括校准霍尔探头、电源和循环冷却系统,用户无需额外辅助设备。
■ CryoMOKE低温磁光克尔集成系统
为了满足用户变温MOKE的测量需求,该系统结合了英国Durham 公司的NanoMOKE3系统。该集成系统利用MAGNETO-OPTIC的灵活性与NanoMOKE3的强大功能为用户打造了高性能的低温磁光克尔测量平台。
■ CryoFMR低温铁磁共振集成系统
Montana Instruments 为用户提供高精度的低温铁磁共振集成系统。使得样品可以在不同温度、光照情况下进行铁磁共振实验,方便研究样品在光激发状态下的磁学特性。该系统配备NanOsc Instruments AB公司的高精度铁磁共振测试仪,并且操作简单。
■ Cryo Mossbauer低温穆斯堡尔集成系统
Cryo Mossbauer系统提供完整的集成式变温透射穆斯堡尔测量方案。Montana Instruments 采用了MS96光谱仪与Montana恒温器的用户友好型集成方案,设备简单易用。两个领域的全球**厂商确保了设备的可靠性。
■ 无褶皱超平石墨烯的变温拉曼测量
值得一提的是,文章中对样品进行了高质量的变温Raman测量(南京大学物理学院奚啸翔教授通过Montana Instruments公司生产的Cryostation®系列高性能恒温器与普林斯顿光谱仪联合测量完成。高质量的数据表明了基于Cryostation系列恒温器的变温拉曼具有非常优异且稳定的性能。),清晰的展示了不同制备与处理条件的石墨烯G峰和2D峰随温度变化的峰位移动。揭示了石墨烯与衬底之间相互作用的强弱以及石墨烯受到的应力大小。
目前由Montana Instruments公司与Princeton Instruments联合开发的超精细变温显微拉曼系统——microReveal RAMAN已经正式向全球销售。该集成式系统实现了变温拉曼的优化测量,省去了自己搭建变温拉曼的繁琐过程。该系统根据不同的应用可以实现4K-350K(500K可选)大温区范围内的拉曼光谱与成像、荧光光谱与成像、吸收光谱、电学测量和光电输运测量等多种功能。
[1] Yuan, G., Lin, D., Wang, Y. et al. Proton-assisted growth of ultra-flat graphene films. Nature 577, 204–208 (2020)
■ 金刚石NV色心研究
金刚石NV色心(Nitrogen-vacancy defect centers) 近年来在科研界被高度关注。NV色心独特且稳定的光学特性使其拥有广泛的应用前景。在量子信息领域,NV色心可以作为单光子源用于量子计算。NV色心作为具有量子敏感度的传感设备,还可应用于纳米尺度磁场、电场、温度、压力的探测。在生物学领域,NV色心是**的生物标识物,具有光学性能稳定,细胞毒性低的特点。
Montana Instruments开发的低温恒温器专门针对NV色心领域研究需要而进行优化,扫除了科研人员进入NV色心研究领域的障碍。以下是低温(4K)NV色心研究的实验方案举例。
1. 总体NV色心信号收集实验
2. 单个NV色心研究:样品表面的纳米金刚石
纳米金刚石的单个NV色心探测可以通过共聚焦显微技术来实现。实验装置包括三维低温纳米位移台,Z方向可以精准调整样品到焦平面,XY可以对样品表面进行扫描。Montana Instruments**设计方案可以采用高数值孔径物镜对4K的样品中的单个NV色心进行测量。系统的收集效率高、光斑直径小,轻松聚焦单个NV色心。采用532nm激光激发,对630nm-800nm范围的荧光信号进行采集。采用可调的微波信号对NV色心的自旋态进行激发,通过荧光信号的峰值位移来确定其自旋态。为了研究感兴趣的区域,通常将金刚石粉末(20-30nm)均匀的撒在样品表面,然后使用三维纳米位移台来扫描样品并且对特定NV色心进行测量。并且可以通过单个NV色心实现在较大温度范围内对样品的性质进行观测。
Using NV-Center Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance (ODMR) as a Probe for Local Magnetic Dynamics in Transition Metals
3. 扫描探针量子探测器(例如,扫描磁力显微镜)
Jayich课题组 (UCSB)运用这一技术在BaFe2(As0.7P0.3)2 超导材料的转变温度附近(30K)成功观测到了vortices。这一技术在研究材料低温下的新奇性质方面前景广阔。更多细节请参考:
Scanned probe imaging of nanoscale magnetism at cryogenic temperatures with a single-spin quantum sensor.
■ 高性能低温恒温器在量子计算中的应用
Cryostation®低温恒温器系统可为量子计算相关研究提供多种解决方案,丰富的可选配置与配件可以满足各种实验的需求,诸如离子阱、超导环、NV色心的高数值孔径荧光观测等。根据具体实验需求Montana Instruments可以提供*适合的配置方案。
量子计算的通用“门”操作(CROT, SWAP以及内部量子比特态的任意翻转)可以通过对量子比特光激发来实现。对于137YB+离子链,**波长为355nm。激光源的稳定性尤为重要,激发频率与电子的共振频率要精确匹配(10KHz或更好),以防止其他临近态的激发。紫外激光由于具有合适的波长与**的频率稳定性常被用于半导体材料的维纳加工,现在也成为量子计算的上佳选择。
Montana Instruments与科研人员共同设计的离子阱量子计算机
[1] ohnson, K. G. et al. Active Stabilization of Ion Trap Radiofrequency Potentials. Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 53110 (2016).
[2] Brown, K. R., Kim, J. & Monroe, C. Co-Designing a Scalable Quantum Computer with Trapped Atomic Ions. npj Quantum Information 16034 (2016).
[3] Debnath, S. et al. Demonstration of a small programmable quantum computer with atomic qubits. Nature 536, 63–66 (2016).
[4] Steane, A. M. The Ion Trap Quantum Information Processor. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 64, 623–643 (1997).
[5] Faraz Najafi et al. On-chip detection of non-classical light by scalable integration of single-photon detectors. Nat. commun,6:5873, 2015
■ 高性能低温恒温器在自旋电子学中的应用
1. 纵向磁光克尔效应
2. 极向磁光克尔效应
3. 时间分辨MOKE
时间分辨MOKE也可以用于研究自旋“群体”的寿命。利用极化的泵浦光对感兴趣的材料进行自旋激发。利用探测光进行延时扫描,MOKE信号的强弱可以计算自旋“群体”密度。自旋的“寿命”可以通过观测自旋“群体”的密度来计算。Kawakami课题组(Ohio State University)利用该方法对过渡族金属二硫化物WS2在低温(<6K)下进行了时间分辨克尔转角测量(TRKR)。对比TRKR信号与显微荧光,研究者发现强激子发光与高自旋密度之间的一种意料之外的反相关关系。这一发现为短时激子自旋角动量到长时导电电子自旋态转化提供了新的见解。
4. 强磁场(>1T)MOKE
华盛顿大学的Xu和Cobden 利用7T的超导磁体与低温设备,采用法拉第几何光路测量磁场对光致发光极化的影响对单层WSe2进行了研究。更多信息请阅读:Magnetic Control of Valley Pseudospin: A Story of Symmetry.
[1] Durham Magneto Optics Ltd & Beguivin, A. Characterization of the Montana Instruments Cryostation C2 for low temperature Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect measurements using the NanoMOKE 3.
[2] Bushong, E. J. et al. Imaging Spin Dynamics in Monolayer WS2 by Time-Resolved Kerr Rotation Microscopy. arXiv:1602.03568 [cond-mat] (2016).
[3] Aivazian, G. et al. Magnetic Control of Valley Pseudospin in Monolayer WSe2. Nature Physics 11, 148–152 (2015).
[4] Henn, T. et al. Ultrafast supercontinuum fiber-laser based pump-probe scanning MOKE microscope for the investigation of electron spin dynamics in semiconductors at cryogenic temperatures with picosecond time and micrometer spatial resolution. Review of Scientific Instruments 84, 123903 (2013).
Montana Cryostation 用户发表文章选集(2012-2020)。分类仅供参考,可能存在偏差,文章学术价值与排序无关。
■ 二维材料、激子
Nature Physics; Excitonic Luminescent Up-Conversion in a 2D Semiconductor
Nature Physics; Spin–phonon interactions in silicon carbide addressed by Gaussian acoustics
Nature Nanotechnology; Probing dark excitons in atomically thin semiconductors via near-field coupling to surface plasmon polaritons
Nature Nanotechnology; Electrical control of charged carriers and excitons in atomically thin materials
Nature Communications; Cascaded emission of single photons from the biexciton in monolayered WSe2
Nano Letters; Quantifying remote heating from propagating surface plasmon polaritons
Nano Letters; Giant Enhancement of Defect-Bound Exciton Luminescence and Suppression of Band-Edge Luminescence in Monolayer WSe2–Ag Plasmonic Hybrid Structures
Physical Review Letters; Large Excitonic Reflectivity of Monolayer MoSe2 Encapsulated in Hexagonal Boron Nitride.
ACS Nano; Photoluminescent Quantum Interference in a van der Waals Magnet Preserved by Symmetry Breaking
ACS Photonics; Strain-Correlated Localized Exciton Energy in Atomically Thin Semiconductors
Physical Review B; Role of strain on the coherent properties of GaAs excitons and biexcitons
Physical Review B; Signatures of four-particle correlations associated with exciton-carrier interactions in coherent spectroscopy on bulk GaAs
Physical Review Materials; Laser Annealing for Radiatively Broadened MoSe2 grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition
Science Advances; Persistent Optical Gating of a Topological Insulator
Science Advances; Optical generation of high carrier densities in 2D semiconductor heterobilayers
■ 范德瓦耳斯异质结
Nature Communications; Observation of Long-Lived Interlayer Excitons in Monolayer MoSe2-WSe2 Heterostructures
Nano Letters; Single Defect Light-Emitting Diode in a van der Waals Heterostructure
Nano Letters; Interlayer Exciton Optoelectronics in a 2D Heterostructure p-n junction
Nano Letters; Nanocavity Integrated van der Waals Heterostructure Light-Emitting Tunneling Diode
Nano Letters; Unusual Exciton-Phonon Interactions at van der Waals Engineered Interfaces
Physical Review Letters; Controlling excitons in an atomically thin membrane with a mirror
■ 自旋谷
Science; Valley-Polarized Exciton Dynamics in a 2D Semiconductor Heterostructure
Nature Physics; Magnetic Control of Valley Pseudospin in Monolayer WSe2
Nature Communications; Directional Interlayer Spin-Valley Transfer in 2D Heterostructures
Nature Communications; Coulomb-bound four- and five-particle valleytronic states in an atomically-thin semiconductor.
Science Advances; Observation of ultralong valley lifetime in WSe2/MoS2heterostructures
■ 石墨烯
Nature; Proton-assisted growth of ultra-flat graphene films
Nature Physics; Photo-Nernst Current in Graphene
ACS Nano; Lithographically Patterned Functional Polymer–Graphene Hybrids for Nanoscale Electronics
Applied Physics Letters; Direct and parametric synchronization of a graphene self-oscillator
■ 光力研究
Nature Communications; Nonlinear cavity optomechanics with nanomechanical thermal fluctuations
Science; Quantum correlations from a room-temperature optomechanical cavity
Physical Review X; Single-Crystal Diamond Nanobeam Waveguide Optomechanics
Physical Review Letters; Optomechanical Quantum Control of a Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Diamond
■ 超导材料相关测量
Scientific Reports; Imprinting superconducting vortex footsteps in a magnetic layer
Scientific Reports; Triode for Magnetic Flux Quanta
Physical Review B; Magnetic flux penetration in Nb superconducting films with lithographically defined micro-indentations
Physical Review B; Impurity scattering effects on the superconducting properties and the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic phase transition in FeSe
Physical Review B; Crossing fields in thin films of isotropic superconductors
Physical Review B; Flux penetration in a superconducting film partially capped with a conducting layer
■ 电荷密度波
Nature Nanotechnology; Strongly enhanced charge-density-wave order in monolayer NbSe2
Nature Communications; Patterns and driving forces of dimensionality-dependent chargedensity waves in 2H-type transition metal dichalcogenides
Arxiv; Two Phonon Interactions and Charge Density Wavein Single Crystalline VSe2 Probed by Raman Spectroscopy
■ 磁学测量相关
Nature; Layer-dependent ferromagnetism in a van der Waals crystal down to the monolayer limit
Nature; Three-state nematicity in the triangular lattice antiferromagnet Fe1/3NbS2
Science;Measuring magnetic field texture in correlated electron systems under extreme conditions
Nature Physics; Ligand-field helical luminescence in a 2D ferromagnetic insulator
Nature Nanotechnology; Scanned probe imaging of nanoscale magnetism at cryogenic temperatures with a single-spin quantum sensor
Nature Nanotechnology; Electrical control of 2D magnetism in bilayer CrI3
Nature Communications; Local dynamics of topological magnetic defects in the itinerant helimagnet FeGe
Nature Communications; Spin transfer torque driven higher-order propagating spin waves in nano-contact magnetic tunnel junctions
PNAS; Local optical control of ferromagnetism and chemical potential in a topological insulator
Scientific Reports; Spin noise explores local magnetic fields in a semiconductor
2D Materials; Imaging Spin Dynamics in Monolayer WS2 by Time-Resolved Kerr Rotation Microscopy
Physical Review B; Upper critical fields in Ba2Ti2Fe2As4O single crystals: Evidence for dominant Pauli paramagnetic effect
Journal of Applied Physics; Thickness- and temperature-dependent magnetodynamic properties of yttrium iron garnet thin films
IOP Superconductor Science and Technology; Transport characterization and pinning analysis of BaFe1.9Ni0.1As2.05 thin films
Review of Scientific Instruments; Scanning SQUID microscopy in a cryogen-free cooler
■ 量子存储
Nature Communications; Storage of multiple single-photon pulses emitted from a quantum dot in a solid-state quantum memory
Physical Review X; A 10-qubit solid-state spin register with quantum memory up to one minute
Physical Review Letters; Coherent spin control at the quantum level in an ensemble-based optical memory
Physical Review Letters: Solid state source of non-classical photon pairs with embedded multimode quantum memory
Physical Review A; A spectral hole memory for light at the single photon level
Physical Review A; Towards highly multimode optical quantum memory for quantum repeaters
New Journal of Physics; Storage of up-converted telecom photons in a doped crystal
New Journal of Physics; Cavity-enhanced storage in an optical spin-wave memory
New Journal of Physics; Multiplexed on-demand storage of polarization qubits in a crystal
AIP Conference Proceedings; Realization of the revival of silenced echo (ROSE) quantum memory scheme in orthogonal geometry
■ 量子点散射
Nature Photonics; All-optical coherent control of vacuum Rabi oscillations
Nature Communications; Nanoscale optical positioning of single quantum dots for bright and pure single-photon emission
Physical Review Letters; Field-Field and Photon-Photon Correlations of Light Scattered by Two Remote Two-Level InAs Quantum Dots on the Same Substrate
Physical Review B; Coherent versus Incoherent Light Scattering from a Quantum Dot
Physical Review B; Bichromatic Resonant Light Scattering from a Quantum Dot
Physical Review B; Two-Color Photon Correlations of the Light Scattered by a Quantum Dot
Physical Review A; Resonant light scattering of a laser frequency comb by a quantum dot
Advanced Optical Materials; Localized all-optical control of single semiconductor quantum dots through plasmon-polariton-induced screening
■ 量子阱
Applied Physics Letters; Highly polarized photoluminescence and its dynamics in semipolar (2021) InGaN/GaN quantum well
Applied Physics Letters; Impact of carrier localization on radiative recombination times in semipolar plane (2021)InGaN/GaN quantum wells
Physica Status Solidi C; Optical properties and carrier dynamics in m-plane InGaN quantum wells
Optical Materials Express; Influence of well width fluctuations on recombination properties in semipolar InGaN quantum wells studied by time- and spatially-resolved near-field photoluminescence
■ 量子信息、量子计算等
Nature; Photonic quantum state transfer between a cold atomic gas and a crystal
Nature; Deterministic delivery of remote entanglement on a quantum network
Science; Probing Johnson noise and ballistic transport in normal metals with a single-spin qubit
Science; Entanglement Distillation between Solid-State Quantum Network Nodes
Nature Physics; Accelerated quantum control using superadiabatic dynamics in a solid-state lambda system
Nature Communications; Coherent Acoustic Control of a Single Silicon Vacancy Spin in Diamond
Physical Review Letters; Multimode and Long-Lived Quantum Correlations Between Photons and Spins in a Crystal
Optics Express; Two-pulse photon echo area theorem in an optically dense medium
AIP Conference Proceedings; Photon echo area theorem for Gaussian laser beams
IEEE Xplore; Towards Millimeter-Wave Based Quantum Networks
■ 基础量子力学研究
Nature; Loophole-free Bell inequality violation using electron spins separated by 1.3 kilometres
Scientific Reports; Loophole-free Bell test using electron spins in diamond: second experiment and additional analysis
■ 金刚石
Nature Communications; Coherent control of a strongly driven silicon vacancy optical transition in diamond
Physical Review X; Coupling a Surface Acoustic Wave to an Electron Spin in Diamond via a Dark State
Physical Review Letters; Protecting a Solid-State Spin from Decoherence Using Dressed Spin States
Physical Review Letters; Opticallly-driven Rabi oscillations and adiabatic passage of single electron spins in diamond
Physical Review Letters; Holonomic quantum control by coherent optical excitation in diamond
Physical Review A; Strain coupling of a mechanical resonator to a single quantum emitter in diamond
CLEO; Lead-Related Quantum Emitters in Diamond
Journal of Carbon Research; Fluorescence and Physico-Chemical Properties of Hydrogenated Detonation Nanodiamonds
■ 金刚石色心、量子点荧光、单光子发射等
Nature Photonics; 4H-silicon-carbide-on-insulator for integrated quantum and nonlinear photonics
Nature Communications; Optical charge state control of spin defects in 4H-SiC
Nature Communications; Extremely rapid isotropic irradiation of nanoparticles with ions generated in situ by a nuclear reaction
Nature Communications; Bright room temperature single photon source at telecom range in cubic silicon carbide
Nature Communications; Spin-controlled generation of indistinguishable and distinguishable photons from silicon vacancy centres in silicon carbide
Physical Review X; Quantum Interference of Electromechanically Stabilized Emitters in Nanophotonic Devices
Physical Review Letters; Polarization-Dependent Interference of Coherent Scattering from Orthogonal Dipole Moments of a Resonantly Excited Quantum Dot
Optics Express; Optical coherence of implanted silicon vacancy centers in thin diamond membranes
Scientific Reports; Single-photon property characterization of 1.3?μm emissions from InAs/GaAs quantum dots using silicon avalanche photodiodes
Scientific Reports; Combined atomic force microscopy and photoluminescence imaging to select single InAs/GaAs quantum dots for quantum photonic devices
Physical Review B; Characterization of 171Yb3+: YVO4 for photonic quantum technologies
Physical Review B; Characterization of optical and spin properties of single tin-vacancy centers in diamond nanopillars
Optica; Two-photon interference from a bright single-photon source at telecom wavelengths
Optica; Efficient fiber-coupled single-photon source based on quantum dots in a photonic-crystal waveguide
Photonics; Scalable fabrication of single silicon vacancy defect arrays in silicon carbide using focused ion beam
ACS Nano; Self-Assembled Nanocrystals of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Show Photostable Single-Photon Emission
ACS Photonics; Towards bright and pure single photon emitters at 300 K based on GaN quantumdots on silicon
CLEO; Characterization of the Local Charge Environment of a Single Quantum Dot via Resonance Fluorescence
Journal of Applied Physics; Photoexcited carrier trapping and recombination at Fe centers in GaN
Physical Review Applied; Single Self-Assembled InAs / GaAs Quantum Dots in Photonic Nanostructures: The Role of Nanofabrication
■ 微腔相关研究
Nature Photonics; Quantum control of a spin qubit coupled to a photonic crystal cavity
Nature Communications; All-optical polariton transistor
Nature Communications; Spin–cavity interactions between a quantum dot molecule and a photonic crystal cavity
Nature Communications; Interaction-induced hopping phase in driven-dissipative coupled photonic microcavities
Nature Communications; Interfacing broadband photonic qubits to on-chip cavity-protected rare-earth ensembles
Nano Letters; Strongly Cavity-Enhanced Spontaneous Emission from Silicon-Vacancy Centers in Diamond
Physical Review Letters; Bosonic Condensation and Disorder-Induced Localization in a Flat Band
Physical Review Letters; Ultrastable Silicon Cavity in a Continuously Operating Closed-Cycle Cryostat at 4 K
Physical Review Letters; Probing a Dissipative Phase Transition via Dynamical Optical Hysteresis
Physical Review Letters; Cavity-enhanced Raman emission from a single color center in a solid
Optics Express; A High-Mechanical Bandwidth Fabry-Perot Fiber Cavity
Physical Review B; Multidimensional coherent spectroscopy of a semiconductor microcavity
Physical Review Applied; Engineering Phonon Leakage in Nanomechanical Resonators
Applied Physics Letters; Controlled coupling of photonic crystal cavities using photochromic tuning
Applied Physics Letters; Design and low-temperature characterization of a tunable microcavity for diamond-based quantum networks
■ 纳米结构、光子晶体、异质结
Physical Review Letters; Franson Interference Generated by a Two-Level System
Nano Letters; Electrically Driven Hot-Carrier Generation and Above-threshold Light Emission in Plasmonic Tunnel Junctions
ACS Photonics; Monolithic High-Contrast Grating Based Polariton Laser
ACS Photonics; Epitaxial Aluminum-on-Sapphire Films as a Plasmonic Material Platform for Ultraviolet and Full Visible Spectral Regions
CLEO; Diamond Optomechanical Crystals at Cryogenic Temperatures
Laser Physics Letters; Observation and investigation of narrow optical transitions of 167Er3+ ions in femtosecond laser printed waveguides in 7LiYF4 crystal
IOP Science Applied Physics Express; Single-step direct laser writing of halide perovskite microlasers
Rapid Research Letters; Radiative Efficiency and Charge-Carrier Lifetimes and Diffusion Length in Polycrystalline CdSeTe Heterostructures
■ 发光材料
Nature Communications; Electronic Raman scattering as an ultra-sensitive probe of strain effects in semiconductors
Applied Physics Letters; High quality factor single-crystal diamond mechanical resonators
New Journal of Physics; Shifts of optical frequency references based on spectral-hole burning in Eu3+:Y2SiO5
Journal of Luminescence; Evaluation of defects in cuprous oxide through exciton luminescence imaging
SPIE; Tailoring of GaAs/GaAsSb core-shell structured nanowires for IR photodetector applications
2D Materials; Magneto-Elastic Coupling in a potential ferromagnetic 2D Atomic Crystal
■ 穆斯堡尔谱
Carbon Letters; One-step microwave synthesis of magnetic biochars with sorption properties
Inorganic Chemistry; Screw-Type Motion and Its Impact on Cooperativity in BaNa2Fe[VO4]2
■ 光伏、热电、储能材料
Nano Letters; Photothermoelectric Detection of Gold Oxide Nonthermal Decomposition
Scientific Reports; Optically induced metastability in Cu(In,Ga)Se2
ACS Nano; Plasmonic heating in Au nanowires at low temperatures: The role of thermal boundary resistance
ACS Nano; Room-Temperature Electrocaloric Effect in Layered Ferroelectric CuInP2S6 for Solid-State Refrigeration
Physical Review B; Thermally Driven Long Range Magnon Spin Currents in Yttrium Iron Garnet due to Intrinsic Spin Seebeck Effect
Applied Physics Letters; The impact of Cu on recombination in high voltage CdTe solar cells
Applied Physics Letters; Local Phonon Mode in thermoelectric Bi2Te2Se from charge neutral antisites
Journal of Physical Chemisty Letters; Photothermoelectric effects and large photovoltages in plasmonic Au nanowires with nanogaps
Energy Procedia; Low-temperature FTIR investigation of aluminum doped solargrade silicon
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics; Minority-Carrier Lifetime and Surface Recombination Velocity in Single-Crystal CdTe
Nanoscale; Substantial local variation of Seebeck coefficient in gold nanowires
SPIE Digital Library; Photovoltages and hot electrons in plasmonic nanogaps
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer; Grain growth-induced thermal property enhancement of NiTi shape memory alloys for elastocaloric refrigeration and thermal energy storage systems
■ 新型钙钛矿材料
Physical Review Materials; Stable biexcitons in two-dimensional metal-halide perovskites with strong dynamic lattice disorder
ACS Chemistry of Materials; Electron–Phonon Couplings Inherent in Polarons Drive Exciton Dynamics in Two-Dimensional Metal-Halide Perovskites
ACS Journal of Physical Chemistry C; Photoluminescence Manipulation by Ion Beam Irradiation in CsPbBr3 Halide Perovskite Single Crystals
Advanced Optical Materials; Amplified Spontaneous Emissionand Random Lasing in MAPbBr3 Halide Perovskite Single Crystals
Arxiv; Defect-related states in MAPbI3halide perovskite single crystals revealed by the photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy
■ 纳米线
Physical Review Letters; Widely Tunable Single-Photon Source from a Carbon Nanotube in the Purcell Regime
Semiconductor Science and Technology; Bandgap tuning of GaAs/GaAsSb core-shell nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy
IOP Nanotechnology; Space charge limited conduction mechanism in GaAsSb nanowires and the effect of in-situ annealing in ultra-high vacuum
■ 生物、有机分子
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters; Increased Transfer Efficiency from Molecular Photonic Wires on Solid Substrates and Cryogenic Conditions
ACS Applied Nano Materials; DNA Origami Chromophore Scaffold Exploiting HomoFRET Energy Transport to Create Molecular Photonic Wires
Physical Review A;Quantum dynamics of a driven two-level molecule with variable dephasing
■ 其他研究方向
AIP Conference Proceedings; The equipment control system of the extended x-ray absorption fine structure beamline at Taiwan Photon Source
ACS Applied Nano Materials.; Elimination of Extreme Boundary Scattering via Polymer Thermal Bridging in Silica Nanoparticle Packings: Implications for Thermal Management
Arxiv; Observation of three-state nematicity in the triangular lattice antiferromagnet Fe1/3 NbS2
Arxiv; Ferroelectric Polarization in Antiferroelectric Chalcogenide Perovskite BaZrS3 Thin Fil
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