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Infraredsystems FPAS超快激光光谱仪
Infraredsystems FPAS超快激光光谱仪的图片
高级会员 第 2
名 称:广州市固润光电科技有限公司
认 证:工商信息已核实

Infraredsystems FPAS 超快激光光谱仪

Complete High-Speed Pulse Spectrometer System

  • 3-10 um Spectral Range Coverage (1-20um Available)

  • 6.2 nm Standard Resolution (3.1 nm Optional)

  • 1.5 um, 0.9 um and 0.45 um Bandwidth

  • DC - 50Khz Laser Repetition Rate with No Lost Data

  • Integrated Labview Software Control

  • The New FPAS spectrograph provides a turn-key, drop-in solution for femto-second Pump-Probe 2D Vibrational Spectroscopy. All required components are provided, including a host computer and LabView based LASPEC software. Simply focus the laser energy into the entrance slit and start acquiring data. Infrared Systems Development Corporation has teamed with the J.Y. Horiba Company to integrate a high resolution spectrometer with detector and acquisition electronics to provide an easy to use system for complete spectral acquisition. Interchangeable grating turrets allow complete coverage of the mid and long wave infrared bands. All components of the spectrometer and data acquisition system are controlled by the supplied LASPEC software. The open architecture and supplied source code provide the user with unlimited ability to integrate all computer controlled assets with one application.

    The FPAS Spectrometer is the most compact imaging spectrometer available. Offering interchangeable triple grating turrets, automated dual exit port selection and motorized slit and grating positioning. Array and detector exit ports are selected by a motorized flip mirror. Many users have collected data with their single element detectors and need a method to correlate the previous data with new data acquired with the Array.

    Our Femto-Second Laser Pulse Acquisition System is the heart of the data acquisition system, providing simultaneous sampling of all array elements and external user-provided inputs. The FPAS integrates and captures detector signals from short pulse, high-energy laser systems with excellent linearity and 16-Bit resolution from single pulses or up to 1 x106 pulses in sequence, with no lost data.

    Coupled with a high performance Infrared Associates Linear MCT Array, the system provides unmatched spectral performance. Dual row detector arrays can be used to provide isolated reference and sample paths through the spectrometer to compensate for variations in amplitude and energy distribution typically associates with ultra-short pulse lasers.

    A complete offering of gratings and detectors can meet any application for high-speed pulse acquisition spectrometry. Our customer support team has experience with many techniques and is ready to assist with hardware and software support and modifications to suit your need.


    Laser Pulse Repetition Rate:

    Single Shot to 50 Khz

    Standard Detector:

    LN2 cooled MCT Array 64 Element 0.2mm W x 0.5 mm H 16 mm Total Array Length (128 element available)

    Spectrometer Type:

    Corrected Cross Czerny Turner with On Axis Grating

    Focal Length:

    0.19 meters

    Entrance Aperture:

    F/3.9 15 Degrees

    Entrance Slit:

    Motorized 0 – 2 mm in 2 um steps (0.25 mm nominal)

    Exit Slit:

    Motorized 0 – 2 mm in 2 um steps

    Exit Ports:

    Array and Single element – Selected by Flip Mirror

    Flat Image Field:

    30 mm H x 12 mm V – Array port

    Standard Gratings:

    150 g/mm @ 5 um, 75 g/mm @ 5 um and 50 g/mm @ 6 um. (50 to 1200 g/mm available) 50 x 50 mm

    Standard Spectral Range

    and Dispersion:

    3-9 um with 150 g/mm 0.40 um BW, 6.2 nm per pixel

    4-10 um with 75 g/mm 0.80 um BW, 12.4 nm per pixel

    3-9 um with 50 g/mm 1.2 um BW, 18.6 nm per pixel

    Maximum Resolution:

    0.35 nm with 1200 g/mm grating

    Spectral Acquisition Rate:

    Single to 1900 Spectra/sec

    Maximum Sequential Spectra:

    Typically 1 x 106 Limited by computer memory.

    Communications Interfaces:

    Data read out by a 10 MHz digital communications port.

    Spectrometer controlled by RS-232/USB port

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