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Portability™ Transportable Mass Spectrometer
ThePortabilityTMmass spectrometer is one of BaySpec’s newest portable instruments. Designed to bring the benefits of MS chemical analysis to the field, thePortabilityTMcan service a variety of bulk or trace detection applications with its compact form factor and intuitive user software. Small enough to be carried by one person, thePortabilityTMis compatible with in-situ and direct analysis techniques.
Key Features
ppb-level detection
Person portable with battery power
Linear Ion Trap Technology
17 lbs., 13 in × 11 in × 9 in
Full Detail
The portable/transportable MS is the latest innovation from BaySpec’s 15 years’ belief in “bring labs to samples”. Using core technology that was developed from laboratory-based instruments, thePortabilityTMis small enough to be used in the field and still offers ppb-level detection and compatibility within situand real-time detection methods. The convenience, affordability, efficiency, and ease of in-field sample analysis will save time and reduce cost.
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