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KFM30L/60LC Straight Barrel Mill
◆碳酸钙、锂电等粉体大流量湿法研磨/Calcium carbonate, lithium and other large flow of powder wet grinding
◆汽车漆/Automotive paint ◆UV印刷油墨/UV printing inks
◆平版印刷油墨/Lithographic inks ◆色浆、颜料与染料/Colorants, pigments and dyes
◆网版印刷油墨/Screen Printing Inks ◆图片印刷油墨/Photo printing ink ◆热敏涂料/Heat-sensitive coating
◆电机安装在简洁的机器框架内,通过防 静电进口SPB型皮带来保证能量传送、噪音极低
◆Imported special mesh separators, non-blocking, high flow, ultra wear-resistant
◆Motor mounted within the framework of simple machines ensure the transmission of energy, through the anti-static import
SPB type belt, low noise
◆High-precision gap self-cleaning function, using 0.4-1.2mm grinding media
◆Double mechanical seal can withstand higher operating pressures
◆Stator cooling, mechanical seal cooling, sieve jacket cooling and front cap cooling
标准配置/Standard Configuration
◆夹套冷却、端盖冷却,机封冷却/Jacket cooling, cover cooling, mechanical seal cooling
◆精密进口轴承/Imported precision bearings
◆耐压双机械密封、精密间隙分离器/Withstand double mechanical seals, precision gap separator
◆特种高耐磨筛网分离器/Special high abrasion mesh separator
Feeding Pump (in response to customer needs, imported gear pump, pneumatic pump)
Explosion-proof device, hydraulic pressure fail-safe device, automatic temperature control fail-safe device
技术数据/Technical Data
型号/Model KFM—60LC
容量/Capacity (L) 60
主机功率/Motor Power(KW) 37
冷却水/Cooling Water(m3/h) 2500-3000
产品流速/Product Flow Rate(L/h) 100-1000
研磨介质/Grinding Media (Φmm) 0.4-1.2
净重/Weight(kg) 1460
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