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Mechanical Seal, Double Mechanical Seal and O Type Mechanical Seal are all made by Du Pont Company.
1、Different linear velocity grinding from high to low speed
2、Both inside and outside bucket cooling, rotor double-layer cooling, front cover cooling, separate chamber cooling and mechanical seal cooling
3、High quality, high efficiency and unchanged color grinding and dispersing
4、Grinding bucket, rotor, rod pin made of imported alloy steel with high wear-resistance and condense (better than YG8, YG6 Alloy)
◆平版印刷油墨/Lithographic inks ◆UV印刷油墨/UV printing inks
◆汽车漆/Automotive paint ◆色浆/Color paste
◆网版印刷油墨/Screen Printing Inks ◆图片印刷油墨/Photo printing ink
◆高黏度浆料/High viscosity slurry
◆Motor is mounted on the succinct machine frame to ensure the transmission of energy through anti-static and dissipation
V-belt with low noise
◆Using bi-conical cylinder, spiral scattered disk, the material into the grinding chamber can achieve maximum grinding and
lead a single hit grinding and dispersion
◆High precision gap self-cleaning function, using φ0.3-2.0mm grinding media
◆Double mechanical seal can withstand higher operating pressures
◆Grinding chamber, cover with mechanical open, easy washable; grinding chamber gap blender made of high wear-resistant
materials, can reduce cross-contamination and easy replacement of the product
◆Stator and spacer ring double efficient cooling, the front cover cooling, rotor cooling (B type), and mechanical seal cooling.
标准配置/Standard Configuration
◆转子(B型)、定子、双循环冷却系统/Rotor (B type), a stator, double-loop cooling system
◆精密进口轴承/Imported precision bearings
◆耐压双机械密封、精密间隙分离器/Withstand double mechanical seals, precision gap separator
◆研磨介质、物料收集托盘/Grinding media, material collection tray
Feeding Pump (in response to customer needs, imported gear pump, pneumatic pump)
◆防爆装置、水压控制防呆装置/Explosive devices, water pressure control devices
Grinding chamber: Automatic fail-safe pressure device, automatic temperature control device foolproof
技术数据/Technical Data
型号/Model KFM-28LB/C
容量/Capacity (L) 28
主机功率/Motor Power(KW) 22
冷却水/Cooling Water(m3/h) 1500-3000
产品流速/Product Flow Rate(L/h) 400-1000
研磨介质/Grinding Media (Φmm) 0.3-2.0
净重/Weight(kg) 1200
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