认 证:工商信息已核实
smartcube® - smartCIS (Camera Image Scanner) is a special device for making scans of slabbed and unrolled cores. Scans are digital copies of the core surfaces providing the basis for our virtual core archive. Furthermore the device can be used to take pictures of cuttings, thin sections, samples or other surfaces.
Camera Image Scanner
smartCIS is easy to mount and to handle. smartcube uses state of the art technology, for example: digital linesacn cameras and innovative plug and drive motors in combination with smart software for assembling the device. Because of this there is no need for special camera or motor interface cards. A notebook or PC with an Ethernet-port and a RS232 or USB interface can be used. The software package smartSCAN contains a special interface to communicate with the smartDIS-database, but it is also possible to use the scanner stand alone.
Products and Services
smartcube® - smartDIS
(Drilling Information System)
standard edition with preconfigured data module
setup-CD for installation by yourself
customizing for the standard edition of smartDIS
training of your personnel on request
support by e-mail
smartcube® - smartCIS
(Camera Image Scanner)
standard device as described by technical overview,
including steering computer
special production (optional: core length, core
diameter, camera, slapped cores only)
- 推荐产品
- 供应产品
- 产品分类
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- 德国布鲁克(BRUKER)S1 TITAN便携式土壤重金属分析仪
- 布鲁克便携式化妆品分析仪/便携重金属检测
- 布鲁克土壤重金属分析仪/便携式光谱仪
- BRUKER德国布鲁克S1 TITAN便携式矿石分析仪
- 布鲁克手持式土壤分析仪/BRUKER手持土壤重金属检测仪
- 布鲁克手持式XRF矿石分析仪-手持光谱仪
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- 1500V光伏组串检测仪Solar Utility Pro
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- 高真空镀膜仪CCU-O10HV
- 布鲁克S1 TITAN手持式土壤荧光光谱仪
- 布鲁克便携式光谱仪/便携台式XRF检测仪
- 德国布鲁克手持式金属光谱仪/Bruker便携式光谱分析仪
- 涂层测厚仪SURFIX®X系列
- 德国布鲁克便携式矿石检测仪-手持式分析仪