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SuperGamut™ UV-SWIR
BaySpec’s SuperGamut™ series UV-SWIR spectrometers are designed to meet real-world challenges for best-in-class performance, long-term reliability, and compact size. Benefiting from experience manufacturing high-volume spectral monitoring devices for the telecommunications industry, BaySpec’s spectral devices utilize low-cost field proven components. For the first time in instrumentation history an affordable, accurate and ruggedized spectral device is a reality.
Key Features
Covers wavelength ranges from 190-2500 nm
Ruggedized and reliable with no moving parts
Factory calibration for long-life and low-maintenance
Operates over wide -10 to +60°C temperature range
Operates in high +85% relative humidity environments
Outstanding optical throughput is achieved with f/2 design
Real-time spectral data acquisition with fast milli-sec response time
High throughput, transmission holographic Volume Phase Grating (VPG®)
Full Detail
BaySpec’sSuperGamutTMseries UV-SWIR spectrometers are designed to meet real-world challenges for best-in-class performance, long-term reliability, and compact size. Benefiting from experience manufacturing high-volume spectral monitoring devices for the telecommunications industry, BaySpec’s spectral devices utilize low-cost field proven components. For the first time in instrumentation history an affordable, accurate and ruggedized spectral device is a reality.
TheSuperGamutTMUV-SWIR Series employs highly efficient Volume Phase Gratings (VPG®) as the spectral dispersion element, thereby providing high-speed parallel processing and continuous spectrum measurements. With multiple spectal engines included, TheSuperGamutTMUV-SWIR Series provide high resolution spectral data through a wide spectral range of 190 to 2500nm while maintaining an outstanding signal-to-noise ratio.
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