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Luma 40™ 磁搅拌电子控温样品支架 |
控温范围:-40 °C to +105 °C;温度准确性:±0.01 °C;变速磁搅拌; |
Luma 40™/Horiba4 used for Fluorolog-3 or FluoroMax-4
Product Information
Four optical ports
Rapid, precise control over a wide range of temperatures
Calibrated using a NIST-traceable thermometer
Variable speed magnetic stirring
Dry gas purge
Temperature Range -40 °C to +105 °C
Temperature Precision ±0.01 °C
Temperature Accuracy ±0.2 °C from 0 °C to +80°C
Temperature Reproducibility better than ±0.05 °C
Optical Port Dimensions 12 mm high x 10 mm wide
Probes Accepte Series 400 or Series 500
Standard Cuvette Size 12.5 mm x 12.5 mm O.D.
Cuvette Z Height 8.5 or 15 mm (specify on order
- 推荐产品
- 供应产品
- 产品分类
- 研究级全自动椭圆偏振光谱仪-UVISEL-2
- 在线椭偏仪In-situ series
- 等离子体分析飞行时间质谱仪PP-TOFMS
- AFM-拉曼联用Nano XploRA
- 时间分辨荧光(TCSPC)测试系统
- HORIBA经济型荧光寿命LRET系统
- DeltaRAM™毫秒级切换荧光显微光源
- H20-UVL真空紫外光谱仪
- HORIBA JY智能型拉曼光谱仪- LabRAM XploRA ONE
- HORIBA高分辨拉曼光谱仪HR Evolution
- 高性能ICP光谱仪
- Orient KOJI积分球荧光光谱仪
- 射频辉光放电光谱仪GD-Profiler 2
- 日立荧光光谱仪专用150w标准氙灯
- 三级拉曼光谱仪T64000
- Horiba JY FM-4荧光光谱仪专用150w氙灯