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产品概述/Product Introduction:
♦ PECVD主要应用于氧化硅(SiO₂) 和氮化硅(SiN4) 材料的薄膜生长,工作原理是在低压引入高频射频电源,采取电容耦合方式使工艺气体电离放电,形成等离子体状态,产生大量的活性基团,这些活性基团在衬底材料表面发生化学反应并沉积到衬底表面,生长出氧化硅(SiO₂) 或氮化硅(SiN4) 薄膜
PECVD is mainly used for thin film growth of silicon oxide (SiO₂) and silicon nitride (SiN4) materials, The working principle is to introduce a high-frequency RF power supply at low voltage, ionize and discharge the process gas by capacitive coupling, and form a plasma state, which produces a large number of active groups. These active groups react chemically on the surface of the substrate material and depos- it on the bottom surface of the village, and grow silicon oxide (SiO₂) or silicon nitride (SiN4) thin films.
产品特点/Product Characteristics:
♦ 成膜质量高
High film quality
♦ 体积小占地面积小,操作简便
Small volume, small floor area and simple operation
♦ 具有良好的工艺性能,使用范围广泛
Has good process performance and wide application range
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