认 证:工商信息已核实
? The ABS Advantage
?? Very sensitive to bubbles
?? Optically transparent liquid or
?containers are not required
?? Distinguishes bubbles from particles
?? Built on a PC Windows platform with a
?user-friendly graphical interface
?? Measurements are easily and rapidly
?? Validated by comparison with
?? Near real-time measurement
?? Cost effective
?? User-friendly system
Maritime – hydrodynamics, propulsor performance, cavitation, power plants, turbomachinery, pumps
Biomedical – blood transfusions, artificial heart valve, bubbles in tissue and blood, decompression sickness
Space – effects of microgravity on multiphase fluids, reduced pressure effects
Oceanography – atmosphere / ocean interface studies, air entrainment, oxygenation, sound transmission, background noise
Multiphase Flow – valves, pumps, propellers, fluid machinery, industrial & chemical processes, specialty fluids, measurement of aeration bubbles, boiling
Education / Research – fluid dynamic & cavitation studies, bubble nuclei in water tunnels
Environmental – categorizing fish by size, monitoring sewage treatment, mixing
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