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1. Characteristics
ZEP520A is high performance positive EB resists which show high resolution, high sensitivity and dry etch resistance.
They are suitable for various EB processes.
(1) Resolution
Shows high resolution and rectangle pattern profile.
(2) Resistance to dry etching
Shows high dry etch resistance and they are almost equivalent to that of positive photoresists generally used.
(3) Sensitivity
Shows high sensitivity.
2. Properties
7. Spin Curve
8.Dependence on Prebake Temperature
9.Dependence on Development Temperature
9.Dependence on Development Time
10. Examples of application
11. Dry Etching Resistance
12. Example of Process Conditions
13.Handling Precaution
(1) Flammable Liquid.
(2) Harmful by inhalation.
(3) Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
CAUTION: Open carefully. Use in well ventilated area. In case of contact with skin and eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water for 15 minutes and get medical attention. In case of fire use Alcohol form CO2 or dry chemical, never use water.
STORAGE: Keep capped and away from oxidants, sparks and open flame. Store at cool[32?F(0?C)~77?F(25?C)] and dark place. Use in clean room.
14. Appendix
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- 产品分类
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