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Nano-FTIR 光谱与标准FTIR光谱高度吻合
· 反射式 AFM-针尖照明 · 高性能近场光谱显微优化的探测模块 · **保护的无背景探测技术 · 基于优化的傅里叶变换光谱仪 · 采集速率: Up to 3 spectra /s | · 标准光谱分辨率: 6.4/cm · 可升级光谱分辨率:3.0/cm · 适合探测区间:可见,红外(0.5 – 20 μm) · 包括可更换分束器基座 · 适用于同步辐射红外光源 NEW!!! |
■ 纳米尺度污染物的化学鉴定
nano-FTIR 可以应用到对纳米尺度样品污染物的化学鉴定上。图3显示的Si表面覆盖PMMA薄膜的横截面AFM成像图,其中AFM相位图显示在Si片和PMMA薄膜的界面存在一个100nm尺寸的污染物,但是其化学成分无法从该图像中判断。而使用nano-FTIR在污染物中心获得的红外光谱清晰的揭示出了污染物的化学成分。通过对nano-FTIR获得的吸收谱线与标准FTIR数据库中谱线进行比对,可以确定污染物为PDMS颗粒。
图 2. 使用nano-FTIR对纳米尺度污染物的化学鉴定。AFM表面形貌图像 (左), 在Si片基体(暗色区域B)与PMMA薄膜(A)之间可以观察到一个小的污染物。机械相位图像中(中),对比度变化证明该污染物的是有别于基体和薄膜的其他物质。将点A和B的nano-FTIR 吸收光谱(右),与标准红外光谱数据库对比, 获得各部分物质的化学成分信息. 每条谱线的采集时间为7min, 光谱分辨率为13 cm-1.
Further Reading:"Nano-FTIR absorption spectroscopy of molecular fingerprints at 20 nm spatial resolution.,”,F. Huth, A. Govyadinov, S. Amarie, W. Nuansing, F. Keilmann, R. Hillenbrand,Nanoletters 12, p. 3973 (2012)
Nature Materials (2016) doi:10.1038/nnano.2016.185 Acoustic terahertz graphene plasmons revealed by photocurrent nanoscopy Nature Materials (2016) doi:10.1038/nmat4755 Thermoelectric detection and imaging of propagating graphene plasmons Nature Materials 15, 870-875 (2016) Reversible optical switching of highly confined phonon–polaritons with an ultrathin phase-change material Nature Photonics 10, 244-247 (2016) Ultrafast optical switching of infrared plasmon polaritons in high-mobility graphene Nature Photonics 10, 239-243 (2016) Real-space mapping of tailored sheet and edge plasmons in graphene nanoresonators Nature Communications 7, 10783 (2016) Near-field photocurrent nanoscopy on bare and encapsulated graphene Advanced Materials 28, 2931-2938 (2016) Far-Field Spectroscopy and Near-Field Optical Imaging of Coupled Plasmon–Phonon Polaritons in 2D van der Waals Heterostructures Nature Materials 14, 1217–1222 (2015) Plasmons in graphene moiré superlattices Nature Photonics 9, 674–678 (2015) Direct observation of ultraslow hyperbolic polariton propagation with negative phase velocity Nature Communications 6, 7507 (2015) Hyperbolic phonon-polaritons in boron nitride for near-field optical imaging and focusing Nature Nanotechnology 10, 682–686 (2015) Graphene on hexagonal boron nitride as a tunable hyperbolic metamaterial Nature Communications 6, No 6963 (2015) Subdiffractional focusing and guiding of polaritonic rays in a natural hyperbolic material Nature Materials 14, 421–425 (2014) Highly confined low-loss plasmons in graphene–boron nitride heterostructures Nature Photonics 8, 841–845 (2014) Ultrafast multi-terahertz nano-spectroscopy with sub-cycle temporal resolution Nature Communications 5, p.4101 (2014) Sub-micron phase coexistence in small-molecule organic thin films revealed by infrared nano-imaging Science 344, 1369 (2014) Controlling graphene plasmons with resonant metal antennas and spatial conductivity patterns Science 343, 1125 (2014) Tunable Phonon Polaritons in Atomically Thin van der Waals Crystals of Boron Nitride |
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CIC nanoGUNE San Sebastion, Spain | LBNL Berkeley, USA |
Fraunhofer Institut ILT Aachen, Germany | Max-Planck-Institut of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany |
University of Bristol, UK | RWTH Aachen, Germany |
California State University Long Beach, USA…… |
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